Page 68 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 68
-----Entertainment Tho Ph.... 1x November 12, 1981 _ Aid setbocks cit black colleges ~ MONTGOMERY, AL--So far, college' Consequently, this first quarter of Smith who, in the ensense of private lege and Langston University report Day and - praised tben-canoictate I isn't wttat . she expected. Federal her college career may be her last. '" help, may not have the money to re- "slight" declines this teu. while Tuske- Reagan for being "the only (presiden- student aid cutbacks have left her need a miracle," she says enroll next term gee Institute's student popultion fell tial contender) to talk about how the S266 per quarter short of her expen- But Dcrenda Adams, _fI.labama Such worries plague all campuses by seven percent. Department of Education's desegre- see at Alabama Slate University. To State's fi,nancial aid director, doesn't this fall, but no schools are harder hit ."We could be in much worse shape gation policy is weakening black save money, she lives n a $12.50 per see a miracle coming by the federal cuts than Alabama next year." observ~s Dr. Walter Sapp, colleges" ;: ca~~~~ga ~~tu~y :m~~,den~ R~:~~ :~idt~n~~'~n p~~~~~ ~~a~~y_"~~C:eCO~,~~e~h:~o~~~~~ Tuskegee's dean of student affairs. d:sh~r~~:;iO~r:~c~~i~~~~u~~ns:~~ 6Yef1 if she could, the 18-year-old contributors make up the defici!~ left . country Eighty percent of Howard's 'student slow fade to white" among black freshman worries that she's not up to by federal student aid cuts. She Black colleges, which draw stu. depend on aid to get through school colleges. the strain of working and going to estimates there are a~ 200 other dents from relatively poor sectors of At Delaware State, it's 70 percent. Reagan's current plan to campen- - school. Alabama State students hke Cynthia the economy, expect to start losing compared to 79 percent at Clark, 75 sate for federal aid cuts by surring sltldents rapidly. Some students, like' percent at Langston, and 90 percent private contributions to black colleges ACROSS \ (Dipper Smith, might drop out. Others are at Tuskegee and at Winston-Salem hasn't raised much hope 5 PreposlUon 1 Saute 6 Devoured transferring to larger, cheaper public State University. even at relatively-prosperous HOW. 4 Burden 7 Transaction CROSS colleges. Administrators worry that As a result, there is widespread ard University in Washington, D.C., aSp.tltle 81nsect there might not be enough students bittemess toward the Reagan aomln- where enrollments are "about the 11~1on 9Fllheggs left to keep the black campuses open istration on predominantly black cam- same" as last year, "next year will be ·12Poker stake 10 Ventilate WORD in any worthwhile form puses. An estimated 30,000 black another story," predicts Registrar 13 Luau rare 11 Singing voice Clark College in Atlanta, for exam- students rallied in 15 states in mid- Cecil A. Franklin. .... 1( French article 16 Three-toed pie, lost about 100 students this fall, October on Black Colleges Day. The 15 Insane lIoth PUZHE Dr. Haywooa L. Wilson or winston- 17 Simpler 18 Witnessed "most" of whom' Switched to state mood at many marches was angry Salem, while more upbeat than his 11 Man's nick· 20 Canine schools, according to Financial Aid The demonstrations were organized colleagues on other black campuses, name 22 Tolled Director Marian Wilkes by New York television personality sees the cutbacks as a threat to 21 Sick 25Tatter FROM. COLLE.GE Alabama State's enrollment is down Tony Brown, who last year organized black social mobility _ . .. 23 Young boy 27 Scottish cap by one percent. Delaware State Col- a WashinQton. D.C. Black Collp'"le~ "We're telling i;llack people that 24 Aroma 29 Goal PREm .... 2 of Mr. Walker:s "freedom that permits 60 Ordinance 36 Babylonian 37 Be til 48 Drunkard 61 ArId better, but different. These individuals his article to appear." Appear, yes, education people than it is to jail 50 Passageway dalty 39 Grain 52 Weird 63 Base made some very good suggestions them," he says. 36 Made neat 40 Physician: 53 Linger 67 Negalive pre- which Mr. Hojt refused to consider but only when it can be shot down in "Students cannot understand why 41 Pronoun colloq. 55 Rlverduek fi, bolder print in the same issue these reductions in aid to education (2 Gratuity 43 PrOC8Ulon 57 Greek letter 69 Pronoun He did ask them to work for the Alas, the dialectic does not exist in are being stressed so strongly," says ~;~::"~~"~~rn,"-...,.~ paper. Not surprisingly they didn't. Mr. Hart's world, a land where all Clark's Wilkes. "They are tomorrow's It is fascinating how Mr. Holt can leaders, yet they can't stay in school constructive criticism, becomes per- ..- "the WMC footb\1I team cannot take ~~n~~:e~o%heo~ ~ge~~"s~:x~~; anly and they can't get a job. What are we 47WoeWOfd defend free speech and state that sonal attack. And thus, The Phoenix, (9 Beverage like any state system, can 51 Hint supposed to do? We're out on the as much criticism as they can give .. Dooa, street. I don't see any way out" out," when he cannot take any at all 58 Plunge For now, she tells her students to "_led (although if you are reading this it is a word is "Our" apply for loans "and hope to get a I I2VeHowoctAtr - step in the right di!ection). He speaks. Kind of like a royal "we" job after graduate and pay back the l tW St..te; Abbr. monev.' I 85Voungst .. Poetry. 86 SMd coating II LeaYflout 70--. ~------------------~ 71 H.-p 72 Tiny TltE VOICE OF THE RAIN RUNNERS HIGHSI DOWN IU.alec! And who art thou? said 1 to the soft-falling ~er, 2 Scale note Clouds, crowds, and hording masses gather, 3 Sweet potato Which, strange to tell, gave me an answer, as here Thought masses, body masses, solid color translated; . mobile masses gather, I am the Poem of the Earth, said the voice of the rain, Masses running, riding, driving, flying, and fleeing, Etemall rise impalpable out of the land and bottomless at the crack of the gun! see. Hordes and armies, armies and hordes, running, Upward to heaven, whence, vaguely formed, altogether embodied, enveloped, pursued, and in pursuit, changed, and yet the same. In pursuit of , of what?!, I descend to lave the drouths, atomies, dust-layers Finishing 5 miles? definitely, of the globe, A mystical liberation? certainly, And all lila! in them without me were seeds only, latent. But most probably? Interna' Collec:tlveneu, (We all seek it don't we?) (or do we?) unbom; And forever, by day and night, I give back life to my Ridge, rift. and mountain, bridge, road and rabbit own origin, and make pure and beautify it; trail, (For song, issuing from its, after fulfillment, Can one really separate lIle obstacles, challenges or principles of terrains mental from those wandering,Reck'd or unreck'd, duly willl love returns.) physical? Hills are hills, and victory is victory, (And togelller they make the same music). Every man's a runner, And every runner has his hjlls and highs, Runners Highslll Walt Whitman D. Wilson II ~~ , presented with pride: Quotable ~'1~...f (r; '11') ~~r Quote The Riffs Ihal w" won", '" Ihe "NOIh,"o -=1 _fir'- . ~ob.21from 9-1 past departs; no truth or goodness ~~ re~lized by man ev.erdies...bul is all , "Co<. •. 001.,._ __ ..... __ ._ {J ~ • fl· ;; Sponsored b, 0AM, AfT, SGA stili here, and ...llves and works _ 01' ... e-"".o..,..,...,. !h,c'gh "dl,,, ch"ge," Thomas Carlyle
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