Page 75 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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Sex of Medical psychologist and sex therapist Dr. John Kent and Money raised more than a of few eyebrows with his lec- Development ture on "The Sexual Health' from Infancy to Adulthood." State Money See story on page 6 See page 5 Scrimsha w Western Maryland College Thursday, March 5, 1981 Volume XIII Number 4 Budget' cuts focus on WMC Bill Byrne Office of Management andBudget that Union National would be sus- The National Direct Student Loan The interest rate was designated to "If all these things go through, there Director David Stockman's plan pro- pending its GSL program. (NDSL) program is also on the new be 9%. Bennettstated that in light of is somethingin there to hurt every- poses the elimination 01 the "in Mr. Lentzer stated this optomistic budget's hit list. NOSLsare loans to recent proposals in Washington,this body," warned WMC's Director of school interest subsidy" and limiting outlook on Friday afternoon of last students demonstrating financial program might never become a real- Admissions and Financial Aid, L who can qualify for such loans week. Earlier this week, Union Na- need so they can help meet their ity. Leslie Bennett,Jr. The Reagan ad- Bennett predicted that these tional announced that it also would educational expenses, Providing up Some Security benefits for depen- ministration budget cutting proposals changes would be "more expensive temporarilydiscontinuetheir GSL pro- to a maximum 01 $6,000 during dents who continue their education currently before the Congress could for the student and less convenient gram undergraduatestudy, the typical stu- past high school could also be significantly reduce federally soon- for banks," Approximately500 WMC The Basic Educational Opportunity dent loan awarded is in the range of affected by the new budget. If on- sored aid programs for college stu- students have GSL's. Grant (BEOG) is a grant that is $400-$1,000. According 10 Bennett, changed by the Congress, students dents The Carroll County Bank and Trust available for the period of time re- some 280 WMt; students receive currently receiving such benefits Programs targeted for reevaluation Companyannouncedon February27 quired to complete the first under- NDSLs would see them gradually eliminated include Guaranteed Student Loans. that its Student Loan Program would graduate course of study being The Regan program calls for the over the next four years. No new Basic EducationalOpportunitygrants be '~emporarilydiscontinued." A re- pursued. by the student. Maximum ending of .federalsupport for NDSLs, student~would be able to qualify fO( NationalDirect Student Loans. Parent lease from the bank explained that awards can go as high at $1.900for WMC currently depends on federal such benefits starting next year. Loans for Unoerqraouate Students, the action was made in light of 1981-82. funding for about 55% of its NDSL The Reagan administrationhas at- and Social Security benefits 10 depe- "recent governmentalstatementsindi- The new budget calls for the elimi- program Bennett stated. luded that families hurt by these dents pursuing higher education cannq that government sponsored nationof some 286.000studentsfrom The Education Amendments of austerity measures might find some The Guaranteed Student Loan subsidized lending programs are the BEOGprogram by limiting assist- 1980also called for the establishment relief in upcoming tuition tax credit (GSL) is a long term loan that is slated for probable curtailmentunder ance to students from families earn- of a program to allow parents to proposals Bennettexpressed skepti- insured by state governmentsand is the economic policies of the new ing less than $25.000 per year. borrow up 10 $3,000 per year for any cism concerningthe value 01 such an made by banks, savings and loans administration" According to Bennett, approxi- one undergraduate student. Repay- approach on the groundS that: 1) associations and credit unions. The When questioned about the possi- mately 280 WMC students currently ment of this Parent Loan for Under- Such aid might be 100late lor some program allows college students, on bility of reimpiementingthe program, receive funds through the BEOG graduate Students was to begin students, and 2) if these credits do a non-need basis, to borrow up to Ruby N, Rainey(StudentLoanOfficer program within 60 days alter disbursement. continued to page 8 $2,500per year at subsidizedinterest for the Carroll County Bank) stated rates "that we really don't know at this With Ihe EducationAmendmentsof time." The Carroll County Bank "Crack the Sky" for Alumni 1980,the interest rate on GSL's was processed approximately 300 GSLs increasedfrom 7% to 9% for any new for the 1980-81academic year. 98% student borrower. Students are not of these loans went to students from Jeff Trice responsible to begin repayment on the