Page 88 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 88
Scrimshaw EI Salvador: a lesser of two evils? Critics are branding it "the next Vietnam." Will United States involvement in EI Salvador recreate this country's image as an Imperialistic, meddlesome super-power anxious to prop up tottering oppressive governments with millions of dollars in military aid? Or is the Reagan Administration's increased aid to an embattled Central American military-civilian junta the wisest course of action among several unattractive alternatives? In many ways, EI Salvador is not. and could never be, another Vietnam. The dimensions and location of (he conflict make this a misleading comparison. But the United States does face the same general dilemma in EI Salvador that it struggled so dividedly with in Vietnam:Where should it drawthe linein supporting governments that are far from democratic against communist bloc supported guerrilla movements? This is a war of revolution. An ugly, vicious conflict in which terrorist attacks claim nearly as many, if not more. innocent lives then do skirmishes between gurrillas and government troops. It is a bitter .~~@ struggle which has matched marxist-leftist groups against conserva- tive right wing elements. Somewhere in the middle stands the military-civilian government 01 President Jose' Napoleon Duarte Where should the United states fit into this complex scenario? There is no "right.. faclion to support. Serious questions about the role of members of the current government in condoning (if not participating in) acts of terrorism and torture remain unanswered. The Conservatively -speaking ideal solution would be for the United States to step back and let the people of EI Salvador work this out on their own. But this is far from an ideal world. Regardless 01what the U,S Did you get your $20 worth? does, the Soviet Union and its allies are prepared to train, arm and supportvrevorutionary movements across the globe. It seems clear comes out of your tuition. About see the system can work for you that these groups are playing an important role in EI Salvador, II the Keith L. Arnold dollars a person. About 100 were It is because of behavior like this, United States were to abandon the current government of EI It is a 'scene botl1 famitar and Ironic. returned. Theta about 250 dollars per along with skipping classes. vandal- Salvador tomorrow. the people of that country would not be left alone. In its roundness and depth it contains person . ism and the constant echoes of "this to determine their fate various items. mostly in the form of What makes the situation even school sucks," that make it very Imperfect as the current government is. it shows potential tor paper. And. after a slight glance it sadder is that members of the board difficult to understand the complaints democratic progress and should be allowed Ihe opportunity to see can be observed that much of this were pleased with what they termed of many students about tenon hikes through its programs for reform. The United States should not allow paper is tile same a high turn-out and evaporating loans. Many of them haunting memories of the Vietnam war to bias its foreign policy in the I am referring to Ihe trash can And invariably those students who obviously don't care 1980's. The lessons of Vietnam should not be forgotten. but they outside of the post office. The paper tossed their questionnaire in the trash Not that I mind, I'll get my 20 should be placed in perspective referred to is the College Activities will complain next year that they pay dollars worth. and then some But US military and economic aid is not the total solution for EI program boards questionnaire on good money to go to this school and As for the students Who are upset Salvador's problems The current government must act quickly to win events for the next veer there is nothing interesting to do. This because Ihe President they did not the support of the people of EI Salvador. It must conduct a thorough I stood and watched the flow of is the same type who complain about vote against is cutting back on their house cleaning and remove and punish officers in the military and students from class to mailbox 10 their government and don't vote. Well aid while tuition money that they don't the government who have been involved in or lax in persecuting trash can to cafeteria. with a mixture they missed their chance. care about is raised to go to a terrorist activities, II must continue its plans for land reform. And it of pity and contempt Those of you Who blew your 20 college that they don't even like, well must open up democratic inputs for the people of EI Salvador to The CAP Board has 25,700 dollars dollars, well it was only 20 dollars, I guess the infamous "POWERSTHAT show them that Ihey have a reason to preserve its existence to spend next year. That money those of you who picked up over 20. BE' gol you again Letters to the Editor "I I Whose fun? vided to students 01'1the weekends tickets were for his fraternity brothers Hartwyk and his friends will get to First, the administration claims that But with the harsh restrictions placed and friends Dear Editor upon the student body concerning This may seem to be an innocent see the best show in the best seats, the library is not to be used as a I recently attended a rather unusual visitation and the right to sponsor act of itself, if it is taken out of and everyone who waited in line and place to student but is solely a party on campus. It was a record hop beer parties. it seems ridiculous that context. However, when several peo- then got stuck with balcony seats can research center. This is confUSing for sponsored by the Christian Life Coun- students