Page 87 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 87
Scrimshaw Thursday, March 19, 1981 Volume XII) Number 6 Western Maryland College A fuse to be lit? Is "fairly safe" safe enough? This is the first of II two port series dealing with burning candles, one of the most dangerous fire fire scjety ot WMC. Port one highlighls some of the hazards in the rooms • chronic problems faced by the col/ege in respect to According to Kauffman, single station electric this issue. Part two. which will appear on April 9, smoke detectors have been ordered for all the dorm will investigate the college's responsibility and whut rooms, and will be installed during summer break. "The actions students have undertaken to be prepared in electric smoke detectors won't be foolproof. but they'll case on emergency were to arise. be a lot better than nothing" Beth Williams Overall, dorms are equipped with stair enclosures and fire doors on each floor which should be lett Seven women died and fifteen were injured when closed. "If students prop open the $250 fire doors it fourth floor Christmas decorations in a four story dorm oeteats their purpose, which is to keep the fire caught fire, "turning a 120 foot long hallway into a contained in the halls and provide an escape through tunnel of flames" the stair enclosures. They are there to protect you," According to the December 26, 1977 issue of Tfme, stated Kauffman. Aquinas Hall of Rhode Island's Providence College was Each campus building, in addition to fire doors, has competing for a prize for the "most elaborately an electric alarm system, fire extinguishers, and exit decorated dorm." The decorations included colored lights to meet the National Fire Protectiori'- Agency's tissue paper, crepe and tenet paper streamers, and a safety code desk lamp shining on a cardboard nativity scene. . Kauffman explained that there are two types of fire The women's dorm caught fire around 3:00 a.m extinguishers: the pressurized water and the chemical when the heat from the desk lamp apparently ignited type. "The water types have a tendency to walk off the cardboard and tissue paper. The dorm had no They are often emptied in water battles. However this sprinklers, outside fire escapes, or smoke detectors in type can be serviced by College personnel" the rooms, although it had "easily passed the city safety linda Lamb, Head Resident of Blanche Ward Hall inspection" the previous September reported that two months ago a chemical powder Western Maryland Colelge also passed an inspec- extinguisher was discharged in Ihe basement laundry tion according to Elwood Kauffman, Fire Investigator for room. "Rather than take a chance deciding if there was the State Fire Marshall's Ornce. "Although there are an electrical lire or if vandals had set off the problems there, just like any other college, as a whole extinguisher, I pulled the alarm and called the fire Western Maryland is fairly safe," said Kauffman_ But as department." one concerned student challenged, "is fairly safe safe The building was. evacuated and firemen checked enough?" the basement for any type of fire. The extinguisher had State fire inspections are an imperfect indicator of a apparently been set off by vandals, according to Lamb. college's fire safety preparedness. "We can go into any Lamb also reported that a few weeks ago" a large classroom, and we do check science and art rooms as fuse overheated through normal use, blowing Ihe lights well as supply rooms and storage closets," said in the rooms of two floors." The fire alarm also was Kauffman. Inspectors are not permitted to enter student inoperable, but the building was "evacuated by word of dorm rooms unless invited to do so according to a mouth" I Supreme Court case ruling According to Lamb the alarm was set 011 twice in I rooms "A big part of the fire hazard rooms problem too tidy", said January when a basement radiator leakes steam is in the dorm though. aren't of the Some also has Kauffman_ He stressed' toilet paper decorations, hot against a "station" (alarm bOX). The alarm to page 5 continued plates, overloaded extension cords and especially Summer employment advice Scholarship options CPS directories-1981 Internships and lion