Page 78 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 78
page 4 Scrimshaw March 5, 1981 Kent State: the demonstration Kathy Chromv killing of those students was the last Accord'nq to LJr. Palmer, Dr. Mund, students because the message was the expression of dissent or the On May 3, 1970 the Ohio National straw" in a very awkward position, ap- peace, According to Dr. Palmer, attempt to suppress it We wish to Guard was catted to the campus 01 Although not att faculty members proached the situation, "openly and "many students didn't want to blame give our support to all attempts on an Ohio State University. The day interviewed perceived the student rationally," realizing that the students the National Guard" the part of students or fellow faculty betore. the Kent State University body as that violent or reactionary to needed a means for expressing The actual march route, however, is members to express peacefully their campus Reserve Officer Training the climate of the time, most mter- themselves, Another meeting was set unclear. Dr. LeRoy L. Panek, then in opposition to the military policies Core building had been burned down viewed agreed that opinions among up for that afternoon with interested his second year teaching at Western being pursued by the Nixon Aomols- in protest of President Nixon's order- the students and faculty had polar- students and faculty, Dr. Mund, Dean Maryland, remembers marching to tratoo. The right to dissent is a ing of troops into Cambodia. The day ized, paralleling the polarization 01 Mowbray, and the local police cruet. the Armory, At that time there was a historic right in the democratic after, four students present at an opinions across the United States DECISION ON ACTION pool hall on Longwell Avenue and he process without which democracy initiatty passive demonstration were Dr. Hartman realized something Different forms of action were de- remembers people standing around itself cannot survive. killed when National Guard troops had 10 be done bated among the group, numbering outside it, commenting to the march- We likewise giye our support 10 the fired into the crowd of student prctes- That Monday evening Dr. Melvin D aboul lifly. According to Dr. Hartman, ers efforts of the Student Government "We wish to give our support 10 all attempts on the pan of ~on~;, s~~~en~:r,w:n~~il t~~~~~t t~~~ c:___,,::-,' -a,-,u-m-.-a::-'o::-' -o':-p:Ceo"pC:,.-a:c,.=,,""/Iin:CgC"o"'h:C,oC"N:::a=/io::na:::'--;G;::ua::,d=,- students or fellow faculty members to express peacefully their according to Dr. Palmer, "stressed murderers. Wow, how can I show you in print what it means to be opposition to the military policies being pursued by the Nixon Administration. The right to dissent is a historic right in the democratic ~:~~ee~a~~r than confrontation," was ~~~:=;~i~,:a~:::::,.~~~~:~ho~~t, t~~i/l6:~e r:.~~htw~~eM::~:' process withoul which democracy itself cannol survive," The march route was then dis- scared they were going 10 die." -statement by the WMC Chapter of the American Association of cussed, The "more angry" students, -Jonn Seaman,National Guardsman called onto the University of University Professors, May 4, 1970 according to Dr Hartman, wanted to Maryland lars. The demonstration had some- Palmer was at home, "seething and march to the Armory on Longwell Tuesday afternoon happened to be Association of Western Maryland in how gotten out of hand. This incident pacing up and down." The fact that Avenue for its obvious military syrn- the meeting for the Western Maryland its plans for mass meeting and is remembered as "Kent State" "American students could be shot by tcnsm. Other students wanted to College Chapter of the American peaceful demonstration as they at- INmAL REACTION AT WMC Americans in America," was the issue march to the Peace monument on the Association of University Professors tempI to