Page 85 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 85
March 12, 1981 Scrimshaw page 3 The Stonehenge dilemma Chris Soto gists' theories" on stcoeherce. De- three basic slages, stated Stover, are Dr. Leon Stover, noted anthropolo- tailed explanations of each theory named Stonehenge I, Stonehenge Il, gist and a WMC alumnus, lectured then followed. each being illustrated 'and Stonehenge lila, and the period onceming the origin of Stonehenge by slides. of time it took to build these stages n Monday, March 2, College Presi- According to Stover, some of the was tooo years. According to this dent Dr. Ralph C. John personally more popular theories today are "As- theory. explained Stover, Stonehenge welcomed Stover in his introduction, tronomical Stonehenge" and certain I was constructed bv the "Windmill calling the anthropologist, "a real "archeologists' theories" on Stone- Hill Culture," a group of farmers, in scholar with ranging interests" henge, simply because they are up- 2900 B.C. Stonehenge II was built by Slover opened his lecture on "Sto- dated, scientific theories. The other the "Beaker Folk," a bronze age nehenge and Its Mystery Makers" by lour theories were interesting and people, in 2100 B,C. Stonehenge III explaining how Stonehenge, which is colorful, with the oldest dated back to was constructed by the 'Wessex located on Salisbury Plaln in England, 1135 A.D Warriors" in 2000 B.C., the later has stood lor 35 centuries, During 9 The "Astronomical Stonehenge" Bronze Age. Stover stated that many centuries of that time span numerous theory or "Stonehenge decoded," archeological relics from each time historians and anthropologists have says that Stonehenge is a solar period have been found and dated. puzzled over its origin and meaning. observatory whose stones are lined Finally, Stover presented his own Stover stated that Stonehenge is the up to indicate the motions of the sun theory on the origin of Stonehenge. number two tourist attraction in Eng- and the moon, stated Stover. This Stover holds with the three stage land: the Tower of London being theory was the first to suggest that theory, but suggests that Stonehenge number one Stonehenge was built over a long was the meeting place of a powerful Next. Stover skimmed over six pop- period 01 time and by different peo- tribe, probably under the influence of ular theories on the origin of Stone- ples; three building phases made on several strong chiefs of dynasties. henge: "The King Arthur Legend of single a scientific instrument. The five tritithons, live groups of three Stonehenge," "cteeercrat Stone- This theory that Stonehenge was large stones in a row, represent five European Heritage." Stover the height of the tribes' power. Each henge," "Royal Stonehenge," "Ro- built in three stages over a period of different chiels: the "Cowchiefs." presented a slide illustrating his of the five trnltnons were carved and mantic Stonehenge," "Astronomical time carries over into the archeolo- Thus. Stover titled his theory, "Stone- theory. The slide depicted Stone- ornamented in ways that represented Stonehenge,' and certain "archeolo- gists' theories on Stonehenge. These henge of the Cowchiefs, The Indo- henge as it would have looked during a certain chiet. Ports: from Pub performer to.... leff Dyer its renditions of Styx (the band was first record ready by New Year's Eve. cateo that the album will contain started here (W.M.C.). people would "The ministrel plays through night often called the "Styx band"), the The album is slightly larger than a 45, diversity of style. There will be light ask me if I knew anything by the and day Rolling Stones, and the Little River containing two tracks per side. One rock, some ballads, and best of all. Eagles or other bands, and I used to with solemn thoughts on how to say Band. "I Can't Sing Through the of the songs was written by Stephe "fusion," a combination of upbeat play that stuff. I only played a little bit I love you a different way, Tears" was Stephe's first break into and the record blends variety of funk and jazz, the style Stephe seems of what I wrote, Now they sit out there And singing is his protege' writing his own material. However, it styles. This first effort shows the type to favor. Stephe is shooting for what and ask to hear songs I wrote. rbers These words. from