Page 82 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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page 8 Scrimshaw March 5, 1981 Millions available to students cause people don't know where to of Cash-for-College (Prentice Hall), "More than $100.000,000 of school Army. Navy. Air Force, Marines or A missing link exists in the US find the funds, or they think they don" "People believe the myth that all aid has gone unclaimed and unused Coast Guard? between available college scholar- qualify," says the Director of the scholarships. and grants are based because it has not been matched up The Student Assistance Council of ships, grants and financial aid, and Student Assistance Council of Amer- only on a student's financial with the proper students. Students America has developed a unique the people eligible to receive them tea. neecf...class standing...or test scores don't bother to apply because many Student Profile Application Form. "Money is going unclaimed, be- According to Robert Preede, author It's not true!" parents oon'r believe their children which provides the "keys" to finding qualify for financial aid." Preece says multiple sources of financial aid. Distinguished nominations available to people regardless of plus a "how to" Scholarship Search You can get a copy of this form Yet million of dollars in aid are need or academic excellence. Total Informatiori Kit. by writing directly to dollars available to students for col- the Council and enclosing $1.00 to The time' is here to nominate the nominees from the list of eligil?le placed in sealed envelopes and sub- lege are some $500,000.000. "Sub- help pay for first class postage. instructor you feel deserves the Dis- faculty members. To be eligible a mitted to the Student Affairs Office for stante! amounts of money are hidden handling, etc. tinguished Teaching Award. ALL Jun- faculty member must have tenure and mailing to the club president. The behind strange eligibility require- Write Student Assistance Council of iors and Seniors are asked to teach both semesters during the Club tallies .the rating sheets and ments. little-known trust funds. public America,Suite 628U, 1775 Broadway. participate in this selection process academic year in which the award is selects the recipient and private qrants." says Freede New York, NY 10019. The primary election will be held qiven. Past recipients are re-eligible The formula for the method of "Since you must apply to be consid- this Friday after eight years nominating and selecting the recipi- ered the trick is to find out about The Distinguished Teaching Award Ballots will be totaled by the SGA ent of the Distinguished Teaching ~::~~e~~~d~~al~:~~~~~vid~ca~~I~:~~i~Budget ellts is presented annually by an inter- Action Committee, with the names Award was revised in 1979 by a joint ested alumni club at the Spring receiving the most nominationsbeing student-alumni committee in an ef- job for amateurs, as a computer is Honors Convocation and Investiture forwarded to the Office of Student fort to sample a broader base of required. Even student counselors from page 1 .to commend a WMC faculty member Affairs. A group of campus student student opinion. Formerly only the can't know more than a fraction of the materialize (whiCh is not a certainty) for excellence in the field of teaching leaders. selected by the SigmaAlum- Junior and Senior members of the over 250.000 available source items" there is no guarantee that the tax Juniors and Seniors who vote will nae Club, will rate the nominees by SGA made the selection Who is more likely to qualify for credits will be used to further higher be asked to select not more than five secret ballot which will then be college funds? education To help answer this question. the Bennett expressed his hope that Student Assistance Council has de- Draft opposition mounts veloped a so-second quiz for which studentswould not hesitateto let their congressional representatives know one "yes" answer could quajijy some- what they think about these proposed from page 5 policy of allowing people to register "Church. women's, and student orga- one to apply lor a number of financial Changes., aid sources Bennett emphasized that these are 01 the Campaign for Political Rights late without penalty is still in effect. nizations are with us, and more are Ask yourself Justproposals, that they have not yet But Benda stressesthat, although it is though Lamb says "the Reagan peo- becoming involved every day" -Have you participated in extra- come to pass, and that students illegal to refuse to register, no action ple are examining(the policy) as they Bound looks toward the National curricular activities in school...or out- should not "panic." He warned has been taken by tte Justice De- examine any Issue Anti-draft Conference, to be held side of school? against making bad decisions based partment in the six months since Benda adds that it is certainly not February 13-16 in Detroit. as the -Have you decided on a particular on preliminaryinformation,urging stu- registration began against anyone illegal to register as a conscientious opportunity for all groups to "rejoin" career or occupation? (Many scholar- detns to become aware of and watch ignoring the government's request objector, in any case and form cohesive plans for the ships are based on the student's for developments to see how these Selective Service spokeswoman As groups continue to advise and spring. She says the groundwork for interest in a major course of study or changes might affect them individu- Joan Lamb confirms that no legal inform, Bounds says the movement long-term projects will be laid at that future occupation.) ally actin has been taken yet against non- "keeps getting stronger." time. ·Are you or your parents affiliated Even if they all go through in the registrants, noting that young men "Every day small groups are work- The national anti-draft movement with any union. religious or Iraternal worst possible form, there will still be are still registering late "at a rate of ing in the high schools and colleges, has a "solid base," she states, and organization. community or protes- financial aid resources, they just acoot 5000 a week" trying to tell people there is more she expects the base to expand as siooal group? might not be as big or as easy to At present the Carter Administration than one side to the issue," she says continuous registration proceeds. Were either of your parents in the tine," Bennett stated. Just When You Thought () It Was Safe To Go Back Into The Forum ••• Follies '81 tickets! S2.SOfor students showings: Friday and Saturday 8 p.m .• Sunday: 12 noon and 7:30 p.m.
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