Page 76 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 76
Scrimshaw . We're all In this together "School Spirit" ISan often used phrase You might even regard it as a cliche, indeed, it is one. It is an example of those banal ideas that the mind immeidately locks upon as the beginning of a lecture rtss is not, however. a call lor greater attendance dunnq the spring sports season. "School Spirit" goes a lot farther than the athletic field Disgruntled students will argue that it is dilticull to have pride in a school that takes our money, wo-ks us like dogs, and gives us so little in return This is all the mole reason to support this school. When you leave here four years older, and 25,000 dollars plus poorer you will receive. (although some, perhaps many, would argue that you take away more) only one tangible product, a diploma A diploma, or perhaps more specifically a WMC diploma, is just a diploma, or is it? Clearly a diploma from Harvard is better than many others, and, similarly, a WMC diploma is superior to others as well But when a good high School student goes to Dickinson because of the window "somebody" broke last night or the tire tracks that 'somebody" made in the Quad, (suddenly) Western Maryland alphabeta soup College is no longer "highly competitive" but only "competitive" This does-not end when you leave here. If WMC's reputation goes down after you graduate, people will not remember what the school was like when you were here, they will think 01 the school as it Robert Holt campus, and to despair over the fact member when you were a kid, and is in the present Alumni do not contribute to this school just for the With the passing of this last week, that I live only three blocks, instead of your mom would take you to the shoe sake of old memories and taxes the students of WMC have witnessed, three years, from the campus. There store 10 gel a pair of "BETAS"? You Whether we like it here or not, we suffer here lor a goal, a goal Ihose sights and sounds peculiar to is a good point to the situation. In one know, SNEAKERSI I remember slip- that is effected by the actions of all of us. It brings to mind another the "Greek" campus organizations week, enough eye-opening entertain- ping on my "betes" and going 011 to cliche, "the coHege community" Old ideas with the ring of truth and their initiation processes. The ment will be provided to the college, school every morning, If you were not warning came one day with "the and the town 01 Westminster, to last wearing "fetes," you did not make dawn's early light" revealing a partic- at least untit the next set of "Greek" the grade. You just weren't "cool" Letter to the Editor ular sorority'!> from buildings and trees hazing sessions in the fall. the "Greeks' names is the problem confusion the that "Greek" in vivid colors fluttering Another with paper crepe My only with problem results on campus. is their systems of identification. Not from all those letters being jumbled Dear Mr Bennet. that "oil burners were improved last Well this is all okay. it does no I am wriling this letter in response year;" but I was always told that the harm to any person or thing. It is one being a close observer of these together, I can tell the difference to the article which appeared on the simplist way 10 conserve energy is 10 01 these rites of passage common to secret circles, I often find myself a between an "alpha gamma tau" and tront page 01 the Scrimshaw on turn down the f-eet! American college life. Yet "HELL" little disoriented in any conversation an "alpha nu omega." Yet, I just can February 12, 1981. I realize that the about the "brothers and sisters" of not get straight the difference be- Sincerely, weeks, these periods of fraternity and the campus. I know about the Greek tween a "phi alpha mu" and a "phi cost 01 running a college is continu- Alastair Smith sorority membership initiation, cause ously rising, but 16% ? As my family Rouzer Hall me to feel elated about living off origins 01 the names of the clubs, but sigma sigma." Then sometimes you presently has lwo attending college, I it is difficult for me to associate get the letters mixed up. It is like find this increase very hard to digest Recital a la people with a name that seems more alphabet soup the letters come up when the temperature in the dorms suited to a computer, an MX missile. different every time. You can get all and classrooms; especially Rouzer or a galaxy. Say it out loud 10 yourself sorts of combinations like phi alpha • and Memorial Halls, is constantly picno one time, "alpha gamma tau: It nu and alpha mu omega; phi sigma MUCH higher than the commonly kappa and delta sigma sigma: phi pi acceptable' 65 or 68 degrees. Since ~~~~~sh~~ed~lI;e~~~eJU~~ :a~D~~h: theta and phi beta theta; gamma pi Miss Erttiepan has undergone 12 sig" aloud one time - it sounds like chi and gamma alpha tau; gamma September 5, I have had my window years of formal instruction. Her first something