must vacate the pub, our ple I know tried to do the same thing just look .down and see who the really two major reasons. The first being cil only source ot socmzeuon. by 1:00 that Mr, Hartwyk did. they were told important people are at WMC: Chris that the handbook claims that the What was unusual about it was the AM. Perhaps it never occurred to the that they could buy only two tickets Hartwyk and his Turkey friends I library is a "laboratory" where I may fact that no alcohol was served. Even administration that students don't for each 1.0, they had with them. and Sincerely, find materials needed for my classes though only a small number of people wish to retire by 1:00 A.M. Students only for two 1.D.'s, Naturally. they An Irate Senior and a place where I may go to "read chose to support this function, those are told to act dS adults, yet. we're were not happy at this rather blatant What about it along Ihe lines." The administration's who did attend appeared to enjoy treated like children, Coitege students double-standard, and some of them interpretation of the purpose of the themselves don't need curfews, either direct or protested to the Social committee "buddy"? library does rot seem lotally consist- This shows that il is possible for indirect, but such ridiculous regula- chairman. who merely shrugged the To Chris Hartwyk, ent with the handbooks' ideals. Sec- students on this campus to enjoy tions suggest and enlorce them. The whole thing off I question how it is possible for a ond, there seems to be a major themselves without consuming alco- rules here at Western Maryland Col- My question is this: where does the single student to purchase 74 re- paradox. That is, the administration hol. Based on this I would like to lege concerning parties. or any type great Mr. Hartwyk get off using his served seat tickets for the Crack the has proposed that all courses 200 pose the following question to stu- of sociaiizlion for that matter, seem position and influence to take per- Sky concert. Was this mass ticket level and above should have as a dents: Do YOU think it is possible to appropriate of a junior high school. sonal advantage of this situation in purchase aided by your buddy Bart requirement research paper. This have a good time without getting Student Independence, the overall order to reap personal gain? What Stocksdale Who is supposedly in proposal was informally agreed upon drunk? A better question might be goal of the college itself, is neglected makes the Phi Delta Turkeys so charge of the concert? Just because I agree with the proposal-that is, one Do the students on this campus if not prevented Students here at special that they don't have to stand you are "president .. of the S.G,A.. is purpose of college is to expand one's WANT to have fun without getting Western Maryland College are con- in line like the rest of us peons in that what gives you the pnv iledge to writing and research abilities, how- drunk? stantly reminded to act as mature order to get tickets who wanted to go buy 1/6 of the seats for the 10:00 ever, when at the same time the A questioning student adults, so why not treat us as such?!! administration cuts back the hours of More,parties please Daniel F. Fielder to the ten o'clock show, only to find show? I find this a total abuse of library operation a paradox exists out it was sold out long before they power, that should not be allowed Dear Editor, Reign of tickets had the chance to gel through the Barry Sacks that Second. the administration claims causes has inflation many As I begin this tetter at 1:30 a.m. Dear Editor, line, and that some Turkeys got good Discouraging budget cuts within the college, and Sunday morning, I wonder if there is I am writing tobnnq to light a gross seats and didn't even have to stand has choosen the library as one of its not justification for the destruction injustice I have heard about concern- in line? the studious targets. Since I was a freshman, the and aggression that takes place on ing the sale of tickets to the upcom- It's time that the S.GA finally do base cost of attending WMC has campus here at Western Maryland ing Crack the Sky concert. I have something for all students: this whole Dear Editor, risen from $4,500 to $6,500 - keeping College. With the recent ban on been told by several members of the situation stinks of corruption and In recent months there seems to be up wilh the inflation rate. While I have section parties and overall apathy of S.GA that a certain member of the collusion, and it should be investi- an ongoing discussion between the been paying the same amount in real the administration, it seems only natu- Phi Delta Theta fraternity and presi- gated. No official, especially at Presi- students and the administration over terms over the last four years, WMC ral that desperately bored students dent 01 the S,GA, otherwise known dent of the S.G.A., should be allowed the hours of operation, and use of, has not only cut back the availability displace their energy toward diHerent as Chris Hartwyk, bought a block of to gel away with this kind of conflict Hoover Library. The tatter seems to of real goods and services (i.e., outlets. It seems that after studying over seventy seats in the left center of interest But knowing how the base their argument on two fallacious but has also dropped in and attending classes all week, some loge section of Alumni Hall for the S,GA has worked in the past. I don't concepts that we shall now precede library, etc.) Barron'S ratings. At $2,50 per hour. it variety of recreation should be pro- 10:00 o'clock show. and that the expect anything 10 be done. No, Mr to quash continue to page 3
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