Page 67 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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page 5 November 12, 1981 Christmas mart readies ROTC ups anti for weekend openmq C~SHINGTON. D.C--The Reserve ~~:;i";;~~~"b~d"~~;"~w~~~db:" Ihry F.b" it allows one to view all the exhibits at Why not have a Christmas bazaar Officer Training Corps (ROTC) lieves the increased college money Looking for a place to do some the mart, but it also entitles the buyer using outside talent? A church in and other armed services branches, • offered by the military was in part I early Christmas shopping? Perhaps to a chance on a hand-knitted afgan Middleburg, Virginia, where a friend which began their campus renee- taken from the college aid money cut you are just looking for a place to which is raffled off during the three of Mrs.-Speicher attended, had Slone sance by appealing to student from the U.S. Department of Educa- enjoy yourself and get off of campus. day exhibition this type of thing with great success dreams of adventure and mountain tion budget Well, stop your search. You don't Although many churches have Why wouldn't this type of bazaar climbing, are changing their acverne, Military aid programs are in fact need to go any further than your own Christmas bazaars, there is some- succeed in Westminster? Of course, ing to reflect a major new fact of some of the few college aid programs backyard. The Mistletoe Mart, spon- thing unusual about this one. Ascen- the answer is that it has ~rked. The college life: a shortage of tuition aid that were expanded this year. Con- sored by the Ascension Episcopal sion Episcopal Church is rather small Mistletoe Mart now has quite a repu- money gress is allowing the Army, Navy and Church of Westminster, is an event of and they decided met they just could tation and Iast year attracted a crowd ROTC and National Guard units Air Force ROTC programs to give out interest to just about everyone not compete with all of the other Of.approximately 5000 people. Don't now invite students to enlist in return 26.000 scholarships tIlis year, up The Mistletoe Mart, now enjoying its church bazaars. Mrs. G.H. Speicher, miss out on some pre-holiday excite- for scholarships or low-interest tuition from 19,000 last year. eighlh year of success, is a gathering chairman of the Mistletoe Mart for the ment. Join the gala crowds this loans that will be forgiven if students Congress has also mandated lrn- of specialty shops, artists, and cratts- past eight years, discovered a solu- weekend, November 12·14 al the remain in the armed forces a certain pressive increases for the National men all brought together under one fion. Mistletoe Mart. period of time. The military will start Guard. The new aid packages are :fho:~:~9y~~r ~~eer~~~II:~:S~:~i~~~ Choristers perform ~as':~~;~d~~tb=~t:~ cca:~:~~~ =~:ed to become available this and craftsmen from all over Maryland, ttas month Under the Army National Guartrs ~~;gS~~~~~;: ~~~ini~~I~: c;~~~ annual concert in=~or~:n~a:~a~a~~:~ a~~~e~~~ ~~:~~1~2~I:~=a:e~~~t ~~~~ ~h~~~~e:~,a~iI~~~nt~~i~t= ~~~ciSherrl UnkOff :~~:~:d =;al~r. 1~~;~n~illH~9~~~ :=st~~ ;~~:'=si~~~d;~n;aad~~ :; f~~~V~~a~~'er~i~;::~s ~~~':a;~ flower jewelry, pottery, soft toys, dolls The Western Maryland College meier professor of music which will appear in over 400 college factory" service in the Guard Of any "and a variety of other gifts. Each Choristers will present their annual fall "Psalm 137." by Loeffer, will begin papers. of tile reserves. craftsman has been selectively etc- concert on Sunday, November 15, at the second half of the program and The military began stressing mone- Even after one year of service, sen; there will not-be any duplicate 3 p.m. in Baker Memorial Chapel will be followed by four songs from tary student inducements in August, students can start paying off the loan displays. "Missa Brevis in D." a piece de- Vaughn Williams' "Folk Songs of the at the same time President Reagan at the rate of 15 percent of the The location of Mistletoe Mart is in signed for treble voices and the Four Seasons," as the finale. The signed into law a series of cuts in balance or $500 per year, whichever the Ascension Episcopal Cnurch at organ, will open the program. Singing songs, taken from the section entitled federal student aid programs. sum is higher. 23 Court Street. It will be open the sec parts are Gail Laumann, "Winter," will include texts appropri- Dana Robertson of American Uni- Both National Direct Student Loans Thursday, November 12 through Sat- JoAnn Luckenbaugh and Nina ate for the Christmas Season. versity's financial aid office doesn't and Guaranteed Student Loans qual- urday, November 14. The tours of Blecher, accompanied by Julie The Western Maryland College think the majority of students will bite ify repayment under the new military the mart will be 1-9 p.m. on tnurs- Myers, guest performer on the oman Choristers will be conducted by Eve- "loan repayments average any- plans day; 10 am. ·9 p.m. on Friday; 10 Following this selection, "Psalm Iyn Hering assistant professor of where from $3 to $100 per month, Any student who qualifies for repay- a.m .. 