Page 25 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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Carney takes a better .offer Mary Fabie still not giving much thought to the County Community College in Largo, Alumni Hall. Ms. Carney says her job tor at University of Maryland, Balli· Our loss is someone else's gain. job. "When she was called tor an MllJytand, Ms. Carney will be working is endless more County Campus for four years. This adage certainly rings true as interview, tcwever. the job was be- closely with another very experienced She is director of the Decker Stu- Considering that the number 01 Yvette Carney, director of the College coming more of a reality. Recently, program director who has' authored dent Center as well as director of residential students was about t200 Activities Program Board, leaves Ms. Carney received word that she several books on the subject 01 College ActiVities. Leaving WMC after at U,M.B,C., Ms. Carney has been has a Western MarYland College on Octo- had been selected for the job at programs and programming only fifteen months, Ms. Carney The cor- 'NOrking with approximately the same ber 9 to begin her new job as Prince Georges' County Community At Prince Georges' County Comrnu- sense of accomplishment. size student body here at WMC director of the College Activities Of- College and so came her decision to nity College, Ms. Carney will also be lege Activities office is more efficient There is no comparison, however, fice at Prince George's County C0m- leave involved with a new data-based pro- than when she took it over. She's Ms, Carney feels that the students at munity College on October 12. Ms. Carney has mixed feelings gramming system. This system been able to implement new ideas Western Maryland are the nicest she Ms. Camey's move is very unex- about her departure. The move is should prove very helpful in ceterrrsn- , and also impact and change policies has worseo with, although at times pected and leaves the CAP Board at definitely happening too soon. Ms ing the interests of the 21,CXXl stu- and procedures concerning various they are a little too complacent. She Western Maryland without an over- Carney has only been employed by dents at the college. This college functions will particularly miss the students. seer until a new director can be Westem Maryland since July 1980 astronomical enrollment makes Prince Ms. Camey has a B.A. in Historyf When asked. to make a closing hired. Ms. Carney was approaChed Her first year as director of CAP Georges' County Community College Education, but after teaching for only statement to those at WMC. Ms. by Prince Georges' County Commu- Board was mainly spent carrying out one 01 the targest community cor- a short while, she decided she hated Carney extended her thanks to the nity College in August offering her the . the program of the previous director. leges in the United States it. She furthered her education at entire student body for all the pleas- position of director of the College This year would have been Ms Among the many services per- Teacher's College, Columbia Univer- ant and difficult moments shared over Activities Office. A positive response Carney's first year to coordinate her formed by Ms. Camey and her small sity and received her Masler's De- the past year. She apologized to from Ms. Carney was not forthcom-- own program at WMC force in the CAP Board office are the gree in Student Personnel organizations who were fined for not ing. She has been very happy at Counteracting these feelings of dis- pub performances, ski trips, bus Administration in Higher Education cleaning up after various functions. WMC. appointment is Ms. Carney's excne- trips, pumpkin carving contest, May Before coming to Western Maryland, The money was for more cleaning ment about the new experience Fair and the various lectures, con- Ms. Carney was Assistant Director of supplies and equipment. ahead of her. At. Prince Georges' certs and ~ shows held in Presidential Ufe and Program Direc- The Phoenix Thursday, October 8, 1981 Western Maryland College Volume I, Number 4 Committee gears up Jeff Trice sometimes even a combination of for October 31, with The Toys playing The activities you go to and the events are put on. Some upcoming at the Halloween Punk Mixer. The things you do on the weekend are movies for this year incude A Clock· Toys playa variety of New Wave, largely determined by the SGA's work Orange, The Kids are Alright, Punk and Beatles tunes. Also scree- Social Committee. The group this Walership Down, Ordinary People uled again next semester is the year is co-chaired by Adam Wright and The Muppet Movie, plus apprcxi- popular band. Off the wall. who and Ward Street and they have mately fifteen more movies scheduled played here last weekend. started the new seneca year with a throughout the year. The committee's Presently there is no fall concert fair share of things to do on WMC's allotment of over eighteen thousand being planned because of scheduling weekends. The usual activities says dollars is supplemented by the in- conflicts with any potential bands and Wright are mixers and movies, but