Page 29 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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I -r-t- October 8, 1981 page 5 I Watertower leaks Visiting Frats antic up Andi yoo pennant and yelled with the best of heart. up thaI hole" Our fascination with their bongos. The day was crisp wilt1 a snap of them until I realized that the place I One young man stood over my their know-how kept us quiet and in Five minutes into the third quarter autumn. leaves fell to the ground had chosen to' sit was center ring shoulder commenting on how he awe. The Irat boys were astoundingly the other team had scored, WMC was riding the fall wind and somewhere among one of the visiting school's would so enjoy something to eat intelligent and terribly kind as well down by seven points. Needless to from outside my dorm room I could fraternities. All of the hurrah around because, after all. drinking a keg of They were so kind in fact that as the say, the boys were quite happy and hear the sound of a distant drum. It me was for the other team. compli- boor would make anyone hungry. In Western Maryland Terror passed be- in their elation they yelled out fun was October. WMC was playing its meets of this Greek group who were sympathy I was going to offer up my lore us from time to time. They threw nicknames to their winning team first football game in its new stadium obviqusly initiated due to their size Cheetoa-vnowever he must have gifts to him such as beer cans, members. "Oogman" and "Orca'' I grabbed a sweatshirt and along with (180 Ibs. and over) and the fact that known from my kind face that I would boxes, paper wads, and even gave seemed to be the two prevalent a few friends made my way over to they could open beer bottles with surrender my lunch, as I didn't need him cute little pet names that went nicknames I happened to overhear. what I thought would be a comlorta- their teeth to say a word, for he helped himself something like "You bloomin' sap" By the game's end the visiting team bte place on one of the hills that I felt my enthusiasm mysteriously without my mention. I was amazed at and "Green geek." It was an inspira- had won by a sizeable margin. The rimmed me stadium. Cr~cking open a diminish as the game went on and his perceptiveness at second guess- tion to see such football fun between crowd began to dissipate and the I couple of beers, yelling hellos to the points were in our tavor. I noticed ing my thoughts as well as his what were suppose to, be two rivals. teams shook hands in an ancient friends from afar, riSing to the open- after WMC's second touchdown that overwhelming gratitude displaying At half-time the boys decided to put ritual (Orca and Dogman included). ing ot tne National Anthem, laughing, for some reason my tnercs. at this by his whispering sweet nothings in on a little show 01 their own. The The boys were happy. I could tell. wind wIlipping my hair--adding a hint point, wore ashen expressions and my ear (which at some later time I gentleman with the loudest baritone 01 rosiness to my cheeks. and some- shook from what I thought was the found out was only a burp). led in an old-fashion sing along. Faculty art where in the midst 01 it aU mingled cold During the second quarter the Jumping the fence and out onto the the Green Terror--this, as the summer The friendly gentlemen that encir- game was tied up. The fraternity boys track, he lead the group in a chant §herrj LinkoH had caused me to forget, was col- cled us cheered with vehemence and were worried. I could tell. They tried that, if my memory serves me, went The Westem Maryland College art lege vigor lor their sCirmishing teams encouraging their team onto victory like. "We want your !'&#'I Terrors," faculty will present a collection 01 Everything was quiet and the ao- "Beat the !'$!@' out of them," and by yelling out helpful objective hints and "Do Bongs!" Personally I couldn't propriate cheers were given as we "Kill those @')#!--bagsl" The open such as, "Rupture their spleen," "Par- imagine why they wanted !'