Page 27 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 27
October_ 8, ~981 page 3 Brengle new head Beth Piskora Western Maryland College Choir wilt be people Irom town, professors has taken on a new image. The new and students on campus, and a It's JCPenney Days. choral director, Mrs. Peggy Brengle, professional evangelist. Brengle to a wide variety l feces to create "give a learning experience of thinks this activity will help establish a music the as well as an opportunity to let loose bond between students college view and things the WMC town. somecee's leisure time." She also differently. They find the disruptions wants to increase the size of the choir 01 people coming late and leaving evident from the now 52-member early extremely irritating. Barb Hays chorus formally 26 members. Mrs says she is "not impressed" with the Brengle replaces Brent Hylton who is lack of effort on the part of some no longer at WMC Brengle has other aspirations for Student reactions differ concerning to re-establish this year. She plans the change. Barbara Hays says, "It's the College Singers. She has been hard to compare." She continued that asked to have members of the choir Men's Plain "the organization has changed," and sing at the Sports Halt 01 Fame it's quite a "different perspective." Banquet, October 31; and at the Kathy Gobbal gave more positive annual Christmas Banquet Pockets' comments. Gobbel says, "II"S more Brengle would like to take the fun. I like her and I like having more group on tour during spring break. Sale. people." However Gobbel did admit She said she would like to take that "quality is not as good." Several aproximately 45 students to tour the members feel very differently, one Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey member stated ffatly, "I don't like area as that is where most of the her" students are from Brangle has mixed feelings about Brengle received her Bachelor of the group as well. She tries not to Music Education degree from Mary- worry about student reactions, say- Reg. $15. Plain Pccketse ville College in Tenessee. She re- ing, "I was hired to do a job." She cords. The same great lit. ceived her Master's degree from the says of the choir, "we are not on a University of Tennessee. Besides labric and styling as the big plateau; we are on an uprise." She bestseller. The big difference conducting the choir at WMC, she them tstne hopes the new choir will continually between usand also currently teaches music at South pocket and the price. These progress. Carro~1 High School are the pockets to pick! Long- The WMC choir will be perfOflTling Beth Piskora wearing cotton Dacrcne Bach's Christmas Oratoro on Novem- polyester in favorite colors ber 22. Singing along with the choir Choice of leg silhouettes. Men's sizes Bell gives signs Prep boys' Reg. $13 Sale 10.99 Plam-Pocketse cords, of more trouble CPS federal budget by 1984. WAsHINGTON, D.C. - At a meet- last year, Congress authorized fed- ing with educators, U.S. Secretary 01 eral education spending of $15.7 Education Terrel Bell predicted the billion. The Reagan administration Reagan administration would soon earner asked for cuts that would bring ask Congress to shave another $1.5 the budget down to $13.1 billion. The bnuon off the federal education eoomcnet cuts Bell announced would budget lor this year, and to approve further cut the budget to $11.53 a plan that would leave lederal billion. Bell added that even more funding two years from ncm at a bare drastic cuts would be requested 40 percent of the current budget soon. He said he aims to cut another In various species around the coun- $9 billion Irom the programs by 1984 try, Bell has warned of further cuts for JI he succeeds, the 1984 federal the October 1, 1981 to September education budget would amount to 30, 1982 fiscal year as part of the less than 40 percent of the lotal1981 a~ministration's ef!o_1!. ~~ balance the ~dget of $14.9 billion .~m JCPenney 848-3220 'We're Close To You" PRECISION UNISEX HAIRCUTTING 163 W. Main S1reet- One Block from the College STORE PHONE CATALOG PHONE MON.-SAT. 9:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. QJer. lues. & Wed. lG-5· Trv..n. & FtI. 10-7; ScI. 9-3 848-7766 '848-5100 'WESTMINSTER Wolk·lns ore welcomedl
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