Page 86 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 86
page 4 Scrimshaw . The Hill IS alive... their programs and talked of what afternoon, but yet there was a distinct Andi Yob skits their sons or daughters might be transformation in the dialogue and "How do you solve a problem like in. As the house lights slowly faded to wording. The characterization took on Dean Laidlaw?" Who's here to tell you black, there actually existed a quiet- a definitely earthy tone, and peoples' "You're WRONG?" "Who don', need ness of anticipation and an eager- names were interjected into the od- no education?" What are the symp- ness in the crowd's silence. Onto the dest places 01 the con vetsatlon- toms of "intoxicated shock syn- stage came the likes of cafeteria usually preceeding words of four or drome?" ...These and ether questions workers fighting the struggle of cock- f ....e letters. I found myself scanning were answered at the 1981 Junior roach invasion, a simulated Forum the audience for members 01 the Follies held last weekend in the party featuring the true essense of Maryland Censor Board and expect- Forum the freshman class girls, a look at ing them to close the show, but in the Once again this year humorous div ision 3 and replay of Ihe hazing tradition of show business the show perspective of Western Maryland Col- rules. All were really quite cute. The went on lege was captured on stage in an parents laughed and anxiously ap- WMC's favorite Phi-Dells appeared e....ening 01fun and frolic brought forth plauded their youngsters as the lights on the scene portrayed by some ....ery by the class of 1982. The Hill came came up, Back stage the cast convincing imposters and soon alive with the buffoonery and crazi- feasted on cookies and milk eagerly choice favorites from the Bachelors, ness of four fine performances. From anticipating the final performance Betes, and Preacher fraternities the opening sequence when Charlie which was to come that e....ening danced and sang their way into Ihe Tangiers sat mimicking the famed At 7:30 p.m. Sunday, I filed again' hearts of the audience. The Phi-Alph Dean Mowbray: tennis raquet, leisure into the auditorium with the crowd of sorority disclosed their secret to ha....- suit and aloof nature, and Theresa students: freshmen, sophomores and ing a well known organization and the Baker pranced across the stage as seniors. Everyone was sOring. There Dean conducted an attempt to su- an overbearing, out-of-date parent was much gossip of the skits to press hazing, but ended up relating with a nasal condition, we knew WMC come. Who would be the ones to to the groups at "their own level" was in for a definite "raking the have.Jheir names dragged through The students laughed and ..~_ coals" The only thing to do was to sit the mud? Who would be put on the plauded their fellow classmen when back and watch the popular and Ihe spot? Who would face the trecrnaot the lights were turned up. Truly a infamous undergo the mockery of public ridicule? good lime was had by all. Back stage their everyday actions, or simply, From the opening scene when our the cast "CELEBRATED" the compte- witness the hilarity of Junior Follies fearless administrators were por- tion of their p~rformance with drink At 12:00 Sunday afternoon, I filed in trayed to be alcoholics, incompetents and merriment as the highlight of the door of the auditorium with the and a tad short of being kJnatics;) their year came to a close crowd of parents, family, and rela- knew there was trouble ahead. I look I can offer up only one critique of tives of the cast. All was very calm hold Of my seat and prepared for an the two presentations, both were fun, and there was a pleasant hum among evening of no-holes-barred comedy. provocative and in the immortal the fashionalbly dressed audience as The costumes v~~re the same as words of Dave Milkling it was a "-_-'".&:l they discussed the weather, re....iewed they were in the innocence of the !#'I$#'! good time I"
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