Page 79 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 79
March 5, 1981 Scrimshaw page 5 had gotten out of hand sponse than any other COllegein the Guards murderers. Wow, how can I sergeants, Ihe portrayal of Guards- modern day understanding by many students interviewed with the same area show you in print what it means to be men as everyday people, and me of the psycholo@yof crowds left most conclusion: Dr. Hartman said Ihe march afraid? I can't remember being so "helped to ditfuse the issue for atot of frightened in all my 21 years as I was frustrated students" who needed to last Monday night at 8 p.m. I was demonstrate what they felt was a worried by the thought. "Will I die "very great injustice." tonight on Maryland University's cam- The Letters to the Editor of the pus?'... Believe me, the Ohio N.G. Carroll County Times also reflected were scared, scared they were going the wide range of responses 10 Kent to die.. "Please help me. don't waste State, Ihe march and demonstration time mourning for the dead and Andrew C. Mitchell, a Western pitying their killers; find a better way, Maryland student, wrote, "It was the work for peace and understanding" first time I felt the need to participate Sue Panek, a sophomore at West- in such a demonstration and I was ern Maryland in 1970, remembers not tne only first demonstrator.There most students on campus as being was the usual number of long hair 'indifferent!" Like today, students hippie types, but there was also an were generally "self-absorbed" with abundance of athletes ROTC stu- their own lives... Ms. Panekadds that dents, silent majority types, older the Kent State incident prol1JPteda conservative professors and younger "big march because something liberal ones..."1 marched because I started aJot of sympathy" think something should be done to Dr. Panek, a graduate student at prevent a repeat performance." Kent State before coming to Western Pvt. Vince Battaglini wrote, "I would Maryland remembers, "if anything, like to know what the hell the people the students there were more passive all over our city are trying to prove than here" by demonstrating the protesting Dr. Panekrememberswalking down Being a soldier in the United States the walk and grounds where the Army, I'm proud to serve under my demonstration and shooting took flag and feel that, anyone living in place. He recalls that on two sides America should be. These students of the walk were two large women's should keep their noses in their dormitories. He said the woman liked books before they find themselves in to paint pictures on their windows like the Army" Snoopys. For him, Kent State is western Maryland's student paper, remembered as "strange", and The Gold Bug, also carried letters of seemed "a loss of innocence" response in their M~y 11,1970 issue. T.V. SHOW Greg Barnes wrote, "I didn't wear Eleven years after Kent State, NBC an armband to mourn the dead of aired a television show about the Kent State this Wednesday as I did incident. According to Hugh Dawkins, not see fit to glorify students that -ttcnonanzenonof the event may have were responding to Ihe war in a romanticized the movie but the tacts useless and harmful way I am were correct" horrified at tne fatalities The only Dawkins continued, "It was emo- reason I marched at all is because I tional to watch. I had friends in tte felt it would serve the anti-war move- National Guard who had to go down ment" to Maryland. It was like the Civil War Jchn Seaman, a National Guards- friend 'IS. friend. Stress and tension man called onto the University of causes action and reaction." "The mood of the crowd resembled a funeral wake, as many sat with their Maryland campus, wrote, "rve seen To most students interviewed, the heads bowed or looking straight ahead, fashioning blank stares.__several speakers both sides, and that's strange be- movie brought up many things, mak- impressed upon the crowd the need for protest and not idle concern!' cause when you look at it they're ing it difficult to blame anyone. The really the same side... I assumea lot undertraining of many of the guards- -Carroll County Times May 7, 1970 _ of people are calling Ohio National man, the fanaticism of one of the T•V. dramatization: Draft spurs protests (CPS) Widespread but small often held solely for the purpose of that there were "too many protests to fact or fiction protests greeted the January begin- disseminating literature, rather than keep track of" in January, the overall (CPS) -- Sticklers for accuracy guiter ning of the Selective Service System's dissuading potential registrants. reaction to Ihe registration procedure should nave a field day dissecting The needs of dramatic license pro- continuous registration program, but One of the largest protests took was decidedly low-key the docudrama "Kent State," which vided the most entertaining lictions in anti-draft organizations are un- place January 5 at Boston's Main Often, literature will alienate the NBC aired February 8. Although Inter- the