Page 80 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 80
page 6 Scrimshow March 5, 1981 Features Dean Laidlaw skis for service (II/d€t;;;~~ :~:~~~I~:E~~:i~:fhb~~id:~: Members01the NSP volunteertheir courses ~~ /-f--- "~_::--;:_"';:/ services, and in fact, pay dues for about Elizabeth laidlaw member of receive a season pass for them and \\ "(i!-~.~_~.''''''_''''-,t,:/ AM ofpoeb TM_ C th . the National Ski Patrot(NSP)? membership, However, members do 0 ermg \ ~ /-, .. ::%:._ .>~ /.jJ too.!: /0 II.. hilt. S~;,--1ir'),,\~'."_·:~>~~~'"~~·~·/_~_~·_'~I'_'1uyd. Don Wit.on ~~~k~~~'a~~::/:~dal~~ i::s::n~~i~t~ proximately three accidents per shift, ), A of a toboggan used to transport most of which are minor injured skiers off the slopes patrol's services. Some ski areas There is no charge for the ski t---~!5~v ~~~~~ Skiing since the age of six, Laidlaw !1;(, , ~_ didn't seriously pursue the sport until however, fine those injured while C,',~~__,_~"',~;~,,--~<''-'~ skiing on closed slopes or other non- .0, was in college in New Harnp- ,~_'\.'("_ fit; shire. After graduation she taught ski skiing areas There are four classes of NSP members -- candidate, basic, senior and professional-- each requires the passage 01 more stringent tests to teach rather than advance in the NSP hierarchy "--_"-~--_--"'~--r!;,~Tji r;cr dents are NSP candidates as well as Laidlaw is a basic patroler, preferring Laidlaw has worked with the NSP '- J NSP members who need refresher for eleven veers so far and is still going strong Money blatant about Sexuality Terry Dom has become less rerstrlctive: we no bonding via love; a person marries is necessaryfor a better understand- erotic rehearsal play; they naturally Societyconditions atittudes upon its longer have to exhibit guilt or embar- and has children with someone he! ing of relationships. show curiousity in their bodies and members. Just fifteen years' ago. rassment, she has a special affinity for, When To begin with. society needs to the bodies of the other gender. But there were many taboos associated However, a problem still exists children are born, the bond expands eliminate any of the taboos still we prohibit this curiosity and become with s-e-x. Socety deemed that one Although we read about sexuality in to' include them. This sequence of associated with sex. Dr. Money then punitive blush and whisper when talking about our books and magazines,we still do events is ideal pointed out how we view human Dr, Money stressed that this is coitus, and that the speaker be met not voice our impressions and opin- Unfortunately, even though society intercourse as somethig obscene. intact child abuse. Thought it seems with reproachful glances. instead of ions to the one who should here endorsesthis bonding, divorce rate is This fact was emphasized by a slide strange to consider a cultural trait as replies. Fortunately. this behaviorial them, our sexual partner. In conclu- unpleasantlyhigh; love and its bonds presentation which depicted various child abuse, he pointed out that our response has been adapted to our sion, our intercommunicationis still as are broken, "Parents may diverse species of animal life in the act of dishonesty about our bodies is the more liberal cultures Our attitudes restrained as it was before not so each other, but a child cant divorce copulation, The audience was re- cause of sexual "deviancy" "We're much by society than by our'individ- his parents; that's one pair-bond that quested by Dr, Money to note when creating au the sexually disturbed ual hesitancy to adopt the new won't break." stated Dr. Money they felt squeamish. The last slide people that are sent to Masters and LET UNCLE SAM ~~it~~i~~d=e;~:;rdu~::t:~:dg::~U;~ to~~~:~Ii~~e:s:~~~:t f:~i~ye~i~ea~~ was of human intercourse. Everyone Johnson. and even all the ones we realized it would happen; everyone sent to jail. Honest sex education REPAY YOUR ~~0~~eJo~~u~~~~y~lI:e~ic:~r~:~h20~~~~a:~I;~a~~ina;a~~a~::~~~yafO~~~:~ was still a little shocked would rescue these people," he em- COLLEGE LOAN agist and sex therapist.His topic was tion love, As a Love Doctor, Money of the taboo connected with the last phasized Having a