Page 24 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 24
pago 8 Th~rsday, October 1; 1981. Competency doubts Allegro Non Troppo forced to simply ease them through leads film series low competency levels we have been Student 'Competency Testing' starts under~raduates pass a "comprehen- to make college inroads. si...~" final exam tnthetr majors before the svsrem. As a resull, our academic NORMAN, OK- __More college stu- being ~lIowed to graduate standards have visibly declined" the comic antics ol_!he actors. dents soon might have to pass I~dlvldual departments.within the There remains some confusion competency tests before they get unl~ersity -- not semi-Indepen,dent about how many other schools re- Foreign Film Series at WMC Touted Praised for their rich tones of color, their degrees lestlng companies like Edu~allonal quire such tests. The University of as a new generation form of "Fanta- each of the scenes are set to the Just as the controversiaJ proficiency Testlnq service -- would write and Colorado last year deCIded to allow __ sia," the animation film "Allegro Non melodies of notable classical com- tests have spread on the high school administer the tests. The Oklahoma but not require -- individual depart- treece." directed by Bruno Bozzetto pos'ticns. To the rhythmical beat of level -- a movement largely fueled by committee also urged a "strict grad- ments to give them. But Arts and of Italy, will lead oft the Foreign Film Ravel's "Bolero," a life-form emerges parental and college admissipns offi- ing policy" to combat a feared slip in Sciences Dean Everly Fleischer Series at Western Maryland College from a drop of Coke and evolves into cers' complaints that high school the university's academic standards notes, "I don't think (the option) has beginning Tuesday, October 13, at 8 the modern civilizations of today. In grads aren't well educated __ they "There's been a genera) feeling Ihat been exercised at all. It would take a p.m. in Alumni Hall one scene, paced to the harmony of now appear to be making inroads on our undergrads are just not eoe- huge amount of work to formulate The phrase allegro non troppo is a Vivaldi's "Concerto in C Minor," a bee the college level as well. quately educated in a liberal arts and grade such exams." musical term meaning "fast but not is detained from her lunch in a Most recently, a University of Okla- sense," says Faculty Senate Chair- Harvard and Yale have required 100 fast." Thus, the pace is set for meadow by two lovers, who roll on homa faculty committee recom- man Gary Thompson. "Many students comprehensive exams of graduating this animated production, which al- her each time she begins her meal ludes wilh tongue in cheek praody to mended two weeks ago that are coming (to Oklahoma) with such seniors since the 1920s,' although the clasical Disney film, "Fantasia." In another segment, a starving cat clings to the ruins of his home and Gallery continues Yale now allows "approved substi- around a pitiful group of live actors, reminisces of his past family life to The plot of the movie revolves tutes" like senior theses or field work the strains of Sibeflus' "Valse Trlste." Administrators at bolh schools were unsure if any other collegesrequired which consists of a disheveled ani- Other sequences are augmented with Debussy's "Prelude to Afternoon of a The Gallery One exhibit for October gent approaches to art which should competency iests.. however. mator. a maniacal- orchestra leader, will feature the works of WMC's art provide the showing with some de- The Oklahoma proposal seems to and an orchestra of female senior Faun," Dvorak's "Slavic Dance No faculty: Mr. Roy Fender and Mr lightful and interesting contrasts. have raised surprisingly few student citizens. The action breaks away from 7," and Stravinsky'S "The Firebird" Wasyl Palijczuk The exhibit opens October' 3 from protests. Student newspaper reporter the live actors to show the viewer a Other films scheduled for this Tues- The exhibit will contain works in 7-9 p.m. in the Rne Arts Building. Gary Smith observes that, "a jot 'of series of animation segments, which day evening series include "The Tree several media. Mr. Fender is known Refreshments will be served. The students seem to favor it because it'll the actors are supposedly collaborat- of Wooden Clogs" on November 3: -;Particularly for his ceramics. Mr. Pal- exhibit will remain in the gallery add more prestige to the university ing with calamitous style. Periodically, "My Brillant Career" on February 9; and "Angi Vera" on March 16. Admis- ijczuk works primarily in painting and through October 23. Gallery One is In years 10 come, you can say 'I went the action of the film cuts back sion to all films in this series is free sculpture. Th~y have two rather diver open daily from 10 am 4 pm to Oklahoma' and be proud." between the animated segments to IT'S PARTY TIME! WE'VE GOT THE CUPS, PLATES, NAPKINS... YOU FIll. 'EM! Scholarshi p wars begin COMPARE! 12-0%. Tramlucent Plastic CliPS they've actually helped one class of panies, moreover, are locked in a for people: those who will -- for a fee __ non-teo-gentlemanly competition CUPS (THE ONES FOR THE BEER) help students find otherwise-obscure . students' attention PLATES 50/1.65 scholarships and grants. Their com- Until recently there was only one NAPKINS SPECIAL! company that matched stude~ts to funds offered by both corporate foun- UTENSILS "DON'T CRY OVER SPLIT BEER'" Our Desk lamps dations and individual philanthropists. TABLE COVERS CARPET SPOT CLEANER The recent cutbacks, however, have PAPER TOWE.LS 20-oz. Can12,50 Are light On tempted two other companies to UEANSERS WITH THIS AD Your Budget! enter the business, and a third is about to start in October IMARYLAND PAPER SUPPLY CO. "We were the first of our kind," ~ buoyantly declares Robert Preece. I 23 W. GREEN ST. owner of Scholarship Search in New WESTMINSTER York. "I invented the whole industry." M-F 9-5 Sat. 9-12 For $57, Freede feeds a student's profile (background, nationality, finan- cial need, etc.) into his computer, which prints out scholarships and grants for which the student may be .CLINT EASTWOOD eligible. Scholarship Search, like its new competitors, doesn't actually ar- range the aid. It gives the list to the THE OUTLAW student, and leaves the rest to the student's discretion. The results can ,J)OSEYWALES Crossroad Square Shopping Center oe rewarding Freeoe's favorite stol)' is about a Rls.l«J&.97inWEISIrT'oin$Iar army of one. 876·1630 Pennsylvania student who he matched to a scholarship exclusively Openwook~ 10109, Sarudoys 10 10 5 for students who were female, Jew- We honor Viso,MosIeroord
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