Page 19 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 19
page 3 Thursday, October 1, 1981 Cowan rejects Panek wins POEtic check Terry Dom that Dad used to do? CQWanpointed out that Dad's duties were the first Dan Trollinger states in his book "jokes and detec- Help Wanted: Stroog, nard working woman to ~~~it~~:t~Oa~eo=~~' flc:: t;i~:A closed ooor.. a muffled gun. tive stories reconcile and explain care for male and small children. Must be practiced in cooking, clean- ground the family's grain :~~~'~~t~ed~::k ..~~ri~;onSI~~:~ ~:~~~ng!~a~~~:Si~~~s e;~;s~~tsi~ ing. sewing, driving and counseling to"T~: Ch!d:~~!n~~~~~,~e~~~~~n~:~ stains the carpet.... thus, the classic ~:~~~d~;~t~:t~~~i~ti~~v~~dbYm~;~ Mtlst be willing to live-in and be on call 24 hrs./day. Compensation--room Cowan. And the women's house- ~t~~;ri~~n!~~~~einw~~he:~~:~i~~ae~: other novelists during that time in and board Does this job description appeal to :rk~~%~~, ~:at~r~::~en~s "I~e~~~e ~~:~ai~~~:~~~~~~s;h~h~~~~~~la~i~~ Brg~,inpanekwas awarded the cistin- you? A majority of women perform :~~~~,~ s:t~~rr~~n~~~~ial~:~r.~~ ~~~:ry~o procedes to unravel the ;~~~h~o~~i~g~~,le:h~C~i::a~~rt~~~~ these duties in their position as housewives. Their job demands ~~:~::' ~~~r~~;'\~o~ a:~:~h:~~ th~nn~::C:::.i~o~~~~e~~~:~, ~y;~:~ :r~~y,~f,T.~~~I.e~~v~h;~~~:~~~~:~ incredible amount of time, skill and labor. Housework is not easy, and gets up 'til she goes 10 bed of wits with the detective in piecing ers of America "recognize outstand- yet, most housewives are considered "In fact. women today are still together an intellectual puzzle. This ing contributions to various to be women whO don't work Spe!1dingas many hours per week concept of a puzzle has been the categories of mystery, crime and Ruth Schwartz Cowan, Associate doing housework as thelL did in the traditional mode 01 analyzing the suspense writing" Professor of History at State Univer- 1920's," said Cowan. In spite 01 aU detective story as literature since the These categories include the best sity of New York at Stony Brook, the technological advances, house- late 1920's mystery novel best mystery short broached the topic of housewives work still takes time, approximately50 Dr. Leroy Lad Panek, professor of story, best motion picture, best televi- ._--------~ and nousework to the Western Mary- hours/week English here at Western Maryland son program, and best mystery crnt- land COllege community in three How can this be? Cowan pointed College, questions this conventional cism or review as well as others. The lectures on the 24th and 25th of this out that the nature of our technology and suggests alternativeways of award, a ceramic statue of Poe. month. Cowan emphasized the tech- requires time. Vacuuming a wall-to- the detective novel. In known as "Edqars" came as a sur- nological and social changes estab- wall carpet every week takes more i book entitled, Watteau's Shep- prise to Panek since his book was lished from the pre-Industrial society time than beating it twice a year. as pards: The Detective Novel in Britain, published the previous year. How- to the present was done before the vacuum 1S14-1940, Dr. Panek proposes that, ever, he explained that it wasn't Cowan started by explaining how Another reason behind the time "detective stories are jokes, submitted for review by the MWAuntil houseworkwas delegated in the pre- factor is that our standard 01 Iivin9 games...Iheir structure is like that of this year Industrial housellold. All members of has gone up. Homes are much the joke, not of a math problem" Although in the past he has written begin Sabbatical in Spring the family had specific duties to bigger, and clothing and hygiene Explaining the analogy further, he critical studies on Poe. Emerson,and 1982 :~~:n C~~~~I~a~!t~~~e~dm~~~~So~;.L ,,--:- perform. Father obtained wood, ':"""_..:.;.;;:.. .....I ground the grain and took care of the Gallery second artist stock. The children fetched water and me I'mily ",\pI09 them anymore helped in food preparation. Mofher Cowan presented another factor tended the garden, cooked the meals responsible for the 50 hours of work Melanie Clippinger having a "new way of using collage' Her jewelry-creationsmostly in ster- and took care of health matters. The per week. the automobile! "The mod- - Among her works is a series of ling silver-are delicate pieces, yet at family was a worldng unit which was ern woman spends 10-12 hours per wi~r:t~~~i~~I:vrt;~t i!