Page 18 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 18
The Phoenix Conservatively speaking Hooks lecture timely Flying too high? Keith L. Arnold With the resurgence of the KKK and WMC. The pervasive student attitude distant or ambiguous to the "re- This week I am going to depart erblown) ego felt it reached last year. the vast cutting of social programs by of qood times, and a degree that will moved" WMC campus, but affect the from my usual tirade on why Reagan It started off and then did not go tne federal government, Dr. Benjamin be rewarded with a high salary job is lives of every member of the college is a saint and why all liberals should anywhere. This is because the part Hooks. the executive director of the not representative 01 the liberal Arts community be killed (or at least maimed), to that was to go somewllere, got up NAACP. visited this campus last philosophy held as ideal by this Until WMC students, and other speak a little piece 00 the very and went. Thai is to say it disap- week in effort to raise awareness college as an institution. Perhaps small campus students revise their substance I am appearing upon, that peared. It was edited. In layman among WMC students many students at WMC need to self·gratifying and carefree attitudes is the school paper terms the last four paragraphs were Awareness? What kind 01 aware- evaluate their personal educational about conternporary social problems One might ask what "newspaper cut. The explanation - we ran aut of ness? philosophy and seek another eouca- in the U.S., they will continue to be talk" has to do with "speaking coo- ~ mom Dr. Hooks concern is that of the tionalinstitution part of the problems and not part of servatively". Perhaps it is a basic Gripe number two. laurie Mather. great indifference of American COl- "You young people cannot aHord to the solutions belief in institutions and their pur- SGA (the organization which provides lege students to the social problems spend all your time carefree and The CAP Board should be com- poses. By this i mean, the traditional The Phoenix with its funds) Elections and conflicts in America today. This happy...there is a racial problem in rnended for the Hooks lecture being ideal, that what our forefathers (or Committee Chairperson. needed an is particularly true 01 WMC students this country," said Hooks in his scheduled at WMC. More lectures of alumni) have left us, should be announcement in our school paper as a whole, and indicative of other lecture this kind should be brought to the preserved, not only in form, but in In fact, she was-fate for a GRE review small. private colleges in the U.S And there are other problems in the campus substance. to write it. She was told that it would Yes. there are students at WMC. and American society today that seem Scrim ... The Phoenix, in its own little be in. but do not bother looking for it, other small colleges, who make con- way, is such an institution. This is nOI it is not there. The explanation - we structive contributions to the local a petty complaint about a change in ran out of room and college communities and are nomenclature. Indeed, I would have One article thai managed to get in, students to make some effort to Bair deserves honor to be all the reactionary I pretend 10 entitled "Women Spike", has no by- world events avid watchers-or Yet. ask the majority of the WMC line. This is because the writer re- be, to take such a stance. Nor is this advance changes in social problems a blow against our new and no doubt fused to have his name put on an article that was totally rewritten by Mr (as the tradition goes) fearless editor of today, and there will be a response As the WMC football team-prepares Robert Holt has an enthusiasm that is Holt. So extensively that the word of scorn. skepticism and indiHerence home game at the gesture of gratitude for his generosity unparalleled, and he is certainly well "very" was inserted in quotes (yes. "So what? Anything we do will not to play the first to the college, than to dedicate 10 qualified for the job. However in a quote) and the score at one point have much impact" new Scott S. Bair Stadium, all mem- him the field that he was very Before the "however", however was miraculously changed (ah...the bers of Ihe WMC community should WMC -students today reflect the influential in forming into a much (what an over-redundency). some power of an editor). Perhaps this first 1970s middle-class, self-centered. reserve a moment of gratitude for desired reality would say that it is too soon for such effort was poor, but no explanation narcissistic culture of which they are Scott S. Ban, Sr., whose contribution The athletic departrnent would criticisms. I disagree, feeling thai, the was given to the author a product. They may not be responsi- boosted the necessary addition of the greatly appreciate the cooperation of sooner suggeslions are heard, the Which brings me to one of those ble for the attitudes they value most, new field to the campus. The action all runners to avoid the track until sooner problems can be recen- purposes I mentioned so many min- but they certainly have not made any of Mr. Bair, a college trustee-emeri- October 8. It has just been resur- lied...And now on to tile however. utes ago: giving students writing serious attempts to reverse their tus. is indicative of his long-lived faced and could possibly be one of First. a personal gripe. Those of yoo experience, not only for fun. but to present attitudes. loyalty and support to WMC. Cer- the best in the country if preserved. who read my column last week, might improve their skills. This is not to say The Hooks lecture was timely and tainly, there could be no better have noticed that it was not quite up that Mr. Holt is adjunct faculty. but well targeted in being scheduled at to the standards my vain (other clearly if he does not explain rewrites. adjectives include enormous and ov- then he can not possibly help the Conservatively speaking new writer. But wait, The Phoenix has put out Conservative rout continues ... two 8-page issues. Scrimshaw was usually 4, sometimes 6, rarely 8 Keifh L Arnold Surely more writers are getting oppor- tunities. No. (KeHh'a .tory waa not pre .. nted In H. entirety laat I.aue. In redistricting plan was adopted that, in for their causes, struggling last issue contained 17 student ordef to make amenda, H la being rerun this week. The Phoenix all probability, will give the GOP four heard and keeping the Republicans articles, backed up by two I-o-n-g apologlzea for the error.) redistrict the Republican party additional congressional seats in honed. Already there are hints that articles by College Press Service. If This time a year ago, I was in- out of existence. 