he come generated by the movies and the use of A!umni Hall. The Social the reirElshments served. Over six Committee says that they hope to says the Social Committee is always looking for something different to do, thousand dollars is spent on provid- have a Spring Concert, although no in order to avoid being stuck in a rut ing movie entertainment for the col- date or band has been named as 01 as he termed it. Variety is what the lege community. Y" Homecoming preparations have al- So the next time you're enjoying a Social Committee likes with events such as human chess games or ready been made with two bands mixer know or a movie on the weekend, underwater backgammon always playing in the cafeteria and the you that to thank you have it the Social New stadium - see page 6 Committee for looking attractive and possible. Forum. One band, Hide and Seek, Wright says that the committee has plays Top 40, and the other band, something planned on virtually every Lucifer, plays "danceable" rock. undergrad becomes author weekend of the school year and Another popular event is planned Default rate is up fidy kuo The Deaf: An oVerview." capped person." "Even though deaf citizens are The paper consists of an interview The paper states tbat the deaf CPS demic year. GSL applications at taxpayers and entitled to, all the with the executive·director 01 The community'S idea ability to state to communicate is difficult this legislators WASHINGTON, D.C. - The rush to Notre Dame were running "about 10 services that the state provides for National Association for the Deaf, quite an accomplishment. It is mrnca- apply for Guaranteed Student Loans percent over last year," according to other citizens, deaf people are often Albert Pimentel. According to Ms tive 01 the deaf community's political (GSLs) before October t, when con- cerrcue aid director Joseph Russo. not able to gain access to the Mezzanote, he was only reactied power troversial new regulations for qualify· The rush got so bad that the North agencies and services for a variety 01 atter a "million phone calls." How- Ms. Mezzanote has three altema- Carolina College Foundation, 'Nt1ich reasons." The preceding was an ever, she added that Pimentel and ing for GSLs go into effect, produced tives upon graduation: art school, law administers GSLs in that stale, ran excerpt from a paper published in the his employees were "very helpfuL" a record number of students seeking school. or psychology graduate aid, and even drained some ectoor out of GSL money the first week of nationally read periodical Deef Ameri· Part of the paper deals with the studies. However, Ms. Mezzanote treasuries of aid funds before classes September. About 7000 students can (1981 Vol. 33. #11ppl1.13). The "mainstreaming that the philosophy," of the This deaf is stated that the research for the article needs idea the began. were !eft without loans, though the authol' of the paper is none other than. community can be met by matn- really made her aware 01 the lack of Finimcial aid advisers around the agency subsequently arranged loans a WMC senior art and psychology streaming their problems into a single information of oeetness. country tried to reach students during tor them else'Nt1ere. major Patrice Mezzanote. According agency·V.A. (Vocational Hehabilita- "There were hardly any articles, the summer to apply for GSLs early The University ot Texas placed a to Dr. Vernon, her Psychology of tion) agency). Usually, the help V.R and if there were, they were written to beat the new rules, The rules "moratorium" on processing GSL ap- Deafness course instructor, this is, "a agencies can provide for the deaf are by Dr Vernon (a WMC instructor)," include a new "needs test," in which plications between Sept. 15 and remarkable accomplishment for an quite limited, because they must also she said families earning more than S30,CXXl October 1 because of the overload of undergraduate student" service otter handicapped commun- She stated. as welt-that the reo per year have to demonstrate how applications. The reason, of course, To help the deaf community ties. So. State Commissions for the search gave her great insight into the much they need the loan to put their is that students who got GSLs before achieve the full benefits of state Deaf try to augment this limited aid .. problems of deafness. Therefore. she' the October 1 deadline did not have agencies and services, State Com- children through school. is also considering a position in the To evade the new rules, the Univer- to demonstfate. need missions for The Deaf were formed "Deaf people," says Ms. Mezzan- future where she will well be able to The U.S. Dept. of Education's new The purposes and functions of these ate, "have special needs that are sity of Idaho processed more GSL voice the needs of America's deaf rules allow students from ramnes that commissions are the subject of her different from say that of a mentally applications by August 25th than it community. did during the entire 1980--81 aca- Continued on page 8 paper entitled "State Commissions for retarded child or a physically handl-
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