Page 23 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 23
Thursday, October 1, 1981 page 7 SGA EI ...~lion ResuJI8 Reprel!-entali"es Aiternatea Whiteford Gretchen Zeliuski Elizabeth Gates Anne Guenther LisalllcKenney c.,rmaineTroxell Belh Pi.kora CharWiru Gail Luck JOOy Morris~n Teci Pascual Katrina Da"is Anita Lydie MeDaniel Lisa Pelton Hden Poller Terry Costello Lynn,lIIansfield Lea Ruggiero Suzie Manning, Beth Gray Katie Altman Su,.anne Desmarais Blanche CyndyBnult Stacy Proctor, Cail Saddler MsryBarker Erin O-Connell Kathy Stoner AdelWortman Laurie Chance Janice Keigler Daniel McLea Bob Heckman Corey Mann Mike Jamborsky Jerry Balentine KurlHubach ANW Doug Thornton Dennis Lutinec Rob Collison Chris Hartwyck Ron Kyle Jay DeM05 Noel Arf-iaga Glenn Arnold Mall Ponton Sieve Maciejczyk Dan Gilmore Cindy Wilcox Forlines Nont Mathias Dianne Cavey Chandler Ed Johnson .. leffFrazer any political opponents 127 cent of the black population In the meantime, he said, the Sue Frost Robin Taylor In the press conference HQOks NAACP will continue their lobbying 163 attributed the general conceptions to efforts, opening new chapters of their Steve Crowley the, "misuse of media power," where organization, such as the one tnat 185 he charges that the issues are not had opened recently in Carroll Vernon Roberts Jan Kucharski presented fairly. Hooks' experience County in light of recent Klan activi- 189 with the media goes back to the time ties here, and lecturing around the Kathy Orlandal Kathy Gold6borough that he was commissioner of the FCC country atcut their goals 191 after becoming Tennessee's first "Stubborn determination is our main Vicky Turner Rohi" Purdy black judge of criminal law, . weapon...we are long distance win- 193 When Hooks was asked about the ners," said Hooks. Becky Blair significance of the Republican presi- In concluding his lecture, Hooks 195 dential victory, he replied that it was expressed concern over, "a wave of J"liePalloui Lee Ann Ware the result of, "over confidence," on passivity on campuses nation wide," Apt. Bldjj;s. ~ -. __ .·_.·... l.._;;:1 the part of the Decmocrats, and a meaning a lack of student activisim I loss of unity in NAACP'scoalition with He stated that the actlvlsim, so Dave Pearcy Paul Cale various minority groups and women's apparent during the Vietnam War days, has dwindled down considera- Leslie Martin JlilIJaekllOn ~i.:l;;a;:"1 ~:,P~'e T:~~:~~i~~~ b~e~:ui~:rena~~ bly over the last ten years, and now, registration among all their "most students are only concerned ~!:;;~;;:==~~p~.m~D~.=mO~"~==~Dw~;~h'~E~;'~h'~""~"~"~::;having tun." constitutents, as well as out-publicize with ACROSS 5 Lutecium from page 8 from page 1 1Pronoun symbol 4 Assumed 6 Federal agcy. lions" of dollars available to students New Jersey directory publisher, plans John Asquick removed trom his body, name 7 Pilaster CROSS from private sources, though not all to bring out a book listing most of the readying to take on the personality 01 9 Highmoun- 8 Smart as bizarre as the Pennsylvania stu- scholarship sources in October Flickenger: tain _9 Everyone WORD dent's. "If a given student is a very "If you could give us one piece of 12 Moham- 10 Robert E. - meeen Consequently, the field has grown motivated type, he or she can proba- advice from whal you've learned from 13Scorched name 11Cushion PUULE 16Time periods more crowded. Two competitors have bly do the same research at a library, your life what woule it be?" 14 Meadow 18 Italiancoin started in the last year -- Student and come up with the same informa- A moment 01 reflection passed, the 15 Rescues 20 Cicatrices College Aid of Houston, and National tion for free," concedes Michael Asquick (Flickenger) answered, 17Quieted 22 Conductor's Scholarship Research Service of San Alves of National Scholarship Re- "Never lake anything for granted...fife 19Wargod stick FROM COLLEGE I, Ca. Peterson's is too short.. 21 Southern 23 Make PRESS SERVICE amends blackbird Mapes addressed the audience at 22 Poise 24 Growing out the evening's end cautioning against 25 Embrace 01 L_ ..... ......I the "dead zone" or the practice of 29 Near 26 Man'Sname "playing it safe" "U you forget how to 30 Meager 27 Israelidesert 44 lounges 52 Man'!lnick- name about play or you forget the child in you, 32 A continent 28 Fright 46 AboundS 53 River: Sp 33 Smallchild 31 Despots you are losing touch with yourself" 35 Wipeout 34 Haul 48 Transaction 55 Speck He added, "We're nothing more than 37 Girl's name 36 Missions 50 Chinese ts oecree all of our experiences. Your limitations 38 Siberian river 39 Blrd's home pagoda 59lcehOt,key and your fears," as he had clearly 40 Begin 41 Story 51 Grain beard pOS. ' 'Y1.m5 utting shown throughout the evening, "are 42 Three-toed • 1 11 no one's choice but your own." sloth 43 Stair post 45Unpredicta- 01. 47 Turl " ... 49 Vendition so Gossip 54 Wants 57 Aeverence 58 Scottish landowner 60 Extinct bird 61 Conjunction 62 Retards 63 Pigpen DOWN ~~::~9h h~~~~Ju+-+-!p~~.rt-+·~ note 3 Competitor 4 Lack
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