5 p.m. on Saturday 110," by Galluppi, a work presented music. The Nov. 15 concert is free and, if you take into consideration ment cSin also get into the aocce- The Mistletoe Mart is a fund raising for the first time in this area, will be and open to the public what you pay on normal monthly bills, tional Assistance Program, whicn can the church. The funds which are Ph 1 t t U f M this is not a great amount," Robertson loan the student up to $100 per year. project sponsored by the women of says To drive the point home, the "Army rai&:ed each year help with parish - one p 0 a . 0 . "There's not enough incentive for National Guard is going all out to projects mat are not Included in the . students to enlist," she concludes. insure that every college student is church budget. One such project trom pep 4 The problems at Maryland have so Yet Lt. Col. Garnett E. Crask of the aware" of the aid benefits, says Lt done through Mistletoe Mart funds rep~ed to be Burt Reynolds' phone far forced the firing student University of Tennessee ROTC notes laVrne E. Weber, chief of the Na- was the restoring of the stained ass credlly. card .number. govemment cabinet official and the that "most" of the students joining at ucner Guard Bureau windows in tile church. "._ The department at. Iowa disciplining of seven fOffl"lE!rofficers.... his campus "want to take advantage The new emphasis on money mat· The mart raises funds in several State University was f~rce to dlscon· Siegel says ~ eight have agreed of the financial benefits of the pro- ters aims to help push campus ~ different ways.. To begin with, the neet two of its WATs I~nesin Septem· to repay tile urwer,sity for the unau· gram" enlistment rates over what already "I'd rather see these incentives (to I artists and craftsmen whO come to ber because of conSlstant abuse of thorized calls enlist) than a mand~tOry draft," says has been a significant rebirth rate participate in the affair pay a rental the lines. since 1974. : ~~:h~:V~~c~~ :~U~~t Irs all greek to me- Ka~_=:,~:::t~~:~~_" -_'''''''-_. __ --1 ~::t~esa!!~t~~:t;~::~:Phi Alph Hoedown T HOUSE OF LIQUORS contribute by donating food 10 sen at I 848·1314 ~::~;tEt~~~~~; ~a~~~~"~=::;':;I=~~hh:t ;"'~:~~;!CarrollPl=. WeJbnim'er Kitchen. Adding to the kitty is the You are invited to attend the fall, 'NtIo will be MR. We? Delta I· Special of the Week ~~~7~d:~~i:O~~:rlo~d~~~ld:~. 1981 nightclub experience, The Pur- ~~ma~dP~~~:e~ ~sh:n: : Not only is this fee reasonable, since ir~BU~,: ~~~~~Y'i:o~e;:ru2~: November 20, in the Forum. For a 1 Stroh's 6 pak 12 oz. cans e nght filled with laughs and surprises, Authors d but _(Sponsored by PIli Alpha Mu, Alpha come wit""" the compet'I",,-yoo, " $2.49 ex",'res Gamma Too. ,"d the SGA) :Sp%~ ~~~ i~,:e!~bo:!~ :~~tl believe tile line-up of ~tes- ~_p~t ~~ _ _ _ 11_!1~!!._. Robyn Qufcf< Students are not often aware of the private achievements of their profes· sors. However, two Westem Maryland Westminster· tpawn Outlet facutty members have recenlly en- tered the public spotlight because of II their accomplishments Dr. Ira lepp, SELLING NEW AND USED STEREOs' professor of religious studies and Or. Leroy Panek, professor of English MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY have become authors. Dr. Zepp's book, entitled Sacred Spaces of Westmi~ster, covers m~y of the historic points of interest In 71West Main Street Phon",876·30B6 Westminster. Dr. Panek's book is Westminster, Md. - II ~ 6DAILY CarroU Plau Shoppinll Center critical study of the detective novel ~=======:==:.'=========~ It is a tilted Wattesus' Sheppsrds. from 1914 to 1940. Dr. Panek was awarded a distinguished literary I Bring this ad in an receive: honor, the Edgar Anan Poe Award, for his book. Auto Discount Center, Inc. $1.00 off Large Pizza In order to give the public a chance to meet these authors, the Carroll County Arts Counqil is sponsoring an Priced Below Wholesale 50(: off Small or Medium Pizza· open reception in tile professors' honor. Jhere will be copies of both For WMC Students! boOks at the reception, and Dr Panek and Dr. Zepp will be available to· sign copies. The reception is this Stanley Dill Rt. 225 OlU Ahead for Takeout Orders expires Sunday, November 15, from 3-5 p.m Indian Head, Md_ 11/18/81 at the CarrOllCounty Arts Center, 129 848.4199 876·3550 E. Main St., in Westminster
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