&#'!, but their works from Oct. 13 10 23 in Gallery One 01 the Fine Arts Building scored a touchdown. I waved my display 01 school patriotism warm my alize hlm," and "Exlax, Exlax, open I sure wished they would have played on campus. Gallery One is open to , Over hill, over dale the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m weekdays, and will be open as well from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Homecom- IROTe has some good points ing, Saturday. Oct. 17 Work exhibited in the show will Audrey Adams determined to stick with it," "he de- state college' with an ROTC depart- are both interested in the marksman- include photography by Robert Boner, associate professor of mathe- Sometimes, it's tough enough to crerec. He then decided to try for the ment, and thus looked into both WMC ship and extra trips the ROTC depart- matics, ceramics and sculpture by I come to Western Maryland College scholarship and JOhn Hopkins, finally chOosing ment sponsors; Duane wants to Roy Fender, assistant professor of wi!h the expectations of a regular Qn the other hand, Duane. from WMC because he fiked the less- attempt rappelling, while Ron is im- art, sculpture and collage by Linda freshman, surviving 'rom homework, Arblims, Maryland. only began to science oriented, more social atmos- pressed by the Ranger platoon. VanHart, adjunct instructor in art, and to meals, to sleep (a rare ccnmco- learn about the military and the phere. Their extra interests differ Both Ron and Duane feel a certain oil paintings done this summer I ity), to homework again. Being a four- scborarsnc through his high school widely, Duane's time taken up mainly pressure to achieve as freshman through a research grant by Wasyl year ROTC scholarship cadet can guidance counselor and a couple of by football at the present time. with scholarship cadets, within the ROTC Palljczuk, professor of art. This show lend added pressures. Ron Kyle and friends on scholarship at Loyola. He lacrosse on !he side, Ron's in a department as well as their course is an annual opportunity for the Duane Gamble can attest to that had never previouslyconsidered the strong interest in student government loads. Ron doesn't leel that the faculty to show the studio skills they The only two freshman scholarship military, but he learned that ROTC amateur photograpt'Y, listening to imperative 3.0 average sounds too possess in addition to their teaching cadets this yea.f,their introductions to was a good program, and thus music and reading. However, they Continued page 8 expertise. ~ the idea ot JOiningthe military had applied for rne scholarship on the been very different. Ron, from Gam- recommendations he'd received. Bethge to make appearance brills, Maryland, had been interested That's faith, I'd say! in the military for years, playing war Western Maryland's ROTC program Publicity odds then, with the German qovem- to Bethge, who also inherited the bulk I {~~:~d af~r~ ~~ y~:;~~gh~iV:m~~ ~~!n:~~d aR!~~~i~~ f~~t~~g~ne~ Dr. Eberhard Bethge will speak on ment. Bonhoeffer was eventually of Bonhoefter's remaining papers, 1 "rm about as American as they ceceoos about college. Duane, origi- "Bonhoefter and the Jews" at 8 p.m hung at the age of 39 in the diaries, etc. Two of Dr. Bethge's come," being the Ol1lyAmerican kid nally an alternate for the scholarship, tonight in the Decker College Center Flossenburg concentration camp former students, Robert Hartman and in the class, and thus, me only had been well on his way to Bethany Forum on the Western Maryland Cot- Bethge was Bonhoefter's closest Ira zeoo. are professors at Western I studeot willing to defend the United College in West Virginia, having been lege Campus. friend and his authoritative biogra- Maryland College The Oct. 8 lecture is free and open States in esse..USSiOl1.. ' Thus, he consid-. asked to play football there, wnen he Dietrich BonhoeHer, who was mar- pher BonhoeHer addressed hiS fa- == ...., tyred, was one of the most important mous Letter and Papers from Prison ered the military even more strongly received word on the scholarship Christians in the 20th century. In his ;;:::..:::..:...::::..:..:=:..:..: to the public Although he has now already at- Western Maryland was his next first sermon. after Hitler's seiz.ure Of.J I tended baSIC training, he definitely choice, and his only choice with a wants to join as an offk:er. He had ROTC program. Our own Joan Murr power, he said, "The Church has only considered West Point, even receiv- in ·the Admissions Office helped him one alter, the alter of the Almighty ing a congressional nomination, but get a space in a WMC dorm, and he The Churct, has only one pUlpit, and ' later rejected the idea on lt1egrounds thus enrolled as a WMC student and from that pulpit faith in God will be that even if he didn't like it, he would scholarship cadet. preached, and no other faith." At have forced himself to stav. 'Tm ","R:;:on:..:.:;kn::;:ew:.,:::lh::al.;h:i,' ,::W:::"":::led~~.,:""::..;::io;.. ,.,..- .. 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