Page 20 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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page" Th. Ph08tlb: ~u~ay, October 1, 1981 The sorority RUSH IS on • Diane Perry this point rushees are either accepted in the rushee's mailbox. New sorority more involved in the school. Still your friends are in, they might get Alter seeing girls running around in or rejected by the sororities. On members are welcomed into the the others rush because "you get to ask offended." Rushees also worry about Wednesday, rushees fill out a prefer- cowboy outfits, 50's clothes and other ence sheet, listing their sorority pref- organizations on Thursday at 6:30 the guys out!" fitting the stereo type of a sorority. "II costumes, it might seem like Hallow- erences in order. That night, each p.m Despite all of the rush parties, "rush people hear that you're associated een came a month early. Do not be sorority sends their bidding list to the "It is the first time that the members is really tense," says sophomore Ann with a sorority they automatically mistaken. It is all part of Western fin-dout who their new sisters are and McDonough. Sophomore Jacvkie assume you fit that type class," said .Maryland'a tall sorority rush J.S.C. meeting for match bidding it is really excitinq!'' explains Leinwall. Smith explains that "there is a lot of sophomore Courtney Ouon. This year there are 105 girls rush- Match bidding consists of matching Girls rush for a variety of reasons peer pressure You want to be with President of Delta Sigma Cappa, ing. All rushes must be at least a sorority acceptances with rushee Sophomore Trisha Troy is rushing your friends but you also want to Barb White, advises rushees to "think sophomore with C average grades or preferences because she feels that "it is a lot of choose the right sorority" hard. Make a careful decision and go better. Rush started September 16 By 12:00 noon on Thursday, the the social life here." Others rush to Sophomore Susie Matthews fears foril" and will last approximately three sorority acceptance bids are placed become a member 01 a group and that "if you don't rush the-sor~itv that weeks. The first and the third week members and learn about the greek Dance Performance Group are dedicated to sorority parties dur- rushees ing which meet sorority organizations. These parties are usually theme oriented such as sock hops, "Channel Chuckles" parties, Mollie King and Shawn Warner blue and gold parties and "ho A Dance Performance Group .has They have been rehearsing Friday pOSSible. dance experience. Although WMC downs." . been revived here at WMC. As a afternoons, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in The Dance Performance Group is does not offer a major in dance, its Nothing is planned tor the second continuation of lasLyear's Perform- Alumni Hall. The group will stress providing an opportunity for those Dance Performance Group offers a week. This gives the rushees time to ance Group, students again have the modern and jazz, with some ballet. who wish to dance. II also provides chance for students to continue or decide upon their two favorite sorori- opportunity to pursue their dance According to member Stacey Pfeifer~ ties, because they can accept only interests. The group encourages pea- not much time is required by the exposure for those who want onstage begin their dance experience two of the party invitations for the pie with little or no dance experience participants. "It's more conducive for third week to satisfy their urge to dance a liberal arts atmosphere," she said, Freshman ponders October 13-15 is non-communica- They are under the direction of but stressed that being at practice tions and bidding period. During this Debra Robinson, who teaches at the and working hard are two require- Kirsten Nystrom time, a rushee cannot speak to any Baltimore Ballet and at Goucher Col- ments that a member must fulfill. school, and perhaps for some of you, members of the sorority that she lege. She also dances with the The Dance Performance Group was I was sitting in our college library, elementary school?" I sat there, think- wants to be a member of. She may, modern dance company "Naked formed with a dual purpose. Not only trying desperatly to concentrate. I ing of that social creton -- when however, speak to an Inter-Sorority Feet" does it provide an outlet for those had a paper due, and it was not even before me the faintly penciled words Councu (I.S.C.) member if she has The group was formed with the 10 danc~, it will also give written. So I sat appeared, under the previous lines.. any Questions. The purpose of Non- understandingFthat performances will traininq and experience :0 those who ing....not really thinking. Have you "Are you majoring in STUPIDITY?" communications is to "keep the ele- be held at the end of each semester. _ Wish to be In other rnosrcat perform- ever noticed the trivia written on This was disturbing. I thought of my ment of surprise and to keep non- These performances will be held at ances on campus desks? If you think of every desk, in major, and compared it 10 the one bias out of the bidding," explains Western Maryland, and Ifle group has For those students who are inter- every room, in all the buildings, and suggested. I wonder why I hadn't Checka Leinwall, president of Phi no plans to travel away from the esteo. new members may stili 101~ each has at least one chapters worth seen it listed in Ihe Majors. (Being a Sigma Sigma campus However, Debra Robinson will begin written on it, well, its just overwhelm- little freshman gave me the ability to Tuesday, October 13, each sorority Males and females alike make up choreographing soon, so she encour- ing. (Not counting chewing gum and overlook a great deal) Questions bids for the rushees individually. At the troupe of about thirty members ages people to join as . soon as disgusting unmentionables.) So I swelled within me -- -overwhelrrunq stared at the desk grasping for my very soul "What a.m I aoin~ ideas here?!" I very nearly screamed this, INTERESTED IN A MASTERS DEGREE IN glared back at me, but those aren't where I was. It had been the typical Time past. The usual obsenities happily but quite I remembered ACCOUNTING? original. Then I saw a real winner. A Monday. (Or so I felt.) I had failed to beauty of prose. Neatly scrawted in wake at the sound of my alarm. If I BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION? the upper left-hand comer, (to look at hadn't have gotten a searing charlie- it, you had to assume the pose of a norse. I would have missed French PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION? vulture.) This not only looks strange, Drills. Actually that is a capital idea, but eventually causes you to go cross at least in my opinion, but unfortun- eyed, which is a pain-In-the neck as ately I couldn't afford to miss a thing DISCOVER RICE UNIVERSITY'S JESSE H. JONES well. There were the lines.... "Did you My classes had been long. Rather ever wonder why people write stupid like the eternity one experiences in GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ADMINISTRATION things here?" Acutally that isn't the waiting room at the dentists'. I it was only a passing didn't bother to go to lunch. (The A REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE ON CAMPUS ON: thought (like so many of my own) night before I became ill from the scrawled for immortality. Undemeat dinner.) SOOOOO....1 studied for a October 16, 1981 this pathetic question was the meat of Western Civilization Quiz. Or at least I the entire ordeal..."No, I accept it as though I had studied...but somehow part of my college education." Period, after the test, excuse me quiz, I felt 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon that was the end of it Nothing more, as if it were time wasted. 'Why bother nothinp less. I thought. "Where has that moron been-what about high continued page 8 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT, Counseling & Career Services Office bobby's hobby lobby -------------------------------------------- 1 Please I =-- and a brothu ..... about Rice Uni"craity·. JONES GRADUATE I family hobby center lIelid aD application 1 1 1 1 1 1 models-arts and crafts I NAME (please print) I featuring dungeons and dragons : : Phone 848·4350 65 EM' M~o 51. W~tmi",'". Md. 21157 '1 1 : :~========================~ 1 ADDRESS . 1 10% discount with I.D. : CITY STATE ZIP : NEED LODGING FOR FRIENDS 1 1 1 1 OR RELATIVES? 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