presentation. The4 hour lonqver- daunted, confident the movement is Post Office, the site of 40 arrests at a reader by being "too extreme-- either Planetary Productions, which sion, for example, showed a dorm "growing" in spite of the seemingly similar demonstration last summer left-wing or right-wing," Bound ex- produced the show, went to the counselor's wife at the height of the more bellicose mood in the country The Boston Alliance Against Registra- plains. In fact, a counselor at the trouble of annotating the script -- demonstrations asking her busbend, since the release from Iran of the 52 tion and the Draft, sponsor of the University of Illinois' Draft Counseling apparently in anticipation of heavy "Can't you forget the revolutionfor an American hostages protest, says Ihe atmosphere was Center complains that, "people just criticism some of the citations hour? Come home for lunch. I'll serve Aida Bound, associate director at somewhat quieter this time. Another aren't laking it seriously" didn't check out my Ho Chi Minh Tuna Surprise" tne national headquarters of the Com- demonstrationwas held the following "We're opposed to the draft but A thorough reading of the script More serious were the surviving mittee Against Registration and the day in Cambridge we're trying to keep the center as a uncovered some 38 factual errors, fictions that could fundamentally alter Draft (CARD), acknowledges that the Similarly, protests in Davis, Califor- political as possible," counselor Alice though 14 were eventually edited out the public's perception of what took hostage release has provoked a nia and Austin, Texasdrew crowds of Ordover told the Dally IIIlnl. "II of the version televised in the United place that weekend in Kent renewed willingness in Americans-to about 10 to post offices. There, people have trouble articulating be-- States. A 'four-hour version, which The script. for instance, shows six do what their country asks of them, student organizations provided coun- liefs we can help them...Nobody is was also screened for AmericanTV, "radicals" setting lire to the campus including register for. the draft seling and literature to young men pushing people not to register here" critics in los Angeles, will be shown ROTC building, thus providing Ohio Still. ~ound says her organization entering the buildings 10 register Indeed, confusion seems to be the in loreign countries, presumably with officials with a motive lor using force and others like it are pleased with Ihe Similarly, the American Friends most common reaction to the regis- all the errors included against the demonstrating students reactions of 18 and 19--year-oldsto Service Committee, a national Quaker tration process. Larry Spears, director Most of the errors in recounting the In fact. no one has ever been able Ihe draft and indicates that the organization,continues mass mailings of the Youth and Conscientious Ob- events before and on May 4, 1970, to establish who set the fire. The various protests staged in January of literature protesting the draft "on jection Campaign, nctees that the when Ohio National Guardsmen killed campus "radicals" themselves con- are Just the beginning of "a solid, Quaker and pacifist beliefs." Last registration forms provide no place four and wounded nine other people tend they have no idea who the organized and growing movement." summer the Denver branch alone for a man to indicate his objection gathered at Kent State University to arsonists were, and others have sug- For the most part, demonstrations sent 80,000 such mailings to a list of Spears advises that registrants make protest the American invasion of gested the fire was deliberately set held during the January 5-11 reqistra- potential registrants compiled from their feelings known somewhere on Cambodia, were fairly minor by someone anxious to provide a tion period were organized at a local state driver's license records. Mardie the form, either by writing "C.0." or "I They range from the concoction of pretext for using force against the level, with direction from national McCreary, a member of the Denver protest" at the top of the page a kind of pre-massacre Sadie Hawk-, protesters groups "when it was requested" branch. emphasizes that her group "We've heard 01 many instances ins Day in wnich a romance between After the screening in Los Angeles, Reports indicate that most groups stresses moral and ethical, rather where the government videotapes two of the subsequent victims -- Jeff Executive Producer Max Keller ap- . chose to picket the post offices than religious, reasons lor opposing demonstrations and people who re- Miller and Sandy Scheuer -- is im- pearce for interviews, during which where registration was taking place registration fuse to register," says Susan Benda plied to the impossibly quiet interlude he defended the film's authenticity Bound says the demonstrationswere While CARD headquarters insists continued to page 8 01 an on-duty Guardsman playing a ~ .
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