Page 63 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 63
February 12, 1981 . Scrimshaw page 3 Terrors Jump G-burg Liz Siegenthaler command a 9 point lead. WMC, With Gill Gym. so the match was expected Terrors Men's Basketball played a less than 2 minutes left to play, to be tough full schedule last week with one loss succeeded in tyin9 the score. Then a Steve Farley set the pace by scoring and an outstanding come-back game technical loul was called for exces- several poiras. and in. less than 5 on Saturday sive tune-outs and Washington minutes the Terrors were ahead 15-4 The first match on Tuesday was scored. The last seconds ran out on With Jim Dawson repeatedly captur- played against Lebanon Valley Col- the Terrors. who were unable to ing the ball and Dave Engle on the lege, who had previously lost to WMC capture any points rebound the team soon chalked up on January 19 by only three points The 84-81 final score, was a devas- enough points 10 thoroughly enjoy the The first half ended with WMC in a tating loss to Western Maryland. al- hall-time score 0145-20. This first half clear lead of 36-25. Scott "Killer" though the match was a non- may well have been the best in WMC Kohr played a strong half, completing conference battle. High scorer 01 the history 5 out of 6 foul shots for a total of 11 game was Washington College's Second hall was no less excnmq. As points in the first half Craig Langwost with 21 points. while the Visitor's margin increased to show The team remained in control for the leading scorers for the Terrors were lest 01 the game, winning by a score Doug Pinto and Lester weuace. each ~e~:h~~in't~:ad;o~~'i;~~n ~~o~:Ck,,~,~~ !--......-.,;;;;=- of 81·58. The Terrors where shooting with 16 points never seen our guys as hoi as well in this home game, completing The high point of the week's games, tonight." he said. 27 out of 30 foul shots. Leading and perhaps best of the season, was The linal tally was an incredible 93- scorers for WMC, each with 10 or Western Maryland's outstanding win 66. High scorers lor WMC were Pinto more points, were Jim Dawson, Les- at Gettysburg (1S). E::ngel (14), Farley (13), Wallace ter Wallace, Scott Peters, Doug Pinto In looking round Bream Gym one teu (12). and Dawson (10). Gettysburg's and Scott Kohr right at home as a Western Marylan- center Bill North, who had been Thursday's home game. in contrast der, for the crowd was composed averaging nearly 20 points in pre- to the victory of Tuesday was a mostly of Terror tans. including the vious games, was able to score only frustrating loss spirited cheerleaders and President 8 points in this match The Terrors played good defensive John "It was about time we put forth ball, but had trouble scoring in the Both the Bullets and the Terrors a good team effort bench and all," first half, which ended with the score entered the game with 5·3 Mid- said Dave Engel tied 41-41 Atlantic Conference records. One Steve Reynolds, a junior transfer, Washington soon pulled ahead to month earlier Gettysburg had' won at agreed. "It was the most intensive Swimmers effort he of any squad I've ever played said on." notch marks 11·8 The victory left WMC with MAC an overall Lebanon vauev. in the 6·3 record. Publicity The Terror women, meanwhile, were Women top Hood Swimming records fell all over Har- busy selling five pool records and low Pool last night as both Western three school records, en route to an Cris Soto to put forth everything they have" the pressure and win at the same Maryland's men and women easily 88- 47 win Coach Armstrong and assistant time." Coach Martin stated that the defeated York College Anne Glaser set a school and pool After rolling to a big victory over coach Becky Martin agreed that the game showed [he WMC women what Mike Allen set a: pair 01 school mark with a 31 0 time in the 50-yard Hood College on Monday afternoon, short break between January term they could do against a talented records (in the 50- and 500-yard breaststroke. and lisa Klevin swam the WMC women's basketball team and second semester was both bad squad such as UMBC's freestyle events) as the men breezed the 50-yard butterfly in 28.68, also for dropped one to Messiah yesterday and good for the team; bad because Looking ahead, Armstrong said, to a.55-27 victory The Terrors lost pool and school records afternoon. This week's split gave the they didn't practice, good because "This team has a lot of potential for only two events all evening: The one Sue Lapidus added a pool record in Terrors a 6-11 season record they needed a break from basketball the future." She stated that the team meter diving because they had no the too-varo backstroke, and the Head coach Robin Armstrong stated and were able to make a fresh start has some outstanding freshmen who entry, and the 200-yard breastroke 200-yard medley relay team of that the team has improved since the According 10 Armstrong, the victory are getting consistently better. and when Mike Price was disqualified for Glaser, Frech. Klevin and Lapidus beginning of the season when they over UMBC in January was a big one who are developing their poise and a bad turn teamed up for a pool record. were hampered by injuries. Arm- for the team. Armstrong said, "It stability from watching the older. I The men are now 2-7. and visit The WMC women. now 8-2, travel to strong said, "The women are mesh- helped a great deal as far as mental more experienced women play -, Swalhmore on Saturday Gallaudet Friday night ing better as a team. They're willing attitudes are concerned" According to Armstrong, the two games also Freshman International studies commented that UMBC Donna was Wiedorfer game. oppo- "we most important Marshall. are coming both up against Gettysburg on the UMBC against and a tough and Since Franklin knew nent. Everyone played up to their games will be played in G'ill Gym, it is Andi Yob Dr. Lightner, officially dubbed coor- He encourages interested students to potential. It was an exciting game, hoped that WMC fans will make the This academic year, Western Mary- dinator in charge of the foreign look into the possibilities afforded by and it showed that we could handle home court advantage a big asset land College initiated the Central studies program at WMC, feels very this rapidly expanding foreign studies College International Study Program enthusiastic in regard to the program opportunity. HOUSE OF LIQUOR ~Ii~~~e S~:~ o~o M~~:~d~iS:~C~~~ ,.. .... leges across the United States, prom- CaHoll :Plaza, ises college credit for studying done abroad. Such places as England, France, Mexico, Wales, Spain, and Schlitz Lite case·· 12 oz. cans $7.99 Austria welcome students for foreign DUSTIN Schlitz Quarts 79¢ each or 3 for $2.28 study The credits obtained by work abroad HOFFMAN Present coupon are certain to be counted toward a college degree at WMC. The program expires 2/19/81 848-1314 boasts many rewards, both financially Kramer and culturally. Expenses are approxi- mately equivalent to the cost of a full- vs• time academic year at WMC and Kramer offers many possibilities for group expenditures Xerox Copies The understanding that foreign study is open only to language majors is a misconception. The program invites students from all fields of study to 5¢ participate. Schools abroad offer a wide range of course study that may imitate the curriculum at Western Maryland College. New Day Copy Center The new program still remains tena- This Friday in the live in status, but thus far radiates a SOV2 W. Main Street promise of success. Perhaps in the future, an augmentation of the pro- Westminster. Md. gram will be necessary if interest forum at 7. 9 and 11 peaks and the program continues to , be as well received as it IS currently
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