Page 81 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 81
March 5, 1981 Scrimshaw Swimmers stroke to Nationals Chris -Soto worked hard all season.Five women divers on Ihe womens team, the Western Maryland women's swim qualified for the national competition mens team had only 7 swimmers. team placed number 5 out of 13 to be held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Shesaid tnat manymenquit because schoolsat the Middle AtlanticConfer- March 12-14. The 400 medley learn they didn't want to put the time into ence held February26-28at Widener of Sue Lapidus. Ann Glaeser. Lisa swimming that was necessary Collegein Chester.Pennsylvania.The Ktevin, and Denise Frech made the Easterdayis "looking forward to a mens swimteam finishednumber 12 ending a "disappointing season",ac- Ji~~i~n~h~~', ~~~ :~e~h2~sob~uaa~:brighter future". Speaking about the mens team, she said, "If everyone cording to swimmer Mike Allen The womens team finished the ~~~~i:'d. Diver Sonja .Narr also ~:~;,n~h:~dW:~lh~:e~agc~~~ecr~i:inn~... -,. •• season with an 11-2 record. Coach Coach Easterdayexplainedwhythe tion." co e Kim Easterday was "very pleased" m~ns swnn team did not fare so well The womensswim learn will be with the results. She stated thai this year. Easterdaystated that, op- losing five members next year; one 1. II1II ... everybody bettered their times and posed to the 16 swimmers and 2 senior and four transferringstudents I Easterday said, "We'll need good J.V. B,-ball No. 1 are new." Speaking on both team's freshmen coming in next year to remain at the same caliber that we Liz Siegenthaler seasons as a whole, Easterday Mens' JV basketballteam went into enthusiasmhelped to pick the team stated, "We had a tong, hard season WMC's men dive from the blocks during regular season their last game of the season ready up in someclose games.JohnBoinis with a very satisfying conclusion,. for a tough battle against Dickinson was another player who had a good competition. College. It wasn't until after they season, In spite of an injured hand suffered a 73-77 loss did they learn earnerin the year that their team had already clinched One of the Terror's obstacles the no. 1 spot in the MAC southwest throughoutthe seasonwas that they Tuning into yourself division were outsized by every squad they Leading scorer for the Terrorswas played. Despite the handicap, "we freshman Jim Francis. He played a overcameour lack of heightwith a lot strongoffensivegame. and totaled22 of hustle on defense," said Cockerill. terry Dom widespread uses is in rehabuatative points. Throughoutthe season Fran- According to Coach Lathroun.the In the course of evolution. the method of procedure is a sort of medicine, where it is used to train cis was a key player; not only did he JV Terrors picked.up a I?t 01 conli- humanbody, including the brain, has "physiological mirror" brain-damagedpatients lead the team in rebo\mds. but he dence after winning their first lew developed a remarkablecapacity lor The rate of a physiologicalfunction, Biofeedback'sfuture seems to be also averagedover twenty points per games. "It game us enough rnomen- healing itself. This is reflected in such as heartbeat,is deteted by an unlimited. Scientists and medical game tum to carry the team through the processesas diverse as wound heal- electrical device. This device informs practitionersare hoping for an even Marl< Cockerill was another high season." he said ing and overcoming microbial intec- the subject. via a visual or auditory wider range of influence and eftec- scorer in the Dickinson game with a One game.Ihat wasn't counted in tion, to coping with anxiety and signal. of changes in the physioloqi- tlveness. Some proponents of the total of 16 points. Cockerill, a return- the division was played against the disaster.The scienceof medicinehas cal measure. This feedback keeps technique see the instrumentation ing JV player from last year. com- Camp Hil prisonteam.TheJV players alwaysbeen obsessed with discover- the subject continuouslyinformed:he becoming so refined and simplified, pleted 74% of his foul goal attempts travelledto the prison,were taken on ing the self·regulating mechanisms must try various "internal expert- and thereforemoreavailableand less all season a tour, ate in the cafeteria, and involved in these naturally occurring ments'' on how to control the reed- expensive. thaI people could be back signal. Gradually control is Overall,the JV team had a remark- competed against the