heterosexualrela- To further emphasize the absurdity tionship later in life Should be easy "Development of Sexual Health: from explained that love involves short. slide, a picture of mangled corposes and natural, but we make it hard Iooay's Army offers rep.ayment of Infancy to Adulthood" term (sexual) and long-term (the obviously killed in battle, was inserted 'The graven image of the groin is the loans made under the Higher Edu In his introduction, Money de- actual living together) relationships into the corner of the last picture. Dr. one most upsetting to us". he added cation Act of 1965 (Parts B & E), scribed humans as a pair-bonding Naturally,if the short-term relationship Money asked the audience. "Which Also, we teach our older children THE OFFER: species. ~an is a species that has to is unsatisfactory, the long-term is picture is obscene?" He commented, about ovaries, testes, menstrual cy- The Army will pay back 331/3% copulate I~ order to reproduce, th~re. annulled. Dr. Money suggested that "Sex has always been under more of cles etc. in Sex Educationbut we ale or $1500 (whichever is greater) for fore,m thiS way. we are a bonding our culture develop new customs a taboo in our society than murder or still neglecting the entire issue of each year you serve on Active Duty. species. But humans are also pall- regardin~ sexuality. He,feels thaI this killing" sexual health, Dr. Money stated The Army Reserve will pay back .; : Dr. Money also pointed out how that we need Love Education, a 15% 0' $5DD(whiche", is g".tefl: wrriage House Liquors : society has delineated between love teaching that concerns itself with how to start a relationship and love itself, and lust. The connotations of these for each year you serve in the U.S : :' words have differentiated them as as well as the things already taught l1~'!'t~~:,~:~,eet i widely as saint and sinner. Love is Most importantly, sex should be ~~~iuR:::':e eligible fOI 0", of ~ "above the belt", therefore, it is taught within a moral context considered To conclude his lecture, Dr. Money romantic, lyrical, and the Army's other exciting Educa- :' IIFling In the Spring" :' beautiful. Lust is "below the belt", showed two movies simultaneously- therefore, it is carnal, and ".so 1) Methods and Positions of inter- tional Assistance Programs. :' :' disgusting that you must save it for course and 2) Methods and Positions ADD IT Up:' : 10% Off Wines - All in Stock : the one you love" Dr. Money stated of Foreplay.The audience was asked •...•............._..........................•• E~S~~FJ~:~~~~11T~~~lll~~~~ :' 'j e that people have trouble taking their to keep this viewing in its moral context. Dr. Money also asked that belts off; some even go into phobic TRAINING; e expires 3/12/81 :~~U~~LUABLE SKILL shock. each member of the audience ask himself. "At what age could I handle New customs regarding sexuality YOUR LOCAL ARMY RECRU ITER should start with the young children this with my children" HAS ALLOFTHEoETAILS ABOUT Society exposes "above the belt" to The crowd laughed nervouslyat the THESE PROGRAMS AND THE ELI- HOUSE OF LIQUORs children, but it doesn't allow anything titles of the films, but no one made "belowthe belt" to be revealed, Many GIBILITY REQUIREMENTS, youngsters are not even aware of the any noise at ali while they were being shown. The films were explicit in Army differences in the male and female nature, and the coed audience was I , sex organs. Said Dr. Money, "We more than a little embarassed; how- BEAU lOU CANBE. 12 pack Stroh's Cans $4,25 neglect their se)(ual instruction and ever, no one seemed to walk out:-Dr CALL TODAY: hope it will all take care of itself and Money added at the end, that age be normal." ten would be the best age to view SSG Jerry Inghram 848-1314 The problem, according to Dr and discuss the films with a child, His 663-8455 Money, is that we don't let se ual reasoningwas based on the fact that development take care of itself. Chil- this is before puberty starts, and that expires 3/12/81 Present Coupon dren exhibit a developmental play ten year aids can be very pragmatic. which Dr. Money called sexual and
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