Page 66 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 66
page 4 , , Tho Ph... 1x November 12, 1981 He ~sees what we don't Frats unite IFC to form elM,. Greco much research material as he needs is speaking to. Everyone knows Mar- Perhaps the most welt known and He then has to get someone to tape it shall, but,he does not know everyone Mike Kline well liked person on Western Mary- all, and from that he developes an Often someone will come up to him With its constitution in the process channel of community amongst the land's campus is Marshall Weimen outline. Then he has to build it up into and start taHc;ing,without saying who of being written, the Inter-Fraternity fraternities and external organizations, He's easy to pick out because he a paper and pay someone to type it they are,' He feels bad asking who it . Council (/FC) seems to be a certainty does not go anywhere without his for him. This process takes about four is, so he continues the conversation Finally, after a four year absence, it as opposed to the four-channel sys- cane. No, Marshall is not the local times as long as Il'Ie average student with an unidentified voice. appears as though a new IFC will be tem now employed, Moreover, the IFC will be attempting to govern and jock recovering from a football injury. Marshall says that his major prob- If mere was one thing, (other than put into action. With renewed interest coordinate national and local fraterni- !1e is blind. What make's him so lem is trying to get other people -10 his blindness), that he could change, and a replenishment of vigor the IFC ties, which are all run by different special is that he functions in a understand him. "They treat me like Marshall would pick other peoples is an apparent sure thing. guidelines $eeing world, and manages to do I'm not a whole, complete person." attitudes, "They treat me like a leper The advantages of the IFC are The disadvantages are few, and as better. than many people who can He added with intense feelinq;" I've I'm human, and blindness is not many. The chief one of these would described by the IFC President Dave see. lost my sight. not my mind, and I wish contagious. If I can accept my handi- be to police the fraternities, With the Sutor. "The lack of interest is the only Marshall has not always -been blind they would remember that" cap, why can't they" fraternities being checked by a cen- disadvantage." He also adds that He attended three semesters at Another problem is knowing who he tral authority, conformity to the IFC there should not be any major prob- W.M.C. before he-lost his Sight. The laws - and regulations will be im- lems or disadvantages aner the IFC tecb-car name lor Marshall's prob- pressed upon them. The installment is formed, which should be before lem is Proliferative Retinopathy, This of an IFe will also cut down on inter- spring rush. is caused by diabetes which he has Phone scandal socks SGA fraternity hassles, In addition, the If the presidents from all four fra- had since birth. He lost sight in his work load of supervising the fraterni- ternities and the IFC can overlook left eye in his sophomore year here. _ ties will be taken off the 'Dean their differences to achieve a com- Three months after that he received groups have already revealed a lotal The major goal of the IFC is to be mon goal, one which is good for both a series of laser treatments (when a CPS phone budget overrun of more than the coordinating body of fratemal the college and community. the IFC laser is shot directly into the eye) COLLEGE PARK, MD--Eight current $7500 during the last school year, policy. The IFC will act "as a single should be a success The treatments were pronounced a and former University of Maryland according to a report from assistant officers have student government success. and Marshall went to Florida been disciplined and as many as 23 campus affairs director Doug Bostick Of that toter. the student qovern. Griswold explains MTF to celebrate. However. his right eye other student groups are under inves- began to hemorrhage and he was left menl office was responsible for more permanently blind tigation in what could become the than $2100, and the campus radio to WMC parents He receives a full scholarship from most widespread long distance-tele- station lor nearly $2500. the state. including tuition, board, and phone abuse scandal on any Single But it could be bigger than that, for campus. money to pay his readers. His major Itle university uses the MCI long is Psychology, and will graduate this Administrators are now auditing the distance system. Under the system, ~ ~=Id explained that the ~:~~:Z~,a~~~is~~:~: s~h~:nt~iv:~~~ May, and hopes to go to graduate phone lines of all Maryland students anyone who knows the proper code Marketing Task Force will deal with "a representation is a point Ihat Mrs. school in an effort to see just how auditing and has a push-button phone to use Marketing approach to education" Jane Anderson found praise-worthy. Marshall is graded the same way the university has paid out for unau- it