Page 84 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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Scrimshaw Watertower leaks At Cliff's edge Where are the Robert Holt sat, the evening before critical insight to a classic writing he There ,the They can reader assert can that American heroes? the class, quiz reading Continental literature Yes. gain a better understanding of an in his ferociously. author's intentions in a literary work. really was hitting books the Charles However,if ooewerenuttnut about the His parents would be proud of him, value of the NOTES, the arguments "A lot of people in the United States believe that or so one woutd think. However, ole and criticisms offered to the student a students' free time, and besides, there just aren't any innocent people cannot be put in can happen." Charlie boy has proven to be a real are often superfluous and shallow burning social issues to deal with anyrncte. The battle Reverend Benjamin F. Chavis disappointment. The book that he is for civilorights has been fought, the war in Vietnam is Any viable thoughts scanned from ttie This was the message of the Wilmington Ten as to'o over devouring with an animal instinct is NOTES will often be dealt with and by Reverend Benjamin F. Chavis in WMC's Forum Now is a good lime to practice such excuses. With known as the "Notes." 'rnars righi, discussed thoroughly within five min- Monday evening. Chavis won the Nobel Peace Prize in a polished reservoir to call upon, it will be that much Chuck has been boosting his missed utes by any professor of competence 1978 and was one of ten civil rights activists imprisoned easier to talk our way past such responsibilities later on reading assignments with the infa- More often than not, the student can f~ allegedly conspiring to incite and participate in Few working people have a more ftexible schedute then mous CLIFF NOTES only expect to get hackneyed opin- Violent demonstrations in North Carolina in 1971 the average college workload attoms. As lar as a lack Charles is a real person, and he ions from the NOTES. If a student Explaining that "il is possible to challenge injustice," of causes is concerned, there are enough active attends WMC. When he gets behind desires a fresh and thoughtful insight Chavis recounted his impressions of the events sur.' college organizations and community groups to keep a in classwork. Chuck pulls out the to any particular piece of literary rounding the conmcts arising from ihe desegregation of whole army of volunteers busy NOTES. and he is miraculousty writing, the post-graduate disserta- the Wilmington public school system. Called into the Chavis asked WMC "where are the American caught up in his work. Until next tions available in Hoover library can area by the United Church for Christ's Commission for heroes?" How many of us are willing to make the week when he is behind again. Sadly, usually offer more thoughtful stimula- Racial Justice to help diffuse mounting racial tensions, sacrifices necessary to become a part of his solution? Charles is the rule and not the tion than any set of NOTES. Chavis worked to help black students "ask that they be exception. Many students use the To think about it in a business treated fairly." Describing the situation in the days prior Time out NOTES to some varying degree. but sense for a moment, if the NOTES to the outbursts of violence (in which at least two not as a supplemental resource 10 offered any profoundly earth shatter- persons were killed and millions of dollars worth of gain additional insiqht to selected ing thoughts about a topic, would property was damaged) as "explosive," Chavis raised for Follies readings. Sadder yet, is the fact that they be sold for a measly dollar and serious doubts concerning Ihe desire of local ofliclals to Charles bought his CLIFF NOTES a half? Any scholarly treatise worth its deal effectively with the problems faced by the black here on campus, right in the book- footnotes is otten very expensive to community Freshman year at college was a big change. II was store. So what? A book store is where publish, and will not realize a profit Chavis also described what he iabled as a a new environment with new freedoms and new friends you usually buy NOTES. It is ironic for its publisher unless he sells many, determined effort on the part of taw enforcement Three_ years later. as seasoned juniors, the WMC grind that the college challenges its stu- many copies at a dollar and fifty officials to fabricate false charges against the so called dents to develop and enlighten their has become old hat. Established routines and familiar cents. A new and stimulating literary "Wilmington Ten." Only after more than four years in faces have become the general rule. Taking time out 01 thinking, and. at the same time offer prison were the last of these "political prisoners" to participate in Junior Follies during the past few weeks students the method to skirt that criticism is going to cost a pretty regain their freedom challenge and undermine the basis penny many times over at the shelf was a unique opportunity to renew the sense of One can fool himself about the Events like the Chavis lecture can, go a long way for the existence of colleges and togetherness that was established but bac (in many NOTES, or he can realize their ulti- towards breaking down the shell which encases a small cases) faded since our freshman year. univerities. mate worth and treat them cum grana campus like WMC·s. Carroll County isn't exactly a hot. Being a part of Follies will mean a lot more in four The college administration has faith salis. Depending on the NOTES for bed for revolution. Social justice demonstrations are not years then a few points on any Macro or Organic exam in the deviousness of its students, insight to a literary work. or as a an every day occurance. But social involvement can be It was a chance to spend a weekend working (and since there is a well stocked rack of substitution lor an assigned reading, a reality for college students and now is the time to partying) with some good friends, some old but CLIFF NOTES selections in