Page 77 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 77
March 5, 1981 Scrimshaw page 3 Chavis speaks out La Ronde: Aside frorn his teaching experiences. guished Public Service Award; The Andi Yob the reverend is known for his activism International Human Rights Award; Western Maryland College, in its as a civil rights leader. His experi- the Outstanding Young American a shocker? history, has had an array of lecturers enceswithequal rights have lead him Award in 1972; and a host of others speakers and orators stand before its to work with such greats as Martin of equal prestige Connie Thompson podiums--all of varying nature. Never Luther King Jr. He also worked hand the characters create a complete will there be a more diverse back- in hand with the Southern Christian In 1980 Reverend Chavis was given 'La Ronde," the play that shocked circle of encounters driven by what ground tcweves. -in one speaker Leadership Conference and with the the Malcom X Black Unity Award, and audiences, caused riots, and resulted appears to be pure unadulterated than the famed Reverend Benjamin F NAACP. He serves as co-chairman of the Florida Black Newspaper Publish- in the arrest of the director. producer lust Chavis, director of the United Church the Southern Organizing Committee ers Association voted him the 1980 and the cast upon its maiden run in "La Ronde" is comedy The play of Christ Commission for Radical seeking economic and social justice Man of the Year Berlin 1921, will be presented at bounces with ba ....dy humor, double Justice, who will be speaking in the Chavis also co-chairs the National The Reverend has written two Western Maryland College on march enter-ores. and slapstick antics but Forum at 7:00 on March 9 Alliance Against Racist and Political books: AN AMERICAN POLITICAL 13 through 15 in Alumni Hall Under- "La Ronde" is also a social state- Repression PRISONER APPEALS FOR HUMAN ment Written in Germany in 1896. the Reverend Chavis received his B.A RIGHTS and LET MY PEOPLE GO stage play reflects the strict Victorian atu- in Chemistry from the University of Now, sixty years hence. director as welt North Carolina and trained as a As a result of his earnest effort Most astoundingly. the Reverend Ken Gargaro has decided to risk tudes toward 01 morality oppressive as the sociat an absurdity minister at the United Church of displayed in trying to equate rights has spent four and a half years in bringing Arthur scwsuzer'e German class system. By revealing the prom- his Christ Commission for Racial Justice for persons, the Reverend has been prison, unfoundedly for Ten. associa- classic to W.M.C. in hopes of obtain- iscuous activities of persons with the Wilmington tion wilh He was He went on to achieve his Master of awarded many awards in rec6gnition ing more favorable repsonses from others from either a higher or lower Divi'1ity Degree at the Duke Univer- of his attempts. To name a few, he granted the Nobel Peace Prize in his audiences and law eotorcemeru level 01 status. Schnitzler has oe- sity. He is currently a candidate for was granted the SI. Louis Alliance 1978 and is a clear example of the officials the Doctor of Ministry Degree at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Human Rights ideals portrayed in last month's black "La Ronde," translated as "Hands bunked the class sytem through the history month Howard University school of religion Award; the Washington, D.C. Distin- Around," is a short play cycle com- use of the great equalizer sex only "Not posed of ten dialogues, sequence. all of which scend social does 'La bul Ronde' tran- tran- class. it also a seduction Begin- contain Contrasting contrasts ning a with prostitute, accosting of a soldier scends time "It as well." modern director claims the Gargaro. implica has by each subsequent the is related 01 intimacy emptiness one of of by dialogue reappearance to its predecessor the tiona," he and adds, lack referring to that the Dan Wilson which she was not editor) could be other characters who is first exposed accompanies each sexual rendez- A new look to the WMC Literary attributed to lack of submissions, and final choices, may ask to see them at as the passive participant and again vous. The prevailing theme ts test the play in the Count in the sexual Magazine Contrast is in for this a too quickly rushed product. She is the library where they are being held as the aggressor the course of the relay described by continued to page 7 Thus. during play, year's Spring Edition. Editors Betsy much more optimistic about this Malkus and Karen Knecht have de- tssce. although she is still not very cided to take the "quality over quant- pleased with the general disinterest ity" approach by reducing the displayed by the limited contributions number of issues to one instead of she has received from students for Things would have gone differently today. the normal two. They will be using all this issue. Co-editor Knecht added available funds to make that one a mat absolutely no art work submis- top quality product in both appear- sions were received except what they ance and content. Malkus and had personally requested. Knecht, along with several helpers Both Malkus and Knecht feel that including such faculty members there is something definitely onnear- (and published poets) as Kathy Man- thy about the lack of creative interest gan and Del Palmer, have been generated at WMC_ They feel there is working very hard on the project and a great amount of publicly undiscov- are very excited about what is com- ered talent that people Should not be ing out. afraid to come out and expose According 10 Malkus and Knecht Malkus comes from a small Eastern the new magazine will be increased shore High School that won the in size from the past 5'h"'x8" to NationalUterary award for their liter- 8W'by 11 inches. and will consist of ary Magazine her graduating year. anywhere from 20-30 pages depend- The competition included Colleges ing on last minute submissions. The and Universities Irom allover the paper itself will also be of higher country. She believes thai the great quality -than in the past The exact talent at this school could produce type style has not yet been decided something comparable if it was de- 00 sired enough The new approach. the editors said, was in reaction to the amount of Malkus and Knecht say they will still criticism the magazine has received be accepting submissions of any in the past. and the lack of quality sort, essay, short story, poem or that has been presented. Betsy says artwork up until March 15 Malkus's they are shooting for perfection. at- PO Box # is 764 The new issue tempting to eliminate the printing should come out some-time in May problems they have had in the past Anyone interested in reviewing the According to Malkus, much of the submissions being considered lor the criticism of past editions (during May issue, to perhaps help make ThisislheafiermathofahurricanethatleCt400deadinCorpusChristi in 1919_Red Cross was called in after thedamage was done When Hurricane Allen hit Corpus Christi in 1980. Red Cross was there before the disaster struck-etc help people prepare and evacuate Honor board judgements We were there during the crisis 10help provide reli~f_And. afterwards. we were there to help the victims minimize their pain. HurncaneAllen claimed IWO lives in Corpus Christi One hundred years of experience with disaster has taught us that The following is a review of the Drawing class. The student was being prepared forit is halfthe bailie Find out how you can help your community 10be prepared. Call Honor Board hearings held this past found guilty and received a zero on your local Red Cross chapter today, fall semester, 1980 the paper (1) A student was charged 'with (4) Two students in a military sci- Red Cross: Ready for a new century. copying from another student's take ence class were charged with collab- home mid-term exam in a Geography orating on a take-home assignment. class. The student was found guilty They were found not-guilty. (5) Two students were accused of + and received a zero on the exam cheating on an exam in a statistic Another student was found guilty of course. One was found guilty, one aiding this copying, and although no not-guilty. The guilty student received penalty was given, this student's a zero on the exam PIlI record now shows one honor viola- (6) Four students wre charged with tion cheating on a self-scheduled exam in {2) A student in Economic 203 was a Political Science course during accused of cheating on the "Q" sheets. The student was found guilty finals week. The penalties for the 4 and received a zero on all the Q students were an "F" 1'1 the course, 2 sheets he cheated on grades lower on the final exam. 1 {3) An art student was accused of grade lower on the final exam, and plagarising his term paper for hts no additional penalty
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