Page 65 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 65
page 3 November 12, 1981 WYOB 98.6 Are you p-repared? a way to do mat. then here is a Parents see truth Megan Dev," suggestion Andl Yob and other such debris in an attempt football game, You sit with them It always .seems to be the case that On Thursday (that's today) and An incessant.noise breaks the bliss- to head your parents off at the pass. striking up a conversation, but as the Freshman, Sophomore and Junior topics for discussion dance erccoo year slip by us, and suddenly we're ~:~~t(~;~~~~~C:~is~ehra:~;~~ __~~Is:~~~p:~~ ~:m~ir~~:~~~:O~ It's best that they not see this 'IOU, your GPA and extracurricular activi- decide and lock the door behind Seniors and 'it's time to stop and look you.....their bom again son. ties 'IOU suddenly are overcome with back. We think about all the things ~n~O::e~~~e~~r~~~ ~:~s~:Zd ~: :~ m:~i~:~~~~:s C:k y:~~~~ Smiling widely as yoo greet them in a coughing attack that curtails lurther we wished we had accomplished, but the parking lot, you tell your mother dialogue never did. Well, even if you are not a ~~~~;~~~I~r~i~~~~St~: ~~~~f ~~t~~ie:~ill ;:ginc~~~th~S\I:~~~t~ she is looking marvelous and your At the day's end you return with senior, you must have. at some point, father chokes on the line about your your parents to the lobby of your glanced back and wondered why you ~~~Jli: I~~mo~:~p~~ t~V~~:~~~ :~ digital numbers that with a strob-like being \"Most honored at their obvious dorm insisting that you must study let certain opportunities pass by. initiates discussion on the subject 01 ~ec~au~~ :i~~ !ir~~~n~7~~~~ display of love and concern by taking You meet .your lather's testing eyes Here are a few though that have God and Christ. His purpose is to that you have either lorgotten some- the time to come and share in the , recently been knocking on the door !~~~I~~~~~ as 'IOU explain 'lour recent fetish for cultural and social aspects of this Chaucer and how you cannot wait to of my consciousness ~:~iO~~~ r:~rh b~:. ~~:d fO~~ ~::-::;~~:g leaming institution" tear into the "Canterbury Tales" and "So Megan, (by the way permit me You give them a tour of the campus to introduce myself. I· am Megan mat is very informal. He'll be there to alarm on a Saturday? The reality and you point out where your classes 'IOU notice a look of wonder sweep over his face. challenge you and lie is there to be rushes back to you. It has come. It is Davies, a senior history major at challenged. He believes thai Chris- Parents' Day are held, and the library which you After the appropriate "good-byes" WMC and an active member of one confuse with Winslow Center (having you are lett standing in the parXing lot of the Christian Fellowships on cam- ~~~~n~~~ut~th~~~ ~~I~ni~n~al~ th:U~:i:r s~:::m~:ni~s t:~~n~ never been in either), As you move looking after the disappearing car pus, also a representative to the dow, 'IOU acquaint yoursell with your on, your parents find your familiarity with a box of home made cookies, "A Christian Ufe ccuocm. so Megan how wants 10 present that to 'IOU numbed body and the desert-like Hey! You're not giving up belore come you never ran for an SGA office getting started are you? Look at it this environment of your mouth. You roll ;~:s~h~u~i~~d~::~ri~~ :~i~;~~~~~;~elrO;:~d~~!h~y~h:~sa:rdf~; like you said you wanted to? And way lor a moment. none 01 us have out of bed and try your feet on the tutor a few females in certain sub- night study break ~ __ __ ~ fu_oo what about trying out for the theatre all the answers conceming this sub- floor, make your way to the dresser, productions, huh? Then there's that ject. Therefore, we must have some prop yourself up and face yourself in Ending the tour at Englar for lunch good a beer would taste about now little matter of neglecting to nominate questions. So, get a group together the mirror for inspection: Your eyes you smile at the metamorphosis of As you head for your dorm you yourself for homecoming queen? the cafeteria as it is dressed in its overhear a passing group of people (sshh, how embarrassing!). Finally, ~~t~ ~:.e O:9t~:s~m~c:e d~~:~~i~: ~:r r~i~ ~~n~a;ou~ ::~~I~~s~:::~ Parents' Day finest. Mrs. MacDonald