Page 69 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 69
French IS intense from JNt9" 1_ slons and A-Ts are" the key innova- speaking part of North Africa tive element to the program," as A-Ts are also salaried for their work I Ci~~aA~::rkS alone-with tus or her at the minimum wage. They are paid lor each hour of class drill, plus Ihe ten students, though Iney are subject two hours it lakes to prepare for eece 1 10 spot checks by an M-T. A-T's are one. responsible for reviewing and drilling For Ihe final stage of the students' all material presented by the ~-T. By daily instruction, there is the lan- constant repetition and drilling, me guage laboratory. For each chapter in student achieves spontaneity in re- the text book, there is a correspond- sponse. In fact, the whole attitude of ing cassette tape. The student is/ me drill sessions are based on required to listen to (he tape twice a spontaneity. Using a practiced week. During the tape, the student is I.,,~~;';:~" memoc of drill, the A-T will constantly ,;-_"'""'-V-""It encouraged to learn through repeat- move about. When the A-T demands ing answers to responses. Also, the a response Irom a question or an example, he or she snaps their students' listening to model speakers of French helps improve their own fingers or points at the student If the student does not answer "I-F works far L~.!!:J.~"':'::'.l..:..!.l::.1~(~!:J:....:..~~.mtli-Il!~:L..!~::::~:C::::~2::::.t£J quickly, the question js quickly aC~~~~~dingto Cipolla, ' better than our previous courses; our passed to the next student by a students oow speak French more -Greeks and to_wn clash finger snap or point. When me an- swer is given, the entire group must easily and more accurately than ever university and townspeople seem to place,;; asserts Eddie Ausband, uni- repeal the answer so that it will be before" ATHENS, GA.--A student fraternity think things that used to be accepta- versity Inter-I<'raternity Council presi- reinforced in their minds The only problem \oF has had and president at the University of Georgia ble aren't acceptable anymore. The dent. and also a member of Lambda Again, as A-T Ken Schaefer says, may continue to have is students' faces trial on charges his house 'U' used to have a hands-off policy Chi Alpha. "I've heard the same The "use, of English is a cardinal sin reluctance to take the course and the violated a 1QQ-year-old criminal stat- regaraing frats, but now they're stories from my parents. When you If a student accidently asks a ques- high attrition rate. cracking down on things." have parties every nignt for three tion in English, the A-T will usually According to Schaefer, "people get ute originally enacted to control "This kid never even went down to weeks, people get tired of just sitting respond witn, "Quoi?(what?)" scared off when. they see that learn- houses of prostitution watcn the strip show," says Earnest around drinking beer" The A-Ts are ctosen through a jury- ing French is intensive. So, they Lambda Chi Alpha president Clay De Pascale, an attorney representing "The thing now i~ that people in the would rather take three hours a week Land was arrested Sept. 23 by competition at the end of a three day Land. "He was sitting on the front community are becoming more aware workshop before school starts. The learning German or Spanish, instead plainclothes city -a police and charged porch when the police got mere. of what's going on in frat houses, and of the eight for French" with "keeping disorderly house" jury-competilion consists of a mock As of now, Spanish is the most The arrest was made following police They went right into the house, no more aware of the kind of legal action drill sessions wt1ere Ihe applicant is popular language at W.M.C. How- observation of a female strip show warrants, no knocking, nothing." they can take against tnings they graded on language fluency, ability to ever, the Cipolla says that reflects a held in the fraternity's basement in "I was in my room at the time," don't like," Ausbanc' says. catch errors. eye contact. and accu- nationallrend. conjunction witn RUSh Week. Land Land slightly amends. "They took me . "We've got a more sensitive citi- racy, They are also graded on their down to headquarters. interrogated zenry, quicker to complain than be- Last year, the attrition rate was a was also charged with violating a city overall demeanor: confidence, friend- me, took mug shots and the whole fore," agrees Bill Bracewell, loss of forty five students outot one noise ordinance liness and enthusiasm. hundred. Cipolla attributes this to In a similar raid the same, evening, bit. They treat you like a common University Judicia) Programs director, It is important enough for the A-T to students who were intimidated by the campus police arrested Alpha Tau criminal" who notes a series of recent com- be friendly enougn so that the stu- eight hour a week requirement and Omega president Alan Masarek and The century-old statute invoked plaints by townspeople over exces- dents will not feel intimidated during others who choose to learn another charged him with me same offenses against Land forbids the owner or sive noise at fraternity houses. "There the teaming process. However. the A- language as an objective piece of Charges against Masarek were sub- manager of a dwelling from "main- nave always 'been frat part1'es, but T must nave confidence in his or her taining a disorderly house to encour- sound systems are much louder I knowledge, rather than French as a sequently drooped. 