local area Referendum set GSL's until six months after they are Thomas t.entzer. a vice president WMC's !;pring concert is close at no longer enrolled in a post second- for the UnionNationalBank,said that hand wilh Ihe nationallyknown band, On Monday, March 9, the SGA Crack the Sky, an alternate band, or ary institution on at least a halftime although"probably we will be chang- Crack the Sky, appearing in Alumni ElectionsCommitteewill hold a refer- no band at ail, to appear Thursday, basis ing some things," he did not expect Hall on Thursday, April 2, for two endum to determine whether the April 2 in Alumni Hail shows at 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m student body approves the expendi- Specific times for the election will Gifted studies This engagement is tentative, pend- ture of $3,000 to bring Crack the Sky be published in WMC Today. 1.0.'s ing the outcome of a student body to Western Maryland College must be supplied on request.Write-in be put on sale on March 11. with Debbie Wooden gram, Amra Smith, 'SI. comments, referendum.Tickets for the showswill Each student will be asked to vote votes will be accepted. Results will Western MarylandCollege is one of "The program integrates the best tickets prices for students $5.00 in once by ballot to approve either be posted the night of Ihe election. thirteen schools selected to host teachers and the top stuoeots In advance and $7.00 at the door gifted and talentedChildrenfor a two- Maryland with a caring staff to pro- Ticket prices for others are slightly Sky's stature, a student referendum the Sky. Other albums are titled week educational program this sum- vide an unsurpassededucationalex- higher, starting at $8,00 in advance will probably have 10 be taken. The Animal Notell, Safety In Numbers, mer. Altogether these programs for perience and $9,00 at the door. money for such things is directly and Live Sky. Their last album, the gifted and talented,sponsoredby Approximately200 junior and senior Nationally known bands are not funded by students through their Whtte Music, released last year tea- the State Board of Education, will high students will attend the WMC new to WMC, with the Pousette-Dart tuition and fees, so students must lured the returnof the band's original provide 2300 exceptional children Center this summerto be involvedin Band appearing last year and The have a say how their money is spent, leader, John Palumbo,who had em- grades 5ยท12, with instructionbeyond a liberal arts program focusing on Dirt Band appearing the year before especiallywren such a large amount barked on a brief solo career for a the regular school curriculum mathematicsand computer science last. But Crack the Sky is probably is allocated tor one single event few years before returning with a According to Dr. WilliamMcCormick, Their luI! scheduleswill include tradi- the biggest name band ever to Two shows will be presented to revampedand streamlinedline-up for vice-President and Dean of Aca- tional and non-traditionalactivities,as appear at Western Maryland. Crack offer the campus different times to WhIle Music, Another record re- demic Affairs, each Maryland Sum- well as severaloff-campusand week- the Sky has a large following in the see the band and rofnsure that the leased last year is tilled Classic mer Center offers an individual end activities Baltimore-Washington metropolitan Social Committee will not lose any Crack which is a greatest hits album program 01 special emphasis Pro- The Center will be administered area and up and down the East money on the venture. Alumni Hall culled from the first four albums. The grams to be offered at the various mainly by the state group. According Coast as well only seats 550 people, and everyone greatest hits album was warmly re- Centers ttus summerinclude those-in to McCormick, it is likely that one or The Social Committee, headed by hopesthat the concert will draw more ceveo by Crack the Sky tans as the economics, humanities, leadership, two WMC professorswill leach in the Bart Stocksdale and Tom Sinton, is than that hence the two shows on first two albums are difficult to find liberal arts, science, visual and per- program responsible for luring the band to the same night ' anywhere forming arts, creative writing, mathe- Studenl participationin the Maryland WesternMaryland.They acquired the Crack the Sky records on Lifesong The warm-up band for April 2 is matics and foreign languages SummerCenter program is based on band through a talent agency in Records and has released six Rolls Royce. Get your tickets for a Three-year counselor and dorm di- teacher and/or guidance counselor Baltimore. Because of the cost in- records on that label, beginning with night of rock and roll featuringCrack rector for the Summer Center pro- recommendation volved in getting a band of Crack the their self-titled debut in 1975, Crack the Sky
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