the book- is like walking on the edge of a cliff nurture this type of awareness neglected friends and some new friends. long hours, store. Now students and educators day after day. Sooner or later your There exist many popular excuses to ease the good times and great memories made for an experi- alike can counter with the old argu- bound to slip and take a long fall conscience. Academic demands place severe limits on ence well with the effort ments about the NOTES offering Orange and Green Dialogue Letter to the Editor, Jeff Trice Christopher Kinnell, who is a pastor being made to help children living in Look again y?U place no value on organizations SI. Patricks's Day is coming up next from East Baltimore. Rev. Kinnell has Northern Ireland. Money is being Dear Robert Holt, since you see the members, each on relatives from Northern Ireland. Both raised in order to sponsor a trip for We're writing this letter in response individual, as cookies, robots, ~nd week on March 17, and to recognize the Irish spirit on that day there will of the speakers will be focusing on children living in Northern Ireland to to your articte Alphabeta Soup which sneakers. Maybe if you took the time the specific concerns that the Roman come to the United States to see how appeared in the March 5 edition of to understand what the Greek organi- be a presentation in the Grille that Catholic and Protestant communities not only Protestants and Catholics get Scrimshaw. We're a little confused as zations are all about you wouldn't evening from 7:30 to 9:00 titled "The Orange and Green Dialogue: Religion have towards their religion. The along, but also how all religious to the point you were trying to make confuse them with alphabet soup. and the Ulster Conflict." The dialogue speakers will also discuss the Irish denominations in America live to- with the article. It appears to be In conclusion it's just like anything will feature two speakers that hold search for unity among their denomi- geiher. Proceeds from events. like simply ignorance on your part as to else, the better understanding you opposing views concerning the nations and the progress being made last Saturday night's SI. Patrick's Day the difference between. the various have in an area, the more you can Northern Ireland conflict. to help obtain this unity dance, will go to the Ulster Project to Greek letters. Perhaps yoo should relate to it. Get a REAL attitude Bob! Sfncefely. Speaking at the forum will be Father The dialogue is being sponsored by sponsor these children and give them look over the Greek alphabet to Glnnl Brown Barney O'Neill of Mt SI. Mary's the Christian life Council and is free a chance to experience a new free- familarize yourself as to what the lind Debl 8eMman The Seminary in Emmitsburg. Father of charge. Carol Resnick will play on dom from religious confrontation diHerence actually are. Obviously, O'Neill is orignally from Northern her guitar during the intermission Ireland and has spoken at WMC Refreshments will be available at the recruiting effort before. Also speaking will be Rev. Grille during the presentation. On the WMC campus, efforts are Andi Yob Often a Western Maryland student in touch wilh high school prospects Standards 10 be met for accept- but are have or face an Scrimshaw will the These see persons, unfamiliar an exploring roaming eye one that may like Maryland hear questions about would the the ance admissions "high a recruiter Itexible," applica- said more Smythe, to Fred working with campus with simply Western Campus. usually lead office. by Each College of the college tour guides. are pros- Each year the college also hrnds a non is carefully reviewed by the office pective WMC students. Interested visitation day which allows students wilh most stress being put on the students are recruited through the of all schools to come to view the courses and grades achieved by the efforts of Ihe college admissions campus under operating conditions. student SAT. scores are also con- office Throughout the years WMC year- siderec, as welt as extra-curricular Promoting awareness of Western books were circulated, catalogues activities and perhaps even an inter- Sports Editor.. .. liz Siegenthaler Maryland College, the admissions and brochures are now also available view weighs in the selection. !\It Science Editor, . Terry Dam office distributes literature, travels to for viewing. Most all of Ihe schools in processes finally lead to the actual Business Manager . Russell Johnson various secondary schools and en- Maryland are visited by recruiters and selection of the students and thus a Photography Editor... .Adam Wright courages college visitation to all inter- those oul 01 state are chosen by the new freshman class to replace the Ad Layout.. . ...... JanetTrainor ested students. The year-round type of students that are produced by old, who have moved on to the ranks Artist... . .. lynda Boyer process of drawing students to the its curriculum 01 sophomores. Layout Pete Roof. Oms Soto. Karen Street, Fran Henderson ~~::~g '=~~aans d~:I~:~g~~u~:~t!a~; r--S=-p-r-=l.-n-g---c-o-n-c-e-r-t--' Distribution Manager _.. . Les Martin Typist Pam Owen Western Maryland oHerings. Spring leads to the follow up by encouraging Published by and lor the students of western Marytand College. The visitation, arranging interviews and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect planning different functions The proposed spring concert for April 2, to feature those of the staff or administration One special function includes host- Crack The Sky, was overwhelmingly approved in last ing a dinner in the President's dining Mondays referendum. 408 students voted for the We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail room for "Marytand Distinguished concert, 44 for some other concert, and 39 for no to Scrimshaw. Box 1. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md Scholars" and introducing them 10 the concert at all. 21157 campus. There are also plans to have Tickets will be on sale starting Thursday March 12, Western Maryland students call or get
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