squad of in- processes In the 1960's, corrsidera- using it in their homes. Others Iore- ably good season.and ended with a mates ble work was done in determining gained. By controlling the signal see the sen-controt of attention, record of 9-6. Much of their success "You can't feel intimidated." said how some of the followers of the subjects have concomitantlylearned moods and emotions. And some to maintain a desired physiological could be attributed to their coach, Lathroun."Their style of playing was Easterncults-mainly yoga and Zen- doctors and researchersfind it con- senior John Lathroun 'run-and-qun',with no team pattern." self-controlledsuch bodily functions rete Experimentationwith this technique ceivable that if a personcan regulate Lathroun,who played JV basketball Camp Hill ended up defealing the as heartbeat. temperature and has covered a wide range of bodily blood pressure then perhaps that for the past three years. decided to Terrorsby a narrow margin breathing. Late into the decade, a personcan also direct blood circula- coach instead of play this year. He Only two of WMC's defeats were breakthroughwas made; a technique functions. It is now proven that tion. If this were possible, a cancer was pleasedwith the team's perform. lost by more than five points. an of biofeedback evolved. through biofeedback a patient can victim could cut off a tumor'Sblood arce. especially since they had the indication 01 a strong learn. The Thebiofeedbacktechniqueis a tool control migraines.neck tension.back supply: or a patientwith an infection best record is severalyears seasonwas a balanced effort on the which is being usee to teach control pain, excess sweating. high blood could channel white blood cells to- "Everybody had a team concept part of experienced players Rob of internal bodily processes. The pressure. stomach acidity. insomnia, ward the invader with grE:.ateref· and a realwill to win," said Lathroun, Bowell, Jody Walker. Ken Cherry, technique is founded on the learning etc., etc. Because of the success, !iency who added that the "bench decided Mark Cockerill. Bruce Anderson,and principle thai people learn to make a biofeedback techniques are being Only continued research will be the game" in several contests Mike Turner, combined with the en- certain response when they receive used either as standard practice or able to tell us just how manyailments Pat Luce, who led the team in thusiasm of first-year players Pat information (feedback) slating excererentar medicine all over the we could cure by self-regulation recoveries and assists, was a major Luce, Jim Emche,John Bemis.Scott whetherthey have or have not made United States. One of the most assetto the team His J:lowerand Kurkian,Jim Francis.and Dana Hill ~e:r~~~!e;et~~;:i~ ~~:It. ;~: :~~: La Honde'ct Alumni 301·239-8948 ~~"0Q..~ from page 3 'Y" when he states "There is no such garo elaborates on the reasoning ALLAMERICIN TRIVEl AUTO FRANK PAINTING CO, thing as happiness.There is no such behind his choice of "La Ronde" for the campus community."I wanted a thing as love. The only reality is RUSSO classic as opposed to amoremodern intoxication.' play and I also wanted one thai involved both men and women. The 8oUwashl~gIO~Rd Wo'<. MD~1151 Why has a drama with sex as its play also has a poignant message major-subjectmatterbeen chosen for hidden beneath its sensual exterior the W.M.C.campus?"1figured it was not unlike the works of the artist's Westminster's largest a surefire sell." says Gargaro face- dealing in art nouveau."Gargaro has tiously. Aside from this earnest at- opted to use Gustov Klimt's "The auto tempt to serve his audiences a meal Kiss" and Eduard Munch's "The body shop !AngeLo'S :=========:!.... which appeals to their tastes. ear- Scream" as contrasting visual im- Specials: .......~u~~s~f~: ~~~t~~ces date from the Tuesday night: Xerox Copies In addition. 'La Ronde" will feature choreographed dance numbers Spaghetti dinner. glass of house wine, Italian bread compliments01DeborahRobinsonor 5 designed by TeresaSatoia,a veteran and butter 3.95 ¢ Goucher College, period costumes, Wednesday and Thursday: of Centre Stage in Baltiore. and New Day Copy Center :;:~;'~'~'~~C:t:'~f'~~"~~;'M;~ With this ad. buy one dinner and get any other 60V2 W. Main Street ~~g,rt,;,~i'~t'''o'::;~''Art°i,;~: dinner of comparable cost for half the price. Westminster, Md. ~~:~~t~~d lighting DesiQnerfor the ~------------------~
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