express their solidarity with According to Dr, Robert H, Hart- for him. He too was thinking some- corner of Main Street and Pennsyl- They released the following state- fellow students of other institutions man, then Dean of Chapel, Western tt1ing had to be done when he vania Avenue for what it symbolized mere: and their concern 10 preserve free- Maryland was not "a radical cam- received a catt from Dr. Hartman A compromise destination, the POSI "We, the Western Maryland Coneoe dam of dissent for all stuoents" pus." There was, he admits, a small They decided to have a meeting Office, which was still a government group of students actively opposed to with concerned students and student building but did not have as violent Chapter of the American Association Copies of. this letter were sent to -connotations as the Armory, was of University Professors wish to ex- Pre~ldent Nixon, Senator Joseph 0 the Viet Nam war representatives. At that meeting in the chosen press our concern over the killing 01 T~dlngs, Senator Charles McC Ma- "My greatest fear was this campus old Grille it was decided to have a Dr Palmer agreed with that deci- four students at Kent Slate Universily thias, Congressman J .. Glenn Beall would explode," says Dr. Hartman meeting the next day with the then ?bout that Monday in 1970 "The ecurc president Dr Mund sion. That route would involve more in Kent. Ohio. We deplore violence in ~rHEa~~G~0v,:;~~~arvln Mandel According to the May 7, 1970 Kent State and the 80's Carroll 300 County Times, Maryland College more "slightly than Western families students, faculty and their marched through downtown Westmin- Kathy Chromy ster Tuesday night carrying candles When I was approached about I do not remember Kent State. I am Statement of In protest of four Ohio students killed domg an article on Kent State. the sure some of my peers do. I vaguely by the National Guard' angle suggested was, "How would remember frOIT) Social Studies the "Following the ninety minute gather· students at Western Maryland react if invasion and bombing of Cambodia, I procedures protest ing featuring songs and anti-violence something similar happened today?" I remember -y sixth grade teacher speeches on the steps of Baker soon realized this question was not asking our class, "What is war?: What for candlelight Chapel, the two abreast columns of answerable. Kent State's crowd reac- is killing?: What is lilling?" I remem- protestors made the seventy minute tion and the shootings were ramifica- ber the children answering with the march" tions of a decade of built up tension words they heard their parents speak Memorial March -- May 5 and frustration around the dinner table Statement of Purpose "The mood of the crowd resembled The student movement. although Now we must answer those ques- We are marching tonight in memory of Jeffry Miller, 20, Plainview, a funeral wake, as many sat with their initially comprising a minority of stu- lions for ourselves. Think at Kent N.Y" Allison Krause, 19, Pittsburg, Pa , Sandy Lee Scheuer, 20, heads bowed or looking strait ahead, dents, had become very visable and State rationally, but do not forget a Youngstown, Ohio, and William Schroeder, 19, Lorain, Ohio, all killed fashioning blank stares Several vocal by 1~70 The students' way of decade's frustrated cry for change by the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970 speakers impressed upon the crowd dealing with things they did not Today, students live in a time We are marching tonight because we believe in the right 01 the need for protest and not idle believe in antagonized the older gen- without a focal issue. We also grew Americans to assemble peacefully in protest of their government's concern eration and was eaten up by the up during the sixties and seventies policy. We are marching tonight in peace and in the hopes that REACTION TO THE MARCH