Page 61 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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Scrimshaw Thursday, February 12, 1981 Western Maryland College Volume XII, Number let • Rising costs spur tuition Jump Keith L. Arnold Although WMC's 16 percent jump is maintained by the normal sctoot other sources, but tuition still ac- still make the Job as Director of A year tuition next year will be 3,875 higher than the average inllation rate budget . funds that were not neces counts for 75 percent of the 7.6 Admissions, more difficult "Generally dollars, board will be 1,100, and 650 major college costs especially heat- sary untit recently. Vandalism is an- million oouar budget it means families we have to work we harder to to thai have show what douars will be the cost of a standard ing and food· have been ris~ng at other cost which must be accounted Major eHorts have been made to cut offer is worth the cost." stated Ben- double room. These new figures much higher rates tor costs on campus, mostly in the realm ,.1 represent approximately a 16 percent According to Business Manager of energy conservation. Storm win- Bennet went on to comment that 50 increase from this year's total. »c- Jack Morris, there are se ...eral maier "We are not a fee-oriented school" dows have been put up on the percent of the students on campus cording to Mr. Leslie Bennet, Director factors involved in the tuition in- Morris points out, referring to the windward side of several campus receive some kind of need-based of Admissions and Financial Aid, this crease. Student financial support and policy of other institutions (activity buildings financial aid, and the funds available IS an average increase for a private energy costs were major parts of lees etc.) as compared to WMC, college like Western Maryland. The rising costs. Morris also cited the where there are no extra fees, even The oilburners were improved lasJ. for aid increases next year at a increase average lor state schools student center which, although built the infirmary is free year resuninq in a 10 percent sa. greater rate than tuition. Bennet ac- this year is 9.3 percent with outside funds, is staffed and The school does receive funds Irom inqs. or 80,000 gallons of fuel oil. The vised that students wishing to receive school had recently converted its aid next year should have their forms JSU starts activities heating flexibility either to fuel one variation. can At - in the mail on summed February the 15 note tuition feeling in- by that system using oil or gas up operate Bennett creases positive to price giving a this time gas is cheaper and is in that. although an increase is untortun- Debbie Wooden lowitz one needs to be represented" use ate, it is preferable to cutting services The Jewish Student Union (JSU), Grant claims that the JSU is neces- Anyone interested in joining the JSU, Mr. Bennet, called the hike "fairly and facilities. "It is important. reminds oHically organized on Jan. 27, plans sary because "we need a sense of contact Judy Mitnick, ext. 305, or typical" explaining that, although Bennet, to maintain the quality of the to provide religious and social acuvr- Jewish community on campus. Every- Darryl Grant, ext. 363 comparable to other institutions, it will program" lies primarily for Jewish students This recently formed 17 member group is not a reorganization of Ha- Maccabim, which folded earlier this year. Ha-Maccabim placed more em- phasis on retigious functions, accord- Kim Oppenheim ing to JSU co-chairperson, Darryl "When there's moral rot within a nation, its government topples Grant According to co- chairperson Judy easily, but with honest sensible leaders, there is stability" Mitnick, the JSU was not formed to Psalm 28, verse 2 create an identity lor Jews on the So quoted Martha S. Wright. Vice Chairman of the Maryland State predominately Christian WMC earn- Board on Censors, from her desk-side bible. If asked about her P"' philosophical outlook towards her job, Wright firmly states her belief "Jews tend to come together. There that "somebody should take a stand to eliminate hard-core is something in us to unite," said pornography from films" Mitnick. "It's ridiculous for us to be The recently attempted enforcement of a once ignored regulation here and not be represented' of the Maryland Annotated Code of Maryland has left WMC and The Maryland Censor Board at a standoff. The issue. should the SGA be One of the functions 01 the JSU is to required to submit to the board a list of the films it plans to present provide much needed Jewish reli· each semester. sious services on campus. As ot now, The main function of the Board is to examine films and determine there are none, the closest being w-ether or not. they are obscene as defined by the Maryland Statute Temple Beth Shalom in Eldersburg. at Obscenity and the Supreme Court Ruling of 1973 in the case of Most Christian denominatons are rep- Miller V. California. resented on campus or in Westmin- A work is considered obscene when it depicts "sexual conduct in ster. The JSU plans to carpool 30 a patently offensive way" and when it is portrayed as "deep, hard- miles roundtrip to Temple Beth core penetrating sex Shalom in additon to providing serv- ices on campus. According to Mit- Wright and Avara both feel that pornography should be stopped, primarily because It Incites nick, Dr. Howrd Orenstein, Associate Dean Mowbray has referred the situation to the college's attorneys, Professor of Psychology. will conduct violent crimes and po" utes the mInds of younger who feel thai WMC fits inlo the exemption category (regardless of our the services in Eldersburg generations. admission charge, which only covers the cost of the film rental) The JSU plans an active association "It's a matter 01 principle," Dean Mowbray said. "I don't think that a with the Jewish Community Center in non-profit film exhibition should have to be approved, but it's a legal Contrary to popular belief, the Censor Board does not set these Baltimore, as well as with Hillel, an responsibility. It's just a procedure I personally question" standards or dictate to the citizens what they may see. "We're not affiliate of the international Jewish saying you can't see it." commented Board member Mary Avara, The Censor Board must review all tilms shown at school for service organization, B' nai B' rith "we're saying you can't exhibit it Take it off the books if it's not a entertainment, to test them for obscenity if admission is charged. But Activities planned for this semester "even a Walt Disney film would need to be approved," Dean include a bagel brunch, a Purim party law" Mowbray explained (Jewish holiday), a Passover Seder Wright and Avara both teel that pornography should be stopped, The Dean believes that this procedure is now being strictly (ceremonial dinner), a memorial to primarily because it incites violent crimes and pollutes the miflds of enforced by the Board because of recent problems with porno· the Holocaust and a booth at the younger generations annual May Fair. The JSU would also "If you'd see some of the films here, you'd get sick," Avara said "Nudity Is not obscene, but the way It is like to sponsor several campus "Nudity is not obscene, but the way it's portrayed today is obscene" portrayed today Is obscene.../f you'd see some of speakers, but as 01 yet there are no The members 01 the Board view four-five films each day and definite plans prohibit approximately 400 "hard-core sex films" each year Irom the films here, you'd get sick..." reaching the eyes oflhe public' Mary Avara Advising the JSU will be Daniel According to regulations of the Maryland State Board of Censors, Jacoby, of the gconomcs Depart- the SGA is required to submit to the Board a list of films to be shown graphic films shown at other colleges, particularly the University of ment. The organization will share a each semester. Dean Mowbray, however, maintains that because Maryland. U.M. dismissed an instructor for defying the Board and meeting room in Big Baker with WMC is a non-profit, educational institution, it should be exempt from showing obscene movies. Barleycakes and the Christian Life this procedure Avara explained that since WMC liIms are being shown as extra- The Board operates under Article 66A 01 the Annotated Code of curricular activities and WMC charges admission. WMC is subject to Counsel Additional officers for ttxs semester Maryland. which states that all films must be reviewed, approved, the law, regardless of the fact that WMC is non-profit. "Regardless, include recording secretary, Laura and licensed before they are publicly shown. This article does not we have to protect the law," she said Sender, treasurer, Millard Mazer; and apply to any roe-commerce! exhibition of films without a charge of Mrs. Avara added that "if the Board fell a film on the list may have corresponding secretary, Bob Micho- admission 10 page 2
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