with can tap into the system He said his group will "find what the Dr. Griswold found this representation as everyone else, but' he has to do thorized long distance phone calls. "Now every snoeot account at the needs are" of the students who may necessary because the "marketing twice as much WOrk,In order .tc do a The scandal "could get a lot bigger," university is being audited in order. to be attending this institution,' Them, concept pervades every area of cam- term paper he has to first go to the says student government President find out who's been abusing the lines Marc 'Siegel library and get about ten times as ttlis may ultimately involved," Siegel ~:~;~i~~~~~:~~~£~~::::3:;::~~:~"~::~G~::~~~'~':;~ There's no telling how many people Phone records for 23 student Carriage House Liquors say, Siegel says the main difference m~~~ ~~i::~r~~i~~~S~!P~~Fn:ds~~~ :~~~~~ira~~~n~e~~:i~~hi'~a~S10angwi:: 113 W. Main Street between the Maryland case and other goals of each of the foUr sub- 'iberat arts continues to be empha- committees in Ihe Marketing Task is one of will. Phone abuse "certainly sized." I "at the forks" isn't a remarkable or unusual occur- Force. He said that Market Segmen- Dr. Earl Griswold, cc-cnemnen of I ence. II's done at campuses all over tation "studies the main market area" the Marketing Task Force at Western l Special the country. People participate in rip- Griswold continued that this sub- Maryland CoUege, explained the I offs in the supposition that there's no committee will "study to what extent goals of this group to a parental with this ad way they can get caught. Maryland's we should implement special pro- audience on Perent's Day one of the few cases where someone' grams to suit the needs of Itle non- After the parents were welcomed Goebel 6 pak cans $1 .66 decided to try to catch them." traditional student." He also said that by Stuart Suts, president of the Junior Indeed, earlier this year it was he wants to increase the Jewish class and organizer of Parent's Day, learned that hundreds of Washington, population at Western Maryland. the audience heard short welcomes Present Student ....I.D. expires 11118/81 p.c-eree students were making un- GriSWOldsaid thai the Recruitmenl from Dr. John, Dean Mowbray, and authorized long distance calls on WATs lines used by various concres. :~k R~::~onw~~b~~~m;~~:Si:~ ~r~Laney, president of Parent's LOCUST BOOKS speople. Office. He said that a major change by teUing why me group was formed Dr..Griswold began his presentation mat the Curriculum Innovation sub- More recently, students around the country placed, unauthorized long committee is now planning is the poss He said, "We are faced with coping 9 East Main Street distance calls using wttat was falsely ible implementation of a computer sci- wiltl the slope." He assured the Westminster, Maryland 21157 continued to page-5 erce. parents tnat although Westem Mary- The Training and Education sub- land College has not yet experienced ~ 3011848·6813 committee "wants 10upgrade skills all decreasing enrollment, administrators .Imported box cards for X-mas and ", r---~:~-';g~;~;:~;-'''-t across campus," according to Gris- must always look towards the future. :s~~~~ :Id~~ S~~tth~ a~~:!O~~~~:a~~ 19&2 calendars and date books now availnble I /8 p.m.-J, p.m. I alumni. Their responses wit! help the ~~~a~~:~tsisa~~:rt~n~~ Michael Weiss, Weiss, mother of Open 7 days a week I : committ .. s make '''';';00, about j""~,at VlMe, was pleased that "me I I FREE! I changes on the WMC campus college is .eware and abreast of problems." Mr. Jack Anderson, father Every group on the campus is represented on the Marketing Task New Day Copy ~Center I I Hamburger : Force, Members of the force include of Jacki Ander.son,junior of AMC, felt the same way : with purchase of ! Donations for students 60% W. Main 51. Westminster 876·7732 I Qua~erpOUndel'! given to faculty With Cheese I NEW YORK, NY--Despile cuts in I Come in to see our new (with this coap~n) ~ federal stude~t aid programs, most aid to students CFAE resear~h chief Anne Decker Me J r "RAINBOW" I m. ;:~~I~ ~~~~i~~e~~:;~~ rf:rec~~:r~~id:;!~ I l'OU De5e,.lIe At ~~:~~~o~~~::~edn~ati~~~I~n gifts and study supplies! r- Brea. roda;, ~::rlar~~~I!~~~O~c~~I~i~~S\~de~ts~:~ :~~e~~~e~:~:v~o:~~~~~~nC~~~~! I f. t survey by the council for Financial enterprise Faculty salaries have gone up only Aid to Education (CFAE), $1.00 off I • • lege .presldents contacted by the Consumer Price Index has risen 40 while the 25 percent since SI)(ty-flve.percent of the 1000 col- 1976, rainbow umbrella/tote bag 1 'Westmin.ster Eldersburg ~a~~n~:~:a;~~hae:;:~~~r::PIY corpa- b::ck:~1 ~~;~n~ut'he same. periOd, I La-sh vat~:I~t7{gm''t . Jusf five years ago, the major.ity,of Decker _a?ds fhat private busi- with this ad! expires 11/30/81 L ·exel!n.. Nov. ~O o~Wnf college preSidents said in a Similar nesses cont~buted about $700 million -.-------- ---1 ~ - - --- - ~:~E c~~:~~:e t~~~;:~t t~e~~~~~~ ~~rc:~~e~t~~iS;i~:9~~~, ~~=il:ab~~year
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71