Page 21 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 21
page 5 Computer fallacies unreeled English language back in 1632, never Here it is. Could be they are off the Ifused to be that a college degree thought a college degree got anyone hook. They have your money, you was a sure way to get a good job. a good job have your skill. Where is the twelve But not anymore. Today. employers Ah, but you say it used to be that grand? want people with skill; skill you can way. well, we're right back home Plus factor. That sounds like one of get at Computer Training Center. again. But concede to the fact that those new meaningless secret corn- "Our graduates start at salaries college has become more technical puter words like software or P-3 above $t2,000 per year. CLC could I'm sure that even though fluid me- systems analyst. And to think what it be the plus factor in your life. Call chanics and Plane's constant are could do for your doomed life now, for this free booklet that tells quite practical, they don't make the Call now. We may be out of you how. Call now the numbers on unemployment line any more exciting business tomorrow for giving out free the screen. Operators are standing Who gets a job in the field of their booklets. Besides, you're not getting by" degree anyway? something lor nothing. Booklets are Do you remember the computer But not anymore. Hey, why are we always free, writ", to Pueblo, Colo- come on of the early seventies? Have all here looking happy knowing we rado. Write for a booklet that will tell you ever thought about it? Let's are not going to get a good job. The you how this booklet will straighten examine it, shall we? The first clause propaganda should read "it's not out your life states It used to be that a college enough. You need advanced qradu- I hope you could see the number degree was a sure way to get a good ate work and three years in the on the screen and did not have to be job. What is it? I would suppose, life Peace Corps. Now we got the truth." told by this clod who earlier in the or you or the present situation and Today! What about tomorrow? ern- commercial threw away his mortar- used to be means that something ployers! Skill! This is a very difficult board. And operators are standing was but now is not. Of course, It term to come to grips with, you think by. It's two in the morning. I'm sure Sure w~y? Face it, there is no such about it. Do you get skill from they have people up all night answer- beast, it ranks up there with Bigfoot College? Maybe, but for sure (there it ing phones. Maybe they are P·3 in TIME and Kevin Troupe. is again) you get it from Computer systems analysts Learning Center, and in return they Good job. John Milton said in his pamphlet Of Education, "These (col- want your first born son and the keys lege) students went on to become to your Porsche, assuming you have time. His easy flowing lyrics are his one. The Impala won't make it. Sorry manipulation of words entrall the either ignorant clergymen, greedy Our graduates. How personal. the listener, leaving him susceptible to lawyers, crooked politicians or indo- good old CLC try. $12,000. Man, lent noblemen." John Milton. the most the hard-packed emotion within the brillant poet in the history of the that's just over the poverty line rowa- songs. Lynne's lyrics maintain one question throughout the album: WIla! lies ahead in the luture7"'Songs like "Yours Truly, 2095," "Ticket to the Moon," "21st century man," and even the ajbulrn's name, Time, suggest Theprice this question. The lyrics on TIme are very concise and reveal a story within themselves. Each song conveys one of Lynne's ideas about the future; each trying to light the way through of style the darkness and mystery that lies ahead Time, the latest .in a long line of from one of the most important hasjusf cODl.e classics, could well stand with ELO's stone A stepping greats. to the future recording groups today. Time must aouru: nol only be heard but experienced. Very Reasonable Auto Repairs Save "20 or more on SILADIUM® College Rings •••nowonly "79.95. Same Day On Campus Service College Ring table will give you the chance to see the full Andy Cbang 848·2472 collection of rings for the full. \\l{'~tll1inster (:old and Siiv('r Exchange DON7 SELL FOR LESS JEWELRY • WATCHES • DIAMONDS ['!l.ving:in Cash' - {~h(,l"kand Compare Carroll County's Largest Oold & Silver Dealer 69 West Main Street WestnUDster, Md. 9 _ 60AI~.'" LOCUST BOOKS 9 East Main Street Westminster, Maryland 21157 301/848-6813 Monday & Tuesday Oct. 5 & 6 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 1982 Calendars and datebooks now available Location: Bookstore Open 7 days a week Depo<rrqulred. )la,;terCl".rgeor'~SIl8CCq>ted.
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