'as was the noise -t own language fluency so that the skill cnarqe egainst Land. A local magis- age gaming, drinking and other today, and the type of entertainment students will want to follow their It should be noted that eight hour trate's court refused, however, to misbehavior," and was originaly en- has cHanged," he says. . example. requirement adds up to a main dismiss Land's disorderly neuse acted as a means of controlling 'wnat students may think is normal • Those who apply for the position cnerce, and bound the defendant prostitution, according to Student Ac- behavior, townspeople do not" are usually those who have com- feature of I-F: little' or no homework. over to state court for a pre-trial tivities Director Phil Weast. Both fra- "The fratemity system has been pleted the first two parts of I~F. Or, This is because homework is seen as hearing Nov. 4. ternities, he adds, have been placed getting'a little oul of control," laments tney may be those who are already unnecessary if thestudent is going to If convicted, Land laces up to a on social probation the remainder of Phil Weast. noting ·the many noise fluent through travel or study abroad %: year in jail and a fine of up to $1000. the semester complaints and also a problem of sp~~~ ~:~=lt :~:SCii~~II:S:d~~ A·T lisa Kullick is such an example "(Strip shows) nave been going on fraternity "casino parties," involving i "I-F may soon be joined by Intensive "Frat strip shows have been going of the latter. Her fluency of French on for ages here, whenever Rush takes illegal gambling. Spanish and Intensive German" for years." Land protests, "The comes from a year abroad in, French Doubts exist about receipts In>m _, their technicians, were allowed to money after it was collected from the 2. Have someone take a physrcal sible to see that it is handled with- people man the door, and not co- drink beer free of charge, Hartwyk cashbox. I have no idea how much count of the number who pay admis- due care. At will this time, further tte Social conduct inves- Committee night," sicn sponeortnqevents with campus orga- said that there were about 20 people money was "How taken can in that accuse said Yet, these measures have not been ligations before taking any action. any- Hartwyk. they nizations in me two bands one of mishandling the money when enacted "It is really bad for the whole "In our inquiry, we will ask the co- "All persons. tapping beer were sponsoring organization, the people instructed not to give away free they were the only persons who "If they are really concerned about college," said Sireet. "We don't like wt10 ran the event and handled the beer," said Hartwyk. witnessed the count of the money who handles the money, then just being any part of this kind of prob- money, for an explanation. I think that Hartwyk also doubts that all of tne wt1en the dance was over?" have two or tnree designated persons lem, but we can not let this pass tne ....Phi Delta Theta should look to beer was consumed at 1I1e dance. Hartwyk also said that a Social collect admissions and beer sales,' without taking appropriate action." said. ~ Chris Hartwyk for an explanation of According to Hartwy1(:, the last two Committee person was supposed to he Hartwyk also claims that he was not I Tonignt al6:30 p.m. in ....McDaniell ~ situation," said Street. "We are-not kegs of the beer were not tapped pick money from the cashbox once notified of Ihe Social Committee's Lounge: Forum on Greek Ufe on accusing any individual of improper until around midnight. every hour. However, Ward Street concern until the Thursday evening Camplls .. .its purposes, goals, and was tne only person who collected conduct, but we must find out wt1y "ThaI would mean the people at tne after tne dance. tt was at that time ftIIure at Western Maryland. All stu- any money from Ille cashbox. this situation Ilas arisen." dance drank two kegs in one hour. I that he heard a tnird person account den,t·faculty discussion tonight. Top- The Phi Delta Theta President, Chris doubl that nappened. Though I did "He only came tllree times all night. of the committee's inquiry. He said ics will include tne effectiveness of Hartwyk, nas doubts abOut tne accu- not see the kegs when tnay were Once at 10 p,m., once at 11:30 p.m" possibil- racy of the Social C')ITlmittee's esti- taken away, so I can not say for and at the end of tne dance to get fhat na after went he looking for out Wright and tne the no-nazing policy and the Council ity of forming Street about found an All-Greek mates of the dance attendance. He sure," said Hartwyk the cashbox," said Hartwyk. "I looked said thai the dance was not as well Hartwyk's most serious concern is for someone from tne committee all issue, which was not to be discussed attended as expected ,;I over the possibility that money was nignt, but I could not find them wt1en outside of SGA Executive Committee Sooth Carroll Secretari~ Service "I think tnat only about 250 to 300 mishandled or stolen. Yet, ne be- I wanted to talk with them" I gave Chambers. The Executive Committee Street to do this, so Inat people were at tne dance," said lieves that the Social Committee's them all the money in my pockets al decided would have time to investigate and Professi~ri.;i· Typing Wright Hartwyk. "1 do not think that the suspicions are unfairly founded on the end of the night. I had placed it in Social Committee has any conception estimates and supposition my pockets, because it is nol good tne situation. of wt1at 400 to 450 persons would "They nave nol one piece of con- policy' to keep nuge amounls of Hartwyk contends that the affair has IBM Selectric III look like in the Forum." crete evidence that tnere has been money in the casnbox" been mishandled by Ihe SGA offi- As for Phi Della Theta members any misdeed committed. The beer According to Hartwyk, . last year he cials. and that the Phi Delta Theta pick up & delivery available drinking free beer, Hartwyk said that money is lumped in witn the admis- proposed two measures for consider- fraternity has been falsely accused of tne co-sponsors ~have always been sion money, there is not a physical ation by the SGA that would have malfeasance without solid evidence. call Vicky Smelkinson allowed 10 drink beer without charge. count of the number of .people wt10 prevented any present suspicions The Social Committee stated that Also, Hartwyk pointed out Ihat memo attended Ihe dance, and they were 1. Keep the admission money and the Punk mixer co-sponsors handled 1- ....1 bers of botn bands at the dance, and the only persons wno counted the the beer sales money separale. the money, and that they are respon- •1_5_4.;.9-_1_04_3__
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