A young man sharply dressed in a whatever happened 10 'lour determi- is personally greeting everyone with a suit is speaking with two middle ages nation to break free of your inhibi- :~~t~:'re~:v:r~o ~oU~a~n~o~lh~~~ ~;!ini:~~ c~~t~::t ~~:~~~I,~d a~~:' smiling face as you enter, and for the tions, to make reality out 01 your people-parent types..."Dad. it's ut- dearest dreams. to "boldly go..." (gee lives. Everyone needs the opportunity Your mind reets for a moment to the first time since the year began you terly refreshing to be in a mind last day you saw your parents.. almost drool over the spread that has nurturing environment .. You smile, to hear what other people believe that's corny!) The challenge is there, wi\l you . You with your crew cut, freshly been put ou; and as the group passes, you nod in The answer is that I was afraid of Following lunch you take your par- failing, When the opportunities came accept it? I hope so because "Noth- scrubbed face, smart-rooking Izod ents to the traditional Parents' Day the direction of 'lour roommate ing ventured, is nothing gained" and Khakis as you drove off for to step out of myself. or have my ~~~~::a= :~~~~~:e~~~Octth~~ _ assumptions. challenged, the risk in - putting aside security and opening ...,_,.:_..,- -, myself up to change was often too The Art Department at Western rampant behavior. This just will not Sale 16.99 great ,. I Maryland College will present·two do. Mom and Dad just will not go lor 'Nhat is the point of this article?" films "The Isfahan of Shah Abbas" this one, so you~rab a handy towel Reg. 19.19 Court Master 10- you ask. Wel\ I wil\ let you know now and "The Traditional World of Islam and head for the bathroom with repair cui canvas basketball shoe for that I am working up to a challenge The Pattern of Beauty" on wednes- supplies. Rushing through the re- men. Rubber compound sale directed at both the students and day, November 18, at 8 p.m. in deeming ritual of shaving, shampoo- ing, soaping and rinsing in record faculty of Western Maryland College Memorial Hall 106. ~ I But before I get to it I'd like to say a :'Tne Isfahan of Shah Abbas" shows time, you race the clock as you find there is but fifteen minutes to spare i few more things. I believe that the the 17lh century capital city of Per- before their arriva\. Arts College should p!"O\lide sia, rebuilt by Shah Abbas, and liberal an atmosphere where students feel several examples 01 calligraphy, met- Trying to look casual as you tie your comfortable asking questions, but alwork, and weaving shoos in your everyday attire of also where they are constantly being "The Traditional World 01 Islam: The suitcoat and tie, you checK your hair challenged to consider who they are Pattern of Beauty" is an inlroduclion in the spit shine of your shoes and as people and what assumptions they to the Islamic visual arts. The lilm smooth it back into place for that are basing their lives on. I know from includes architecture, painting and wholesome effect. personal experience that it is too . calligraphy. The Iilms are open to the easy to let issues float around me public and are free of charge. For and never work out within myself further information, contact Julie Bad- them. Having been for so long an a::~=~,-:--"""-:-;;;,,':=::_::: what stand I should be taking on e)eperl in the art of observation. but ;;, Sale 15.99 , not the art of participation. In all honesty, I am not sure whether 1 an now equipped with th"ir-\ools neces- sary to make ~n impact in this world So, what I am driving at here is that, though it might be little late in my college life to make a complete change, I want to at least try to discourage others from making a similar mistake to mine, I want to challenge all of you to take a look: at who you are and find out what it is you believe in. And il your looking for *****-1::** Western Maryland College will give high school seniors a chance to tour s-,oo the campus and leam about the college during the Fall Visitation Day with student I.D. on November 14, 1981 The program, Which begins with a Men's or Women's 9:15. a,m. ;registration, will include ShoiliPOO, Cut & Blow:
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