Page 17 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 17
The Phoenix Thursday, October 1, 1981 Western Maryland College Volume I, Number 3 Hooks oppeols to student's sympathy Fidy Kuo deficit will work out" were on a human factor "the tons which have become the general actually whites who outnumber blacks Resurgence of KKK activity nation- Second, Hooks charged that Rea- placing the burden of the national conceptions," Hooks attempted 10 that are taking welfare benefits, be- cause, he said that 10 percent of the wide and Reagan's budget plans, in gan was missing a point "that any struggle against inflation on the clarify in the lecture were:: Affirmative Action is not an agency of reverse- white population live below or at the relation to the black community, were student in economics 101 will be able poor...this is rot an issue 01 blacks poverty level as opposed to 4 per among several of the topics dis- to tell you that there is no V!!.whites. but one at the poor ve. the discrimination, but an agency 10 pro- cussed by guest lecturer Dr. Benja- relationship between balancing the rich," he clarified. Other, "mlsconcep- mote non discrimination, and that it is continued page 7 cited the example of Brazil where he Mapes displays illusion min Hooks, executive director of the budget and reducing inflation_" He NAACP on Wednesday, May 23 in Alumni Hall claimed that the national budget was In a press conference preceding balanced, but inflation rampant, and The 'Psi adventure the lecture, Or. Hooks conceded to a of Japan where he claimed that their - raise in KKK activity over the last few national budget was not balanced, .imagine they were travelling through years, but stressed that this resurg- but inflation minimal. Hooks then Andi Yoh dealing with was their own personal space in a weightless state, finding ence as only being, "the lip of the charged Reagan with convincing powers, he began the Journey to the little green men beneath their chairs, iceberg," in relation to latent nation- Americans of such a relationship Enticing people to attend his eve- outer-limits through the inner imagina- watching movies in every genre in wide racisirn making itself felt recently between inflation and the budget ning performance with a cameo ap- tion their minds, forgetting their names, pearance in WMC's own cafeteria, in legislature and reverse discrimina- However, Hooks spoke of what he hypnotist James Mapes evoked the "AI~ reality starts witn imagination, changing their body temperatures tion suits. Hooks attributed this re- called a "weakening of the Reagan curiosity and interest of hls viewers you imagine something and only then and even regressing to various youth- surgence of racisim to the current stance." He pointed out that Rea- can it become a reality," Mapes lui ages without inhibition economic situation of inflation gan's stance concerning Affirmative by hypnotizing students amidst the related. He followed this by material- "The human mind can concentrate "In times of economic hardship," ne Action had been modified _several evening embroilment of Englar. Leav- izing a lemon half and asking the on only one thing at a trne. When you explained, "people are not so apt to times in the past, and that Wall ing one student intoxicated without audience to bite into imaginary lem- concentrate on something totally, be charitable, and scapegoats are Street, recently concerned over the the use of liquor and three sleeping ons along with him. He then asked nothing else exists for you," Mapes needed to blame for the situation" decreasing index and the increasing among the confusion, he promised an the audience if they reacted initially to explained. Every thing is as we He pointed out that the black commu- national deficit which occured during evening even more intriguing to those the sourness of the non-existent perceive it because that is how we nity has become that "soape-qcat" the primary stages of Reagan's eco- who would attend his show lemon as they watched his reaction to have been trained to think." Mapes "OW nomic plans, had joined in the parley The peformance was preluded by a the real thing related the normal self restraints of When asked about KKK activity in as an ally of NAACP. request from somewhere in thedark- Making clear that the ability to be the subjects to the subjection of Maryland, partlcuiarry the Carroll According to Hooks, the NAACP ened theatre that everyone remain hypnotized is a skill and pointing out everyday influences. He explained, in County area, Hooks admitted that he financed a $20,000 study of Reagan's silent as persons entered into hyp- that such misconceptions as the short, "Our programming controls" is not extremely familiar with Mary- proposed budget cuts last year, utiliz- notic trances during the on-coming "SVengall Syndrome" where through Mapes continued by pulling per- land KKK activity, because he is not ing economics experts, that culmi- performance. A hint of seriousness in the cliche use of watch and chain haps the most frightening and curious that knowledgeable about this state's nated in a several hundred page the speaker's voice caused a hush of one could hypnotize and lorce the of rabbits from his hat by regressing history. But stated that he is "not as document that was sent to the White silence among the spectators: a fore- subject into acts against tl1eir nature one participant back through his of what was to perhaps, boding were totally nonsensical. Mapes as- concerned with racisim coming Irom Hoose come. The entertaining display in the sured, "I can't make you do anything childhood and into his past life where men in white robes (meaning Klan- The document offered an alternative dining hall earlier had obviously only which you normally don't do." he assumed the identity of one John person) as with racisim coming from budget plan and cuts in nonessential skimmed the surface of the mysteri- Mapes then attempted a mass Asquick, a man supposedly of the men in black robes or business suits defense areas, but the document nineteenth century. (meaning judges and business men) went unheeded. Also ignored, Hooks ous subject of hypnosis. relaxation exercise with Ihe whole Silence reigned throughout the au- Mapes, director of the New York Reagan's budget plans, which call informed the press conference, was Hypnosis Center in Manhattan, audience, calling fOf those who truly ditorium as WMC student Scott Flick- for cuts in social welfare programs another alternative budget plan became relaxed to come onto the enger adopted an alias not of this that affect the black community, were proposed by the Congressional Black opened with a few reassuring-words stage. From these, a few ten under time. Flickenger, before the attentive attacked by Hooks on several prem- Caucus. "This is because," he that there was nothing to lear in the hypnotic spell and so began the eyes of some three-hundred people, ises. First, Hooks charged that the added, "Reagan sincerely believes anything that was to happen. "Hypno- trip through their imaginations with lived (or relived) the key events of a budget plans were unfeasible in that, that his plan will work, but I believe sis," he explained, "is merely an the "tool" 01 hypnosis man who had existed over one- "the cuts are too large and too soon," he is sincerely wrong extension of our imagination to a Trying to explain the curious acts of hundred years previously. and, "there is no way to reduce However. the main premise on heightened state of reality." Assuring those hypnotized, Mapes explained Mapes proded for a message as taxes, and increase military expendi- wnich Hooks expressed dissatisfac- the audience that there was no why it was possible for all of the tures and then nope the national tion over Reagan's budget plans danger and that all that he was persons hypnotized to dance ballet, conth.ued page 7 'Sunporch" victim of 'practical' decision pane and fire escape structure last Bill Byrne year, but it was decided at that time to tear everything down in the sum- In with an administra- moe tive decision made in the fall last "l he patio's roof was a popular year, the patio addition to the Forlines location for student sunbathing in House woman's residence was tom past years. The safety implications of down this August. Describing the this use, given the questionable ar- patlo as "rotting" and "unsafe," Dean chitectural soundness of the struc- Elizabett1 Laidlaw described the col- ture, could not be discounted as a lege's action as "practical," given the contributing factor to the administra- circumstances. tion's final decision Laidlaw stated that the college Residents of Forlines House seem reviewed two alternatives concerning to r-ave accepted the change without the fate of the deteriorating patio. It controversy. "I was disappointed at could be town down or repaJred first." explained resident Michele Given me likelihood that any repair Saurwald, "but it isn't quite so bad work done would have to be re- when you get used to Other peated again in the near future, it residents agreed that the old porch was decided that tearing down the was a safety problem and that the patio would be the best course of concrete slab which now lies outside action the door where the old patio used to Laidlaw stated that her office had be has its advantaqes. As one resi- received a letter from the parent of a dent pointed out. "it's a great place resident of Formes last year which to have 'cookouts on Sunday after- questioned the safety of the patio noons!" Some i work was done on the
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