Page 83 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 83
Scrimshaw Volume Number 5 Students skeptical of Reagan cuts Nelson Thacker Reactions among Western Maryland recent cutbackot government jobs to College students concerning Presi- young men and women, Matt com- dent Reagan's proposal to reduce mented, "I think the youth is really support for education by 20% by taking the brunt of the Reagan ad- 1982 have been relatively homogen- ministration. His policy will especially ous. The controversial financial aid hurt students." plan, which threatens to decrease A common criticism about Western educational assistance to low and Maryland College appears to be that middle and upper income students, is it is too expensive an institution generally unacceptable to the WMC Consequently, many students transfer student body. to less expensive schools before they Among those students who ex- graduate. A fair proportion of these pressed protest to the President's transfers are students who receive no new budget plan was sophomore financial aid due to their better than Theresa Denion. who does not re- average family incomes ceive government financial support. "The cuts have to. come some- "The middle class," she said, "is where," explained sophomore Elaine already at a disadvantage over Finan: lippy. "Someone has to make a ctat Aid for college, This is the only sacntice. I'd rather see this than aspect 01 the President's budget another economic depression" policy that I disagree wilh" Paul Harper (junior) agreed that the Theresa went on to announce that financial aid plan would be helpful in she would probably write to her the long-run. as well as more just congressman should the bill not be "Fewer people will get to attend Housing changes underway immediately rejected (sophomore) this proposal is good because people college." he maintained, "but I think Dwight Eichelberger Doog 0". was equally pessimistic about Mr who aren't going to school are paying Reagan's proposal. He stated, "It (through taxes, which lund govern- The SGA Housing Committee has tee plans for next year would affect. spring break, March 20. Students will may be a short-term gain, but I don't ment student loan programs) for the put forth a proposal that certain both 193 and 195 Pa. Ave., which receive a higher lottery number for know about the long-term implica- education of college students housing allotments be changed next currently are applied for on a room- next year's housing if me question- tions, such as reducing the numoer President Reagan's revised student year. Among the changes proposed to-room basis as are the other naire is nOI turned in by that date of college students with advanced loan program is not expected to be technological training." decided upon in Congress before this are: alotting 13 Pennsylvania Avenue houses. These two addresses, which Two of the Pa. Ave. houses, 163 There are also a great number of July. If it is passed, enrollment at (Pa. Ave.) apartments to women and house six people each, would be and 169, will definitely be closed next WMC students who have little under- WMC and other similar private col- 11 to men, allowing groups of stu- available for groups to apply for in year. Dean laidlaw explained that Ihe slanding of the ramifications involved leges could decline. Proponents of dents 10apply for two of the Pa. Ave the same manner as the apartments houses were never intended to be the Reagan plan to cut taxes and houses, and closing to students two The lowest three lottery numbers for used for students, and were only' in the student aid plan, but who government spending argue that its of Ine houses. the group would decide which appli- used thusly because of overenroll- nevertheless express an almost in- beneficial eHects on the overall econ- In the past, 12 apartments were cants are accepted. Both houses will rnent. Originally the houses were suncuve distaste for it omy will outweigh the sacrifices allotted to women and 12 to men, but be for women only. bought to attract potential professors Matt Korman (sophomore) receives brought on by specific budget cuts the school had trouble filling all the Caryl Connor also described a plan to the school with low-cost housing. no Guaranteed Student or National They hope that what spells "bad apartments for men. Caryl Connor, for possibly having one 01the houses The idea to change Rouzer Hall to a Direcl Student loans, but he is news" for struggling college students chairperson of the SGA Housing function as a co-op for vegetarians coed situation was turned down, nevertheless quite dissatisfied with will mean economic recovery for the Committee and member of the Exec- Before any decisions are made on since it would limit men's housing the President's proposal to reduce utive Committee, said met "it's use- the issue, student feedback is options educational support. Referring to the nation as a whole less to look for men to fill Ihe needed Interested students are en- apartments. There are sophomore :r~~~~ ~~y~~~~tCI Ms. Connor if Science ments slotted to men and women is ;,;h;~,;~~:7::h~";:~~~~~~a~~II;~~a~,1Past spocesuited cowboys men living in the apartments now" The change in the number of apart- intended to correct the imbalance in be sent to students. It is very impor- applications. tant that Ihese questionnaires are Another proposal that the commit- returned before the beginning of Terry Dom reuecnon of me society in which the Western world now lives. The dominant features of the twentieth century are Molesworth takes up reins particular, Science Fiction, is becoming more popular massiveness, speed and accelerated pace of change. There are numerous types 01 fiction, but one in Before its maturity, Science Fiction was greatly criti- Science Fiction is the application of future studies liz Siegenthaler rors' last undefeated season. During ceeo. It was termed a sloppy science generated by concerned with the problems caused by our society's Jack Molesworth, a t952 graduate his 3 years of playing football under lazy thinking. Most people viewed it as childish, increasing scientific and mechnical sophistication. It of Western Maryland College, was Coach Charlie Havens, the team fantastical and a waste 01 time. However, Science speaks both of and to our contemporary experiences recently chosen to be the Terrors new compiled a record of 21-3-0 Fiction has grown-up in the last 50 years, and it is now The fiction's technique involves examination of eco- head football coach. He replaces Jim Molesworth met with co-captains gaining respect and a wide reading audience nomic, political and social structures and processes Hindman, who oHicially announced Bob Upshaw, SIeve James, Jim Sel- Science Fiction is now defined as a genre of fiction, and even impinges upon the inner life of man himself his retirement on February 23. fridge, and Dennis Yancheski on similar in some aspects to fantasy, that quells the Science Fiction asks "What if...' and then tries to Molesworth's experience includes February 25, when he gave them disbelief of the reader by utilizing an atmosphere of imagine the consequences of the question. coaching football at Gov. Thomas some ideas about his coaching phi- scientific credibility for its imaginative speculations. The themes most used are: time travel, lost races, High School (Frederick County) from losophy. According to Steve James, This form of literature was basicly an artistic computerized governments, remarkable inventions and 1966-70, where he achieved a 30-18- Coach Molesworth stresses defense response to the human experience of change and social satires. The underlying, unifying idea expressed 2 record. He had previously coached and his kicking game consists mainly of man's hopes, dreams and fears by all the themes is that science is coterminous with the for 9 years at Frederick High School "There was a good rapport with about those changes. A dramatic change was, indeed, human condition Science Fiction has progressively matured beyond and served for 2 years as assistant Coach Hindman," said James, who the impetus of Science Fiction; that change was the a rather juvenile preoccupation with gadgets wielded by coach at Westminster High School felt Hindman was a good team Industrial Revolution. In the pre-industrial society, all cowboys in spacesuits to both a more serious concern Presently, he is a specialist in physi- motivator. James commented that changes were gradual, and man looked chiefly 10 his with the effect upon man of the rapid and far-reaching cal education with the Maryland De- now that the decision has finally been past for answers to his questions. The basis of man's technical advances and a raising of ultimate questions partmen! of Education, and recently made, "we're all looking forward to thought was that history repeats itself with little about man and society. Says Sam Moskowitz, noted served on a national rules committee working with Molesworth. We have a variance author, "The fiction whose main concern has always for high school athletics mature team But in the modern era, the past loses its familiarity been the shape of the future incontestably still has a In 1951, when he was a senior at entire team sometime next week because it is no longer applicable. Science ncnon is future" Molesworth plans to meet with the ~.----------------------------- WMC, Molesworth played in the Ter- characterized by ns emphasis upon the future. This is a
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