on how to get those jobs also thousands of openings listed at Whether you're looking for an lntern- 1981 Summer Employment Dlrec- 1981 Internships lists more than camps, resorts. restaurants, parks, ship position to enhance your educe- tory of the U.S. (Writer's Digest 15,000 short-term positions which en- summer theaters, commercial attrac- open tion and experience or a summer job Books). Each of these books lists able students to get on-the-job expe- tions. and businesses. Whether you to increase your bank.account, help thousands of Job opportunities lor rience--a valuable addition to any choose to work close to home or far is now here in the form of two new students and gives complete informa- resume---while trying oul a career on away, you'll find all the information Andi Yob ;':';:;;';;;;:;;~;;';;;'=~=='----=-"";"--__a temporary basis. These internship you need to make sure it's the job for With all of the recent stir over the Wage hike brings positions Stales are and cover throughout range the you, including number a description available, the drastic one cut in financial that aid, should is at be of located there work, a wide the least alternative 01 jobs United of careers, including those in busi- working conditions, hours, salary, considered by any returning student industry. problems ness arts, and government. communications, contact name the and job. address, and also the a facing an the exhorbitant tuition bill department duration political Through There's of law, the RD.T.e. social organizations, service groups, WMC museums, libraries, and more "fringe "hidden benefits" assets" section of the which Job-ev- lists there exists the who opportunity not for retain a any student. does Keith L. Arnold erything from travel allowances to the status of an ROTC. cadet, to be Recently, Western Maryland Col- available next year, up to this year's up~~~~~::Ii~~~n P!~!!dln!~t~n~~~~~~ homecooked meals. If college credit awarded a 2-year scholarship. Appfi- lege has been required to pay its level lion that will help in the selection of is available for a job, you'll lind that cants must be willing 10 invest 4 ~~~e~n~hi~~~~;:~:n~;:t ~~~~:rOfS~~'otht~i~~~i:m~~s w~~~p~ea;rs I~~: the right internship, including: duties information, too years of service in the U S army upon acceptance of the benefits of hour. On top of this, the Reagan hours. Both alternatives are problems ~!~~~n~S~~~~~~~;~i:~ ~:~~~~: ~r~~~- full tuition, books, and $100 per Administration has threatened to cut for the administration, who have to its; length and season of intemstup. No matter what you're looking month for two years This scholarship federal funds for financial aid pay students more for the b same pay and fringe benefits; housing ~o~;;i.n~~~;~~~~ei;ai~i~~i~~~ ahead sctoi- is offered as a Host Institution M;~~;~~~~g B~Si~:~~ ~~~~ge~e~:~~ ~;:~~s ~~ ;~k~a~~U~~ t:u~~ra~y,C~~ availability; and application contacts. start up the career ladder-these arship (HIS), which means the corn- petition for the schotarstup is now will be the same funds available next more money must be allotted lor pr10;:,d~~~;:~ Ed;:~~;~:nt Olrec- b~:t~ ~~~~es~~ee~~~~i~sf~~ee~~Z~:e aeon- being held for those qualified i;ra~~~~ ~~~~~n~i~I~~~~~~: :~: ~:~:~ve ~~~~~ensefit S~~dh~~~~r ;~~king tory lists more than 50.000 summer at your college book store. or send cants at WMC, as well as applicants competing on a national level dollars Although the same amount of ~~~~nii~i~l~d~; ~~~~hi~a;ci~~~i~;h o~~ ~;:15 ~~~~~r fn~~~:~~S~n~6_~~~: Before HIS. students competed for al~I~~~?:y~:n~r~il:u~~.s i~o~l:inpar~~i:~ ~~~~ Wi~i~til~~e ~~~~:~,I~h:se:uJ:~trs children on a private island, working tory plus $1.25 postage and han- scholarships only on a national level, but now, thanks to the Host Institu- bility, reduced next year, Ihe college wages next year, although more or ;:a~e~e~~:~~~~~~it~~~fo~etr~~n~n~:~ ~lli~~~~~ ~r~:~~ ~T~~itn~i~s'6~i~3 tion there is competition on both' is budgeting additional funds for thai less the same as this year might rot tie on a ranch in Wyoming'. There are 45242 continued to page 4 l~..~",~PO~"~.~b~Ci~09~iO~9~th~,~aid~m~OO~~~~gO~'~'~"~Clilililili;;~ .
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