Page 28 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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page 4 Video games big pastime Chris Byers to this if people are willing to make They have captured the imagination such sacrifices. Most players shrug nave been forsaking their wives and for variations of space (and money) of thousands, caused off the financial and time burdens, families It seems Ihat Japanese men invad- are ers. Japanese housewives to sue for di- explaining that the games are a going to these gaming parlours as vorce, arc their world championships "good time" American men go to bars; conse- are in October. "They" are video According to Ben Price, one of the quently, there have been some di- games -- those blinking, shrieking, better players aroUnd. there is also a vorces exploding devices which are part certain amount of "prestige, knowing The world championships for the pinball machine and part pocket that your score is up there" for all to Alari line of video games has been calculator. see (the best scores are kept posted SCheduled for later this month at Here on the Hill, video games in the machine, at least until it is various approved video game halls. attract a wide variety of players. From unplugged). Players are mute as to Among the top competitors will be the lowliest freshman to the dean of other pcsscie motives, and tend 10 student affairs, they all try to rack up look at an interviewer posing alterna- Jay Howell, the world record holder the highest scores possible by blow- tives with a blank stare for Asteroids. At the Jiffy Food store California, ing up asteroids, annihilating space Psychologists are not so silent on old in Monterey, racked up eighteen-year_ astounding an Howell invaders, and generally destroying as the matter. A leading psychologist score of 23,932.800, a feat which much as possible without being de- who pleaded for anonymity (explain- took up 54 hours and 7 minutes stroyed. ing, "of course, I don't really believe Quite a lot of play for a quarter. There are some serious applica- thiS") suggested that video games tions for the video- game format. For create a sort of aggressive fantasy in a Screen play sweeps colleges example, they are being used to help The players feel more powerful brain damaged individuals scan and kind .ot futuristic adventure into track objects across the . screen. But space the most avid players know Irttre or This aggressive side of the game is machines and supply ItIem with all world we weren't bom in, and they're care little lor such advances. expressed by James Krause (who, by (CPS) - The days of ping-panging, the necessary equipment," says stu- preparing themselves for mat wond " The top players on campus, his own admission, "generally posts clitter-clattering are gone. These days dent union Director Mark Panatier. "They're looked at as games," he the though, can be hardfy considered the highest scores" on Super Cobra) arcades of America's COllege The result is that now UCLA owns warns. "and they're much more than hard-core video automatons. Avid and his enjoyment of the Cheeky unk>ns are more IIkery to resound with 26 video games. Panatier expects that" participants admit to spending fifty Mouse video game. ,synthesized blasts, bleeps and zaps arcade profits to hit $313,000, up Arcade games aren't the only form cents to a doHar a day, and about of video games. from $108,000 in 1979-77. of campus entertainment to be revo- Cheeky Mouse is a game in which "Five years ago I'd say that 99 thirty minutes to an hour. None-the- a little man with a hammer tries to "The game room has become so lutionized by' video. Already, colleges games all were less, added up over the long run, the squash little mice attempting to steal percent says of Roger our Conway, director pin- of popular that we've had to limit it to are beginning to replace live concerts ball," time and money used becomes quite cheese. After chemistry exams, student activities at the University of students, faculty and guests," Pana- and performances with videotaped significant. tier exults. "We had kids coming in productions. Fleetwood Mac, Paul Krause explains that he gets his Rhode Island. "Now, at least 70 to 80 Assuming the average avid player aggressions out by imaginging that percent of everything is video off the streets." Simon, Randy Newman and the Pre- spends a hall an hour and seventy- he is the little man "squashing little games" Explaining why video games -_ tenders are just a few of the groups five cents a day, the total for the first Herlcckers." The new which are actually computer pro- now available on video for public just semester alone is $63.00 for 43 Another theory is based upon the eight years games with - launched now grams with names like Asteroids. display. Atari's ago hours. II he takes a Jan term and his fact that most of the participants in Space Invaders, Targ and PacMan __ "Video is turning out to be the grades are sufficient to allow him to video games are male. This leads to primitive Pong - are not only pushing are so popular is more complex than easiest way to reach the largest take a second semester, the total a sexual theory in which destroying traditional union pinball machines, calculating their profits. In a case amount of people on college cam- monetary outlay for the year is enemy spaceships is an orgasmic foosball games and pooI1abies out currently before the U.S. Supreme puses. simply because it can be $157.50 lor over '00 tours 01 play experience. The male has "made the door, they're bringing new cus- Court, the Amusement and Music repeated," says Toby Silberberg, na- into I Obviously there must be something another conquest" Notice also the tomers profits the arcades and swelling Operators ASSOCiation argues the tional coordinator for Film, Inc., which union name Of the most popular video games are popular because they distributes film and videotaped pro- Auto Repair. game -- "Spa, Invaders," -- invasion who "it's amazing the number of people provide "physical and mental exer- ductions. "Music is now the most- stop in play the "they're cise." Same Day as a word with sexual undertones games," remarks and Robert Todd, video fun." But Panatier says sociologists just fear plain the asked-for form of video." stu- some ~ On Campus Serviee been On a more serious note, with there video- dent union director 1978 at the University games foster anti-social attitudes in 500 He colleges using there video are now enter- I 400- estimates have for some problems profit was "Our creating Ihan ADdy Chang 848·2472 game play in Japan. There have of less Illinois. $90,000," he net recalls. "For younger children, perhaps better with a tainment purposes. He estimates the thaI generation deals bee~ reports that Japanese 1980 our net was $210,000, and in computers than with other people cost of staging a campus appear. ence "thou- 1981 it will be around $250,000" Other _ observers see Ihe games as for Robin Williams at Westminster 'Pawn OutLet "frequency attributes play," the which increase to to just more sophisticated pinball ma- sands of dollars." By contrast, a Todd of performance Williams videotaped of seems . be greater on video games than on chines are an escapist activity, an in concert rents for just $250 to $300 "Games catching SELLING NEW AND USED STEREOS, "the traditional mechanical games. opportunity 10 relax and unwind after Video More "is campuses getting are bigger every on just Unions aren't hesitating to cash in a hard day of classes," contends day," Silberberg says. "It's happen- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY on renting the bought Rather own like than most leasing equip- or David Stroud game of manufacturing firm. a ing The everywhere" reason it's not spreading trend. Cinematronics, the games colleges, Califomia III debates over when performances can only its UCLA arcade much copyright and sophisticated, vague more." into 71 West Main Street ment 'We train students to service the "The the college games players seem are to really more get faster is when the applied to law video. wIlich Legal is Westminster, Md. late 8 p.m.~l1 p,rn.- thor Anthropologist Dr. Edward sees Hall, some- au- be played taped, and wilen they can can be charge dis- Special! Night Beyond Culture, of if promoters stalled FREE! thing "What subsconscious of these in it all " are admission campus to view video them projects, have despite games lot a many LOCUST BOOKS providing now is an orientation to the the efforts of record companies like H-amburger ~~~~~~P~:~tic~~~s~~ s~~e~t~hin~: Capitol, which is currently trying to rent of the Tubes 9 East Main Street with purcliase colleges a 55-minute of tape a more expensive, to in lieu Westminster, Maryland 21157 of Quarter ~~II~:;e! ~!Oli~gy!~, t~~tf~~: national tour. 301/848-6813 young pe
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