you find in a cookie box theta delta and delta phi omega. wide open every day and almost Senior, Phi Alph, Valerie Enfiejian every night I am not the only student will be displaying her musical talents exposure to the piano was through Imagine snacking on "phi sigs" and Then there is the new social animal, who feels Ihis way' I have talked to on Sunday, March 8, at 4:00 when her own father, Edward Enfiejian, who milk in the afternoon, and for those delta mu chi. It is easy to see the many others about the high tempera- she presents her first piano recital in boasts vocal talents and talents at the who prefer the all natural brand - numerous possibilities for gelling into tures In Ihe dorms, and 99% of them Levine Recital Hall. The young pian- keyboard as well. Miss Enfiejian has "phi alphs " trouble. By Zeus, the name of a say they also keep their windows ist, who has invested 16 years of studied at the Philadelphia College of One of the names that has a "Greek" organization can become as open almosl all the time I can almost practice at the keyboard, will debut Performers under the instruction of reminiscent meaning for me is compticated as E equats rncz. and see the dollar bills floating out the as a solo performer and will play Joanne Crystle and now studies gamma beta chi, the "betes." Re- that's ALL greek to me windows It sounds impressive to say such classics as Scarlatti's "Sonata in under the instruction of Brent Hylton that "major efforts have been made to o Major," Gershwin's "Three Preludes Aside from her normal daily course New Honor cui costs on campus Mostly in the for Piano" and Debussy's "Reverie" work as a PsyChology--Elementary realm 01 energy conservation," and to name a few Education maier. Miss Enfiejian pre pares for the recital by investing 2 to 3 hours a day in practice and has Society at WMC done Miss 7 months. Scrimshaw day that so for the many last years of practice the Keith L Arnold Society for History, has been formed Enliejian nervously anticipates her wilf be offered in a fine display of The Omega Upsilon chapter 01 Pi at Western Maryland College. The musical ability Aloha Theta, the International Honor soceity wilt initiate its first members later this week Editor Bill Byrne Accident claims former student The purpose of the society is the Managing Editor Sue Frost promotion 01 historical studies, in the News Editor Keith L Arnold form of research. teaching, publica. Feature Editor Robert Holt lee Ma.xwell. ~~O~~e~I!~~f~~:i~~~~n~es:Oth~es~~; tion, and through the exchange of Sports Editor Liz Siegenthaler John Kirby Light, an alumnus of burst into flames ideas. To further this goal, Ihe society . TerryDom Western Maryland. and a student at Kirby is remembered fondly by holds conventions, and provides Russell Johnson ~owson State, University, died In a many people at Western Maryfand, scholarships and awards Adam Wright fiery aut0Tn?blle crash early last Sat- including those who lived with him. To be eligible, students shall have Janet Trainor urd~y morning at 2:10 a.m. T~e news went to classes with him, competed completed twelve hours 01 history Lynda Boyer of his tragiC death has left hiS many with him on the track team. as a very with at least a "8" average. They Layout Pete Roof, Chrs Soto. Karen street. Fran Henderson ~~~nd~sne~~re at WMC stunned and outgoing, very personabl~ and per- must also have a "8" average in two- Distribution Manager .. Les Martin thirds of the rest of the ctasses and Typist Pam Owen b:~ned a~~;~e~~h:~es:eU~h o~f ~~t~: :~~~~;m~~ ~:~ ge~i~:;~e~ I~r:~k,m:~~ be in the top 35% of their class Membership is still open. interested Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College The wood Ave. in. Balt~more, According to ~eaa~l~gh~:e r;':::~:edfe~ r~C:rka~;! persons should contact faculty advi- opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect a report published In Ihe Cumberla~d human being from this world and he sor, Dr. James Essig, Memorial 300A those of the staff or administration. Evening Times. The car Kirby was In will missed for a long time to come The Society. which has been in attempted to pass from the leI! Friends 01 Kirby Light are establishing existence since 1921. now has over We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail lane to the right In order to pass a memorial scholarship fund, All mon- six hundred chapters wono-wce. Dr to Scrimshaw, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. when if Jumped the curb and the~ ies for the fund will be used for WMC Essig, at the first informal meeting of 21157 ':traveled 82 ,feet in a southerly direc- scholarships Any persons wishing those accepted but not yet initiated, "I (the pole, and a ~upport about L. .....I non before hltling traveling an additional information Development the funds can con. commented an asset think it College" society) to the then continued the tact Office will be
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