Page 26 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 26
The Letter to the Editor Lunch Phoenix Rude visitors before Dear Editor, stadium would be "unrnatched.:' This You CAN HAVE T~E BAi\IC KNIT &HIRT I just got back from the first home unmatched stadium does not have dedication may be so, but I must wonder if an FOR $12.99. WITH A W£AfJEL ON IT, IT'S football game of the season and I am $1(0.00; WIT~ A PARAK.ET IT';;' $2'1-.99; mad. We lost 28-22, but that is not bleachers for the guests Rich Harfsl why I'm mad. My two gripes are the I CAN GIVE IT To You FOR $36.00 WITH Gettysburg band and the WMC was A second disappointment today As a prelude to the dedication of the WMC cheerleaders. They A WILDEBEE~T, AND IT'a $'11.50 WITH cheerleaders promoted very little spirit in the the new Scott S. Barr stadium, there was a reception held in the presi- '-----_"" band sat on our bleachers, taking up stands--I always thought that's what dents dining room. On Saturday, Oct At Saturday's game. the Gettysburg A BRONTofJAvRVS. they were there for. I question their 4, with members of the Bair family in one-quarter of the seating space They proceeded to play constantly, knowledge of the game of football attendance, Dr. Ralph C. John led the when they did oHensive cheers dur- on several occasions drowning out ing WMC's defense and vice versa. I affair our band or our cheerleaders. Sev- also must question the loyalty of The day started at noon with intro- eral of their band members were cheerleaders who do their routine to ductions and informal chatting. In reero shouting crude remarks at the Stripper when the opposing addition to the Bairs and Dr. John WMC students. Perhaps their most team's band is playing. At that exact (and wife) several others attended. despicable act was when Scott Bair moment, the WMC band was pre- Mr. James Ridenhour, Dr. Samuel was speaking. They took out newspa- pared to play that routine. That was Case, and Dr. Richard Clower (with pers and rudely ignored the dedica- ~an insult that our band did no! wive's) were among them. The Presi- tion speech I'm sure damn proud of deserve. dent and Vice-President of the Stu- den! Government, Theresa Baker and WMC's pep band and t believe that Sports are supposed to be fun and Scott Lohman, were there represent- such ostentatious behavior by guest at a' college level of maturity we bands is uncalled for and should not should not be forced to accept such ing the student body and getting last be tolerated. In his half-time speech, immature behavior. minute details on their roles at the President John said the Scott S. Bair Beth Piskora dedication -- unveiling the entabte- tore After this a delicious lunch was Bulimia spreads served. It was during lunch that Dr John briefed everyone on the order of it's all greek to me CPS make herself throw up to purge what events: First short speeches and introductions were made, then the Hush among sisters women on campus, one of them she has comsumed. A siege of entableture was unveiled, then Mr CHICAGO, IL -- If you know live Bair, escorted by his daughters, said merciless crash-dieting may follow, a few brief words. probably tends to "pig out" periodi- cally on food, feel guitty about it Johnston says. The individual will At the luncheon the Barrs seemed then go on another eating spree. Non-communication is a period of Sometime during the lunch hour afterward, and then punish herself by The affliction has much more in quite honored about the event. Dr. two days during 'Nhich rushees are (11:15-1:45) on Wednesday, October crash dieting or even inducing vomit- common with the more widely-publi- John and everyone else there also not permitted to speak with any 14, all women who are rushing should Ing. cised anorexia nervosa. Yet bulimia is shared in the excitement. It was an e~able sorority member, and vice versa. This report to Blanche lobby to complete a It could be she's fallen victim to says, "because most women afflicted E start to an enjoyable day more dilfieull to detect, Johnston provides a lime for the sororities to Preference Card. At this time the four bulimia, an emotional disorder which, hold their bi-annual bidding session, sororities are listed in priority by each according to a new study, has maintain their normal weight, in con-: gg is next avoiding bias Ihrough contact with rushee. As a result of matching reached near-epidemic. levels among trast to the drastic weight loss anor- . the rushees. It also discourages dis- sororities' bits with preference cards, female university students. At one exia produces. There's no obvious Publicity cussion between the two groups each woman snail receive only one time or another, 15 