Page 30 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 30
page 6 Qqober 8, 1981. BAIR The first home game of the season was full of many emotional mo- ments: (clockwise) Bair addresses stu- dents, Rain injured, the new stadium unveiled, The RIG PLAY errors need to beef up defense and backfield y- McQuay ttl . t ? had the chore of containing Gettys- beaten only twice during the whole in the second half 01the game. He'll '7' we ale now ree g~ In a ~y doesn't .someone catch .the ball bI..Irg's nose guard and co-captain game. Now il he only had some be operated on sometime this week the oo~all season ~ ~t J two Old you nonce how many nmes the Harry Cooper Although both Cooper steady help on each side of him. the Also injured in Satur~ay's attempt ~:XCi~::. ~~ially last Sa~ ~~~;=ku~:w. thi~?ground after the ~d ~ale look eye to e'(9 st~nding at running game lor the backs might get was Ken G~lvin, oeteosive end., Kent day's performance against arch-rival One gelleral que~tion I have 101" 511' each, Cooper weights I~ al ~24 easier se~arated .hls shoulder an? won I see Gettysbl..lrgCollege. For the first time Goa h Mol !th. "Wh do kee pounds and Cale at .19~.Thats thirty- The running is going to have to be action again .thlsseason either. These this season, the defense seemed to SUb~iMing~uarterba~ks = lin! one extra ~.nd~ thiS Irttle man lrom make easier because Bryan Bain will two I~ses Willh~rt the team severely, lack that punch that they've had in men?" In my opinion, the offense has Reston, Vir~lnI~ has to .push arou~d, not be able to play the rest of the especially the pnde of Westem Mary- the past. The offense looked fine to have a bond of confidence be- but he did It effectively, getting season due to a leg injury sustained land - the ~fense. lett and. 'ghl you b'eak FI"eld hockey at a loss when Selfridge was able to complete tween them. Once you stat substitut- a pass. log oecoe the confideoce in one another that is Offensively, the Terrors seem to have a breakdown period, from the needed. The guys that play together beginning of the game until the other on the line need to be able to know team scores. Ouarterback Selfridge how the person next to him plays, so ~ydney Deeds tOOk hold and shut Gettysburg out. seems to sleep throUgh the first three that he can work more confidently on Last Wednesday aftemoon, a light- With the start of the second half, quarters. When Jim finally wakes up- his assignment rather than have to ning bolt struck on the home turf as the Lady Bullets took WMC by sur- in the fourth quarter-be's on fire. worry about what the other guys are the Lady Terrors Field Hockey team prise and tied up the score and then ! - There's no stopping him! Now yoU doing. I have noticed though, thai the lost a heartbreaking game to Gettys- went ahead 2-1. Soon after, however, may say, "But Rob, he's leading the lightest lineman on the field, center burg College 3-2. The Terrors needed Western Maryland came back on a team in rushing." You're right, bit I'm Paul Cale, seems to have played in to win the game as Gettysburg is in last break with freshman Renee talking about throwing the ball. It's every offensive play this year. A wise our dtvision of the MAC conference, Bruno scoring form a pass by Diane not just Selfridge's fault, I know. So choice after watchin this arne. Cale but as coach Joan Weyers put it at Cavey. Once again it was time for the Christy's harder to lose than others, and defense to come through and with the end of the game, "Some are enthusiastic support from the bench unfortunately this was one qf them." and the fans, they did hold until the WMC went ahead first with senior Band &- Orchestral Instruments link Diane Cavey scoring off a penalty final minutes of the game when Gettysburg fired a bullet of their own corner from senior wing Lori Rafferty 40% Off That score remained at 1-0 for the that put the score at 3-2. Western Maryland could not come back in remainder of the first hall as the Terror defense lead by senior back spite of the fast-break efforts ofinners Barb Peterson and Sue Cook and Sheet Music &- Books Mickey Potts, sophomore goalie Tra- time ran out with Western Maryland _un~fo60%~ Off cey Dauer and freshman Barbie Hess Continued on page 7 earro..iii Plaza Shopping Center 848-3357 lady Terrors on the move Gill .renovation Carriage House Uquors Rebecca Orenstein Rich Harfst Photography Built in 1939, to accomodate then when range from ·spring 10fall. Phase. 113 W. Main Street ' sludent body of 600, Gill Gym is quite two is the reconstruction of Gill Gym and shouldn't begin for "maybe 3-4 "at the forks" Weddings outdated, Knowing this, plans to years" according to Dean Wray Mow- Portraits construct a new, much needed Physi- bray Center/As- cal Education learning Phase one is the building of a new Schlitz $4.50 12 pak cans sembly facility, and to, eventually, center, to be located between Gill 848-2148 reconstruct Gill Gym, have been Gym and the playing' fields, adjacent made to Gill. Hopefully, depending on call In evenings The total plan is a two phase money, it will be done in one stage expires 10114/81 after 5 p.m. operation. Phase one, which may be The state of Maryland has approved ........ t Student 1.0. done in two stages, should begin $1,250,000 towards the building, sometime next year. Estimates on ContinueC:I-on page 7
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