Page 22 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 22
page 6 October 1, 1981 Terrors even up with Juniata 21-21 Pal Luce errant pass was picked off by strong a return for 99 yards and a tie game who was ill before the game turned in gathered in by Rick Conner (2), Pat The Western Maryland Football safely, Randy Heck Neither team could score for the a gutsy reception, 147 yards, and learn played to a 21-21 tie with The offense took over at the 25 remainder of the game, and had to one touchdown that afternoon. Luce (2), and Randy Heck (1), Al- Juniata College this past SaturdaY"in yard line and promptly marched settle for a 21-21 tie What kept the terrors in the game though the defense bent a little, a game marked with two lead. down to the five. From there Brian Offensively, the Terrors were led by the entire ,day was the defense. the, giving up some yardage, they never changes in the final five minutes of Bain ran in for the score, The two Selfridge and Fielder, For the day front four of Kent Galvin, Bob Up- broke. They always came up with the key play. the game. The Terrors (1-0-1) had point conversion failed and Juniata Selfridge completed 12 of 32 for 268 shaw, Wayne Keene, and George The next game is Saturday at 1:00, battled their way back from a 7-0 first led 10-6. yards and two touchdowns. Fielder, Probeyan. The interceptions were at home, against the Greyhounds. half defecit, to take a 2;-13 lead late Later in the period. after a poor in the game. But hopes of victory punt, Juniata took over at the WMC 30. The defense stopped them cold were dashed by a 99 yard kickoff and the Indians once again settled Lady Terrors fall to Juniata return on the ensuing play and subseqcent.jwc point conversion. for a field and a , 3-6 lead. First quarter action belonged to the When the terror ottense returned to Indians of Juniata who jumped to a the field they were pinned back on quick 7-0 lead on their first drive of their own 13. Juniata, expecting the . Rob McQuay the afternoon. But the defense of run, was crossed up when Selfridge. The Western Maryland Field Western Maryland was to stlffen and faking a run. dropped back and hit team has gotten off to a slow did not allow another six pointer for Danny Fielder on a streak pattern this season, losing two out of , the rest of the day. Both teams were Fielder took the ball in stride and three games, In the first game 01 unable to move the ball consistently, motored a7 yards lor the score. season the Lady Terrors lost to but Juniata botched two scoring Again, WMC opted for the two point Juniata. The most recent game on opportunities in the second quarter conversion, but this time was sue- Saturday against F & M, was not too with interceptions in the end zone. cessM and a 14-13 lead. favorable, as Western Maryland lost 2-1. The only Terror goal came on a ~::{b:~~ ~~~~~nd the other by d:y~e~~:::: ~:~h~o~;:~o~S:;~~i~n~ penalty-shot by Senior Captain Miki The second half started like the first quarterback Selfridge started crack- Potts. with Juniata pushing the ball down- ing the ball once again, This time he More enlightening was the game ---_ field with' a mixture of runs. and a spotted tailback Mile Baurn down the Ihat came before the F & M game. pass covering 20 yards. The defense sidelines for 60 yards and a first- Thai would be the 2·2 tie of last got tough, however, and the Indians down at the Juniata 20)ard line. On Thursday at the hands of York Cot- had to settle for a 32 yard field goal, the next play he spotted Fielderonce lege. The excitement started on a the only score 01 the quarter. At this again for another reception down to Westem Maryland goal by Senior t,••• ,·.iII':: point things looked bleak, with the the 4, After a run, Selfridge rolled left Captain Diane Cavey, within five Indians holding a to-O lead and hit Mike Gosnell with a 4 yard minutes of the start of the game The pride of Western Maryland is scoring stride. The kick was good their defense, and defense is what and the Terrors led 21·13 with 6:51 However, the defense, which inciden-I!~:~~=:::~~~':~::i:==:='2::. tally lost most of their starters last turned tre game around. Two min- left year through graduation, got off to a utes into the fourth quarter, with The lead was short lived, because slow start and York soon tied the Juniata deep in their territory, an on the following kickoff, Juniata broke game at one apiece. Not wanting to give the wrong impressloo, the de- I HOUSE 'OF L QUO I contrary, it's very good--but inexperi- .------_;;...-------- ... -------------., lense is by no means poor on the I I RS I enceo! Moo, of the starters a,~ I r=feshmenand 01 course they have : Canol! Plaza, Westminster 848-1314 I the college ball ji~ers. Once they get I I used to playing Withthe rest 01 their I Special of the Week : :S~~:ft:~~~h~~it!~:~eb~:r~~~hee ! Goebel $1.69 6 pack : Two girls that played O'.:ltstandlngball j brewed by Stroh', .'Pires! Women's V-ball pads r~cord: 3-0 I Present coupon 10.8.81 I ,Glen Arnold L ! ~he Westem Maryland Volleyball Team upped it's.'a, season reccro to 3-0 this weekend by defeating Scran- ton three games to zero, and F&M three games to' one. It looks like they're 00 their way to the MAC title HOW TO JOIN once again! In the first game against Scranton, THE ARMY AND STAY IN Lydia Cox gave the Terrors a seven point lead on one service, Good net HIGH SCHOOL . play by both Anne Glaeser and Bankert aided Western Mary- Becky land in maintaining the advantage Want to learn a valuable job skillfrom the The score remained a-o until Bankert Army while you're still in high school? went to the backline and served seven straight points. The Terrors And make an extra $1,100 in your spare time? won the first game 15-0 And reserve yourself a summer job worth The"second game began with the over $900 next summer? And another $1,000 plus lady Terrors jumping out in lront on a serve bv Donna Mum- superb low the following summer? mert. An outstanding net play was' Break in the action The place is your local Anny Reserve Center. made by Jayne Kernan with the score The hours couldn't fit your schedule better. 5-0, which enabled Western Maryland players often. It helped! They only A weekend a month during school. Everything else to keep the momentum. During this lost the second game 15-1. time, Scranton to substitute Donna Mummert used her sea- in the summer. soned serve to give the Terrors a 5-0 The job skills?Electronics. Medical Tech- MARINE EQUIPMENT lead in the final game. Scranton MON'TORS nology. Construction. Pollee work. And lots more. played better this game, but were hurt by double hits and not enough To find out what's available, call the number spiking. Western Maryland was led, listed below. Or stop by. by the adept play of Missy Wagner, Bump'" ARMY RESERVE. BEALL lOU CAN BE. e. B. & SteeeD Jayne Keman, and Becky Bankert The Terrors won the third and final SFC Ormond Cunningham 452 EAST MAtN ST game 15-3 Incidentally, if you get the opportun- MO 21157 WESTMINSTER, Call Army Reserve Opportunities AT JeT OrRT .97 & E MAIN S1 ity this weekend, travel to Towson to U.S. Route 40 & Elmwood Drive see our women play in the Towson . . .. : :6.63·8455:: : ... .,..... ,:::~~~:~:a~ZQ: ~~~u:~y·:i~:~e;t~t~ ~~~~r:~d .&.:.:.:.;";.:,,;,,,.......:.,;.:.;...;,,_,; ..........
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