Stephe Ports' "For was "For a Song" that gave Stephe of diversity Stephe wants in all his he calls a "Steely Dan air" for this a great feeling..." Perhaps these two a Song," exemplify the real import- the confidence in his own ability as a future work. The KLASS band may album. It should be a great effort. if it lines from one of his songs sum ance behind his music. Stephe has songwriter. When Stephe first entered well prove to be one of the innovative follows the pattem Stephe is currently things up long been recognized as the pub Western Maryland, he quickly made a bands so desperately needed on setting for his music "Now I'm siogin' with desire performer par excellence, but this is name for himself through his work tcoev's otherwise bleak music scene Stephe is the composite musician To make it to a star" ~~:in~ ~i~~:~::!Si;:a~~~~~ this Talen t in;":~~=s~~~, ~~~~~n~tr~s~r~v~ and songwriter. Right now, he is in Stepha Ports, a man with a gift. the position to grab the music world Maybe if we're lucky enough, we'll all feature by its collective ears, and go where get to that star. And Stephe will be ~:::~: ~~~ h~~arta~~~e ~g~~ ::~:.~nathi~ta:~~~ ,~ti::k: ::~ =~ he wants. In Stephe's final thoughts, lhere waiting.. fourteen, playing and later singing because t can do pretty much what I he mentioned the following: "When t with the band Bonn, It was during this with Phil Bitlington at Taneytown's want. but there's still a lot of pressure time that Stephe bought a Univox own "Leonardi's" and the band Street involved. Being up there by yourself, bass, his first guitar, which is men- Player. you take alltheresPlf\sibility if some- HOUSE OF LIQUORS tioned in tte opening of "For a Cur~en!ly, St~Phe has done most of thing goes wrong." By ~is same Song." Stephe soon advanced away his. srnglng With ~~ KLASS band. ideal, one takes a\l the credit if things from Bonn, creating his own band, Ttus group, conSisting of Stephe, go well Presence. In Stepha's mind. Pres- keyboaTdist la~ry. Klass, drummer 'NIlat should one ~ for in the ence "could have been one of the Bob Lennon, gUitafl~t Rusty Witt. and future? Stephe has menlloned that a Natural Light 6 pack $2.49 hottest bands in the country," Though French female vocalist Bo Chel\einda full-length album is on the way, this may at first glance seem a bit has been together since June of perhaps inside of two years.. He also 848-1314 egotistical, Stephe is exceptionally 1980. They entered the Sound Ex- says "e would like to pull In some modest lor one possessing his tal- pressions Studio in Wheaton during professional musicians to work on the Present Coupon ents. in fact, Presence w•• a hot November, and alter working six tons," and srecre has already IfIdl-':=================:::: expires 3/19/81 album. It will be titled "Precon~ep- band until it broke up at the time hours a day for six weeks, had their St;ieh;h:n~::da CI~I~~g~istof accom- ,... •• plishments outside working with (1'_'~'!tO~' Westminster's largest Carriage House Liquors bands. He auditioned and was ac- l-.V- 113 W. Main Street cepted by King'S Dominion to work "at the forks" their summer program. but had to auto body shop turn the offer down when he realized AUTO PAINTfNG CO. he would have to quit school in his Strohs 12 pack (cans) $4.76 senior year of high school. Stephe 844 Washington Rd. 301-848-6114 did work with the organization Per- westminster. MD 21157 301-876-7717 Strohs (case) $8.59 forming Arts Abroad in March, 1979, With this ad, get a 10% discount on aU repair jobs Stephe did not initially play his own'"==========:;:::========: ;=::;:=;===::;;:;:;:;;::;;;;:=~ doing an improvisational concert at over $200. Offer good until March 31, 1981. expires 3/19/81 Present coupon New York City's Rockefeller Center. music. Presence was best known for r a I) Sportswear & Athletic Shoes T::::~Ni9h~nge0 5 FLEET FEET ~~ Spaghetti dinner, glass of house wine, FAIRGROUND VILLAGE CENTER Italian bread and butter _ $3.95 330 ONE FORTY ViLLAGE ROAD Wednesday Thursday WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND 21157 ! All Brands of Athletic Shoes With this ad, buy one dinner and get any other warm-up Suits & Sportswear dinner of comparable ~ost for half price. 10% Discount with 10 ,Silk Screen Printing for Groups
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