Page 64 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 64
The Phoenix lea~s The Dialectic Wat§rtowe_r Ideas all, wet -What IS just? Corey Mann After considerable thought about a this was not to be the case The Water Tower is more of a reservoir for I suppose it is topic lor this week's "Water Tower William Kreiter dietary, we may suppose that each leaks," my mind still only drew residual pressure than the cause of And when someone attacks society, the pressure. Lei me explain. Occa- Inthls column I will attempt to use or one of its members, justice must rule becomes relative at certain blanks, with the exception 01 one sionally. when .a population exists the Dialectic method, to the best of be taken to protect society? times small idea. I thought: what if the my abilities to bring out my views on Yes, I agree. That would seem logical water loWer did in fact leak? / awoke above the water table, water must be contemporary issues. The Dialectic Even when that attack is in the form Woold you say that the. first rule the next morning pondering the same actively pumped to a level above the city so gravity will cause the pressure method wasdevelopedby Socrates as of murder? should be used to stop a person from question, so I decided to find out a method of question and answer to Of course killing another? what exactly it would mean to that we need to lake a shower gain knowledge. I will be the second You stated before that the proper Yes, definitely omnipotent,blue monolithleak The water supply from Cranberry speaker in the dialogue, while the first But once a life has be~n takenand I called Preston Yingling, but he and Lucabaugh Creeks out on Route speaker is no one in particular he defense for may a be person him against a the first rule broken, It would no was out to lunch, so I dialed up the 27, is treated and pumped to West- minster. The Tower merely acts to murderer to kill may be considered anyone who ves. I did. longer be relevent? " Westminster City Water Department. agrees with the first view presented I suppose SO.? After talking to a few people, I hung lake excess pressure ott the system After reading about the killing of And society is made up of people? Would not the second rule then up the phone. To say the least, I was Another interesting point is that the Naturally. Keith Bee, I hope they give the become rei event? disappointed. I expected to hear of Tower was built in 1969. No Tower murderer a long prison term. Killing Therefore, is it not justifiable for Yes it would. some big, ark rendering flood that, was even needed before then like that is evil and should be dealt society to kill a murderer for its own Then it would follow that it would be would cause a run on the bottled uitne light of all this, I submit to Ihe defense? ,with wifh a strong prison sentence justifiable to enforce the second rule water at the A&P and completely college community that if the Water That would seem to follow. I Tower did leak, it would be No Big Excuse me. but did you say that all and take a life for a life, therefore it is wash away Harry's Lunch Room. But Thing. killing is evif? And Capital punishment is SOCiety again justifiaQle to envoka Capital No. There are some cases where :~~~s ath:~~~;~erj~~~f:~sb~~ defense P~~i::,~o~,emthatagaioYO" have Conservatively speaking killing is justifiable I A- cri ticism. It would seem that you are correct Like Capital punishment? and your agrument is conVincing, but used a conyincing argument and No! Capital punishment is wrong find that I am now in agreement with , and not justifiable I still say Capital punishment is you that Capital punishment is justifia- Mr. Holt had promised me not to do wrong, because it says in the Bible, Would you then give me an exam- ple of justifiable killing? 'Thall shalt not kill.' bl~ood!ThankYO" tor ";'",'iog if K~: ~;,::~~ oot ,o"'~afi,e., ::::;~~~~~'~hO~09~:g,fi:'~;~~~~~ Yes I agree. but does it not also Sell-defense is justifiable. 'say 'an eye for an eye. and a tooth with me. much as it is philosophical. Concepts consulted, or the entire article was to You are saying that killing someone for a tooth' as ethics, when they are doing harm to you or Yea it does such traditionally integrity and honor be topical lifted. news. After and all, this column work is not associated not been it is my have about to harm you is justifiable? Letter of Yes. that is what I mean And we may interpret this to mean with politics. So, philosophy it is of ..... However, Mr. Holt, champion on Is it I"IOt justifiable for SOCiety, as a also a life for a life? I am speaking the concept liberty, "is not honor bound to anyone Yes I would agree with rttat to the the dialectic, the process through who takes cheap shots at this paper." group of people. to defend itse!!? Since the Bible cannot be which a thesis form and a synthesis. New are I merely concerning a CPS sentence Mr. re- one an antithesis made mark to combined articles. De conceptof 11 limited, Editor ideas is rejected old, or and one or the It that Holt they claims are wonderful. most people people think I that confront compromised. other The winnnble nuclear uror xoes Dear William Editor, Kreller, in concluding his is generally agreed, of even that among this the is speak start to do considers feel them way. Even that not reactionary most necessary us, his this condusiuelE disprt'lv~ll November "We 5, must Letter continue to the to Editor very Hence good the - that importance is prOQIess freedom evils. My column, when it contains such of show states: wbelJ... ' our .power peace in our lives." and This work is of speech, through This which the snnrne- comments, according down the morale I have of brings around the world the slaft, sis to Mr. Holt. I applaud is why is formed. towards absurd. How many more Vietnams Robert Holt's editorial, "Our Freedom spoken to several staff members and of Speech Must Not be Violated." I they do not agree must we suffer through before .people do I"IOt care if Mr. Holt's football It seems to me that an atmosphere realize that force and power will never result in peace? How many analysis was poor, in many ways I in which other views are not taken think it was, but on the other hand, I into consideration becomes far more more people will die senselessly in respect his right to say-it. I believe in the U.S. effort to assert worldwide demoralizing. Mr. Holt's Managing what Mr. Holt states in that editorial, dominance? Editor and I argued with him at length unfortunately, he does not I could never applaud Reagan's sale Two days before Mr. Holt's eloquent that it was blatantly unprofessional to of AWACS to the Saudies. It is one defense of our constitutional rights respond to Mr. Walker's Letter to the Editor, more step in Reagan's militarization appeared (one day after he wrote it), editorial in ran the same issue. But the efforts. Is the sale of AWACS really a I proofread my printed column for last freshmen, victory as KreUer claims? Not if you week. A sentence had been re- Two whose high school can see funher than immediate na- moved. The reason was not that the paper was one of the best in the tionalistic desires. The sale is yet article was too long, or that improper country, tried to make some sugges- another obstacle to Wot1dwide peace tions to Mr. Holt. He agreed with all grammar was used, no, I had done their criticisms, but told them that The something far worse. I had criticized Phoenix did things differently. Not ~n~e~~~ the paper. continued to page 6 The Phoenix Editor Managing Editor ... ... Robert Holt News Editor .. .LesMartin Sports Editor .. .. Liz Siegenthaler Photo Editor .. " ... Rob McQuay Layout . . Andy Chang ~ Cathy BOIVes Cindy Wilcox, Diane Perry Paste-up ... ... Darryl Grant, Jeff Frazer Marc! Sartoph, JUdy Mitnick, Dan Trollinger, Lisa Kratz, Cnele Greco Proofreading... . Chris Soto, Melanie Clippinger Business Manager. Jonathan DiCkey Ad Managpr ... .. Jeanine Railey Ad Artis!... ..... Cindy Wilcox Typist .. Alice Krempasky Michele Everett Published by and lor the students of Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this pUblication do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration . ~ We welcome comments andlor suggestions. Please address all mail to The Phoenix, Box I, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md 211.~7
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