to 20 percent of about the bidding session results, bid. the women attending college have e~~~~:oni;young woman gets in- The WMC dramatic arts department guarding the element 01 surprise Not only do sororities provide an- had it, the study estimates. voveo in this vicious cycle, she ~od~a~~f;c~m~:~1:9:~rth~a:~:~~ Although non-communication is a other facet of social lile for their The disorder -- its literal translation period of virtual silence, it's not members, but lnay provide each is "insatiable appetite" -- makes its definitely needs psychiatric help," ment begins preparations for the something to be feared - sisters are woman with a sense of rllsponsibility, suHerer engage in episodic, manic JOhnston stre~ses, noting bul!mia can second production for the season, A .. have ~evasta!mg eff~ts on vltal.body Day In The Death Of Joe Egg. asked to adhere to Ihe policy as well an opportunity to be an a active eating binges. Those binges, says Or. as rushees. The rushees are permit- member of an organization, and an Craig Johnston, director of the Anor- ~:t~~~~~s and the Urinary and Intes-, PI~s to readY.f?f the presentation ted to speak with ISC members opportunity to help the community exia Nervosa Project that conducted The doctor blames .the increasing ~~~~erw~~, :tU~ltl:~. ~~ th~o~~~~~ during the non-communication pe- and campus through volunteer serv- the study from Chicago, usually trig- roo. This semester non-communica- ice projects. With Ihis comment. the ger depression and guilt. The victim ~:i~u~;~~s~f O~:'~h~~~~~~a~~~e:~~r~ stage. of Alumni Hall. There are six lion will begin Tuesday, October 13 rush period draws 10a close. All lour will likely take ~ laxative or even to be thin in America. It seems to be parts In the play for four ~m~n and at 6:30 p.m. and will end at accept- sororities wish the rushees the best of a basic ingredient in our social ethos: ~ me~-. AI~hstude~.~~are ~It~d t~ ance of bids on ThUrsday. October luck in their decision. Default If 't~O~'~~not skinny, then you're not t~ee ;:y ~~e ~na~e~o;;:' in ~I:v~r 15 rate is up WIMo~i women "lack suHicient com- Li~~ry p~~~~t~~in~~~ld'be part of a Tuition & Fees fa~titi~~c:a~~~~IS~~dOu~c~~\:Z i~~~,~~:r~~~i~~;tec~~;tio~f o:h:98~i::b~ CPS WASHINGTON, D.C. - A Slightly ~a:gn:t~; ;~~~a:~ ~~~~i~eiS c~~~ Person. Bill Miller of the pSYChology higher percentage of students de- faulted on their federal student loans ofJ~en;: cs~S:nnsel~U:i~~tytoo~~~mh;~~~p~~~~~t ~~~.ll~reW:;:I:ri~~ec~ in 1980 than in 1979, according to group's ongoing research, largely speaker, a panel discussion, two statistics just released by the U.S. t Department of Education because he fears being deluged by re~a~:dP~~~siSa~dd :: ~edY about The numbers, incorporated in the ~;~I:e_~u:~t~n~~~a~~~ ~~~~:eWi~~~ how a couple deals with raising and departmen(s annual report to 'Con- spread the disorder has become living with their spastic child. gress. show 1,800,000 students failed to make payments on some $828 The million worth of National Direct Stu~ dent Loans (NDSLs) during the Phoenix school year ending June 30,1980 The year before, 875,000 students Editor .. ..................................................... Robert Holt defaulted on NDSLs. The default rate Managing Editor . Les"Martin in both years was around 16 percent News Editor . .............................. Uz Siegenthaler of the students who took out loans. Sports Editor . . Rob McQuay Students using Guaranteed Student Photo Editor... . Andy Chang Loans (GSLs) have a better record Lay",,, ..... Bil1Byme, Cathy Bowes The default record was just under six' Dan Trollinger, Cindy percent of the total number of loans Wilcox, Diane Perry issued, an improvement over the B.1 Paste-up.... .. Daryl Grant, JeH Frazer percent rate in 1979 Marci Sartoph, Judy But though the percentage of loans Mrtnick., Dan Trollinger that aren't paid back has stayed the Proofreading... ..... Chris Soto, Melanie Clippinger same, the amount of money lost and Business Manager... . Jonathan Dickey the number of students in default are Ad Manager ... ..... Lisa Heird much higher because there are more Typist ... ... . .. .. Alice Krempasky GSLs being distributed than ever Published by and lor the students 01Westem Maryland College. The before opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reHect The report points out that the $4.8 those of tile staff or administration. million handed out in GSLs in 1980 We welcome comments andlor suggestions. Please address all mail equalled 25 percent of all the GSL to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md money issued since GSLs started in 21157. 1966.
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