1982. this is not the case we look at the Scrimshaw of two or torrnec by those 10wnom I read and Time marched on. Wrth November. These events not only destroy many Such doubts arise from comments three years ago, wtuch, to quote Hott, listened. that the Republican party Reagan had won. It was not a original predictions, but also tend to by many congressmen following the 'amassed a poor journalistic reputa- was on its tast legs. As a rather landslide. but with two and a half weaken tile point of view that this Democrat loss in the tax and budget tion in the college community and our blatantly conservative Republicar( legitimate candidates, he took a ma- conservative swing, which has oc- fights. Many (according to the Wash- journalistic peers". we find a diHerent this was a rather depressing pros- jority of the vote, despite this "reac- curred, is in fact a swing and not a ington Post) were happy about the situation entirely. I searched my files pect, and I did my best to keep the tionary" views. And, surprise of fluke loss. Senator Thomas Eagleton stated (another coservanve trait never faitll. despite a lengthy list of Dooms- surprises, the gasping GOP grasped Indeed. Reagan's policies reach that the bill was so bad that it would throw anything away) and at rarcom day predictions for the long-suffering the Senate. Democrats, stunned, en- begin the "rebirth of the Democratic selected an 8-page issue 01 Nancy GOP trenched behind their last line of ::~~~h:s ~~~~~.Th~~~a~~~~;a~~~ei~ party." Rep. David A. Obey actually Menefee's. 24 student articles, 4 from -Regan can not win, too extrerre.. defense, redistricting. At best, this very difficult for a liberal resurgence argued that the Democrats should publicity, plus a poem, and the short- too far right. weapon has no effect on the Senate, to reverse the flow. Furthermore, the give Reagan what he wants and then lived (but charming) Open Gallery. A -Regardless, Democrats, as and at worst it could backfire Reagan package' not only benefits when the country falls apart, the Meg Hoyle 4-page issue, contained usual. will still have firm control II did. The census showed that traditional GOP constituencies. but Democrats will be back in power 14 student articles and 4 publicity of both houses of Congress. population declined in American ci- also appeals to many rniddle-class Such an attitude is not constructive, No CPS. That is 18 campus articles in -Again regardless, with the 1980 lies Democrat strongholds. And Democratic supporters responsible or acceptable from an four pages. compared to Holt's 17 in consensus results forthcoming, their legislatures are failing them. If we postulate that this conserva- elected official. Nor is it·"democratic" eight the overwhelmingly Democrat Case in point: Texas. With a legisla- tive phenomena is not a passing fad. behavior. Finally, such a self-centered Now Mr. Holt can maintain that this state legislatures of this land will ture that is two-thirds Democrat, a but that in fact the Democratic party policy toward defeat, leads to the was an inferior rag. Perhaps. But is under siege, then the question conclusion that democrats are actu- unlike the classic bureaucracy which The becomes - how will the Democrats ally hoping for disaster. accomplishes Scrimshaw. if sloppily, nothing, but does it efficiently. Phoenix react to, what for them will be a new for Ihe democrats, the worst thing acmeveo its purpose. Students were This can only mean one thing, that. experience able to write Hopefuly, they will play the proper policies, is that they might work. Editor Robert Holt role of the loyal opposition. fighting that could happen with Reagan's This school simply does not have Managing Editor BethWiliiarns enough news for 8 pages every News Editor ........ Liz Siegenthaler week. And yet, Robert Holt does not have enough room. Why? 25 ads, Sports Editor Rob McQuay Candlelight March that is why. Yes, for the first time in its Photo Editor Andy Chang history, the WMC student paper is layout ... ... .8ill Byrne. Cathy Bowes turning a profit. The 6,200 dollars Dan Trollinger. Cindy Wilcox. Diane Perry On Saturday, October 17, 1981, a by people who support the work of given to Holt to lose this year will, at .... Daryl Grant, Jeff Frazer coalition of women's groups is spon- the Coalition and its 300 member this rate. not be touched. But this is Marci Sartoph, Judy Mitnick, Dan Trollinger soring a candlelight march to remem- organizations During the week pre- not the purpose of a Scrimshaw. or Proofreading ..Chris Soto. Melanie Clippinger ber the women w-o have died by ceding National Unity Day, The The Phoenix. or a Gold Bug for that Business Manager . Jonathan Dickey violence in the Baltimore area. After House of Rult1 in Baltimore is plan- matter. What does Holt plan to do Ad Manager lisa Heird the march there will be a speaker ning several events to eccuate the with this money. Have a party for the Typist.. and entertainment to acknowledge public about domestic violence and staff. With six thousand dollars? Well,,....arc for the students of Western Maryland ccueqe and celebrate me work that we are raise money for the House's activities maybe two doing to help battered women. For more information about the opinions expressed in ttus publication do not necessarily reflect October 17 has been declared a march and the other activities during I have spoken my rather long piece those of the staff or administration in hope that it will appear in its ~ We welcome comments andior suggestions. Please address all mail National Day of Unity by the National the weekpf October 11-18, please entirety, not only for my own satisfac- call Pamela DiPesa at 889-0840. Coalition Against Domestic Violence. to The Phoenix, Box 1. Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md thiS day"will be observed nationwide- tion, because it will be a sign that my 21157 suggestions are being implements, or at least heard
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