~~~~~:~~t~ delightful Egyptian collages such as ~~~en~~~etime show a feeling of relatively self-sufficient; each mem- week chauffeuring and making trips ber's duties were crucial for the to stores. "In fact, an American October 9, Among works in this one ~~~~reS·ui~~t~':st:~r,~,a~~~a~t'n:gr~~ Several sculptures shown, done in family's preservation woman with two kids, employed or :;;:res:on~ ~~riccO~li:':~' jewelry. Sands of Time" and "Walking To- ~~:fte~a~~Olla~::hS:~~~to;i~h ~~: With the Industrial Age came many unemployed, spends rrore hours in changes. "The social context of work her car than she does in front of the d:S~~~:~. ~~~ i~'gae~:a~o~~:~i ;:~ ~~~~si~h~c~.ile~~rt~:e~~I~~I~~~~!:= ~i~;~;:1 beauty of the medium still changed especially." stated Cowan. stove," stated Cowan. The work area changed; men lett Discussions conceming tbe mod- ~~;~~~~~i~n~~~~dC~~;~~ln~~~~;hes ~W:::ith::.w:':::'m~lh~'::'O;:.d.:::.o:.,:":::'"':::I';::O,,:;:'I'"d::l'P;:::lh:.... --, their homes to perform their work ernization of housework were held Ms. Van Hart announced that she Carriage House Liquors Consequently, men started punching aller each lecture. Opinions in ethics, wanted to be an artist at the age of time clocks, working along side other political and economic systems and 113 W. Main Street men and using mechanized tools. the household structure were voiced five, She explained that sMeis influ- enced partly by her dreams. Her first another new custom was the pay- by laculty, staff and students Egyptian piece, a collage created in "at the forks" it's all greek to me 1976, was a direct result of a dream she had Gallery One director and Art De- The hurrier I go... partment head, Wasyl Palijczuk de- Gobel 1.67 per 6 pak "lmporled /rom Michigan" scribed Ms. Van Harts' art as having Editor's Note: it's all ~reek to "lots of personality." He also ex- Sorority Rush continues through the me is a column for frat and pressed his feetings that the artist is expires 10-8-81 week of October 2. RemembE!r,do sorority expression. "diversified," and ~ "strong sculptor," ;presen=;t;;S;tud;;;;;;e;nt;;I:.D=. ~ not be in your room from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. on Monday, October 2 when invitations will be delivered NIKE Headquarters Please R.S.V.P. by 6 p,rn. that evening, to all invitations given to you. Note: You may accept only two 16.99 21.99 invitations, RUSH SCHEDULETHIS WEEK October 6 - PIli Sigma Sigma party Men's Court Master lo-cut 1.,.21.99 7 - Delta Sigma Kappa party Men's Monterey II 8 - Phi Alpha Mu party canvas basketball shoe. Court 9 - Alpha Nu Omega party Press hi-top basketball shot, Nylan training shoe. 13 • Non-communicationbe- leg. 18.99 gins at 6:30 p,m CROP WALK SAVE S100 ~h;U~~~;.1I ~~;~rC~?P1:-1LKa;i~1 ~ p.m. The ten mile walk will begin and with student 1.0. end at Belle Grove Square in West- minster. Men's or Women·s Local hunger needs will be met by Shampoo, cut & Blow-dl'{ ~~n::~~~~reF~S~UaIlYwUt1Meals ..::::I...... ~ Reg. ~O 25 percent of all funds raised re- . We walk because they walk! Mil- JCPenney lions of people in developing coun- 'We're Close To You" 848-3220 tries walk wherever they go. Women walk miles to get water. families walk 10 receive medical care and educa- PRECISION UNISEX HAIRCUTIING STORE PHONE 848.7766 CATALOG PHONE 848-5100 tion. We can walk to show we care. 163 W. Main Street - One Block from the College WESlMINSTER Get sponsor· sheets at the College Oper. lues. &. Wed. 10-5' Tr'llJI$.&. Fri. 10-7; Sal. 9·3 ' 01981, J. c. Penney Company, Inc MON.-SAT. 9:30-8:30 Bookstore. see Doug Wantz, Walk-Ins are welcomed!
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