media, creating high levels 01 emo- and oert- To many, student revolution people can come together in harmony According to the "Times," most tion onstration have become hackneyed Rules of Order bystanders were not aware of the There was also a fear of student expressions to belief 1) Marchers will line-up by twos and remain in double file purpose ot the march while others movements. Tile polarization of feel- If anything, demonstration has been throughout the march 'questioned the protest's ultimate ing was paralleled by an increase in the violent nature of the movement ~:~~~~~d ~t~~r~~,s :ere:~ ~:~~:~ 2) Silence will be maintained at all times ~a~~~ ';ro:eMaf;It~,W~~~o f~~irme~uo,t,es campus in my four years here, angry all t~~archers wilt keep moving under the directions of marshals at "Why are they protesting something Analysis disagreement with the administration 4) Obey any order given by marshals: they will be easily they don't understand?" asked one ~~dlr~n~ ~:~~I~e~f i::~;i~~; t~~~t:~~: identified by yellow armbands gi~ne auto mechanic, who declined - reflection neither responsible, sympathetic, rei be i~)V~b~lo~;nO~;:~~~.r~~:~~~~ ~~r~;o~~~~~~~ ~yh~~a~~I~Cn~, to give his name, commented, "It ::~~t re~; ~~~~~~c~V:~n:h~fP:~~;:~s 6) Any student who disrupts the march in any way will be ;~~Idb~~nm~vhe~~t~~~~o I~~!~,~oo~: ing ourselves was a disgrace imm~~a~~~~~::Z ~~~7da~i~e to thank Chief Oay of the Weslminster added, "it would be much better to :t~d~~ts ~:~~~~y ~2r~e~~~~ n~ ;e~: fe:i~9;e~~e~~~r~~sIP~;i~i~l~ i~o Ii:: Police department for his cooperation ~~d '::rkb~~~ at~~in~n:~ersities down ~:~e t:eei:i~s:~~~ ~:~~g f~~n~h~~ we start Questioning the world we A youlh standing in front of a pool Viet Nam ~~rl~\~~e t:~ ~~~~r~n~a~ta:;~~ actions, words, an-d thoughts. On a ~aacY:;r:e o~a~s c~:~~~ i:h:il~~~I~~a~i ~1~1It~; ~~~~;e~~e A~~~~~c~~~~r~::~ K~~ita::~~o~:~~~;e~~::'th:a~:tfo~~ ~~h~~~;twa~~ a:u~h:~~S I~~~e~:~~ ~eV~IV~~gall~~~:ill;: ~~n t~:rt ~~i~~~ ou~o:w~!: all of this tie in with Kent °6~~tl~d~~~t~:~~~ ~~ ;~:md~rway ~~~;dSt!:e~a:~~ua~I~, ~:er~a:r~:a;~ of human life?" But first we must ask ~o~:etg:;Ceh ~;h:a:;n~if::~e~te~~:~I~ State? Kent State and the sixties were of a drugstore said, "I think its silly for glng questions remaining: "Why were ~f~~~lves, "What is the quality of my but at honest levels, or even by ~eocp~~ :~~k~hua;ga~ai:~eth:~~~ t~ea; Fn~~I:n~~e~~' parading around carry- ~i~h ~:~~n~lutt~t~~~,ds.''W~~nsw!~a~~~ I have been told about "indiffer- ::Iif~~~f~~;tw~~;~ ~:et~~tr~c~~es~~~~ did not believe in IS proof they Registrar Hugh -Dawkins, a 1969 National Guard on a college campus ~~~e.'~t~d:nt~~t ~:I;:d a~em~~~OI~~~ of deception, corruption and violence ~:I;:v~~1 ~~:i~~r~~tUld change. They ~;:~=:~h o:a:~,~t~;:e ~:~~~~~'IOs~~ ;~ t~heefi~~r~il~~e~~;d~/nt~:fe~~~~ with their own lives on Ihe surface ~~: t~~:n~~r~~~~s:i~ t~:~nt a life I believe in the beauty of every senseless loss of lives of fellow building, "When is a building more ~hne~!~ve~ot I~~~er~~~~d~s o~ ~~~I1t: I know this is hard. I think we are ~~:~~ne Ith:eeWO;ld b~~~v~hewebe~~~ st~~e~~I~er responded to the march im~e:':;~~:~~i:n~m~;nli~:S:~swered but it is not an excuse. Being ~~~i~~Z:dd~~~Pt~onW~:dp!~a~t~~~~~ through an awareness of ourselves as his "never having seen 'so many so that something like Kent State will ~n~~f~~r~~ i~ r'::e:~~\:~i:~i~~ ~~l~ relationships. I do not believe this is :;: h~~:~~e S~~~:i~~y~~rdli~~~s~~~:Sy ~I~~~e~~~~~:~~~~n~~~~~~c:~~n~~~ g proud h 'OoW',~:,p,p. 'd'oea,g~io't ,T,ohp'hO,U,',slionin \,:::=·'::"=:':"'::':::::=:"_ __ to look at and beyond ourselves thh:v:~~ ~n~~~~V~t~~ ~~:e:hn!~w~ and we have to start now ./ Interest school II made II me very a better re- of .!;An~d:':,:!).in-"0:l...!:do~in!2...!a"'!l'..iic,-,~'ao"e:..l0~u,~,:":_;_:",:",,:,,,, was' this
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