Page 60 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 60
Page I} Scrimshaw January 22, 1981 Crucial lifeline: Jamming for credit college funding Jeff Trice to give funds to the college. The Office of Development and recent contributors to WesternMary- Alumni Affairs is Ihe Adminislrative land are the Hearst Foun alion (The part of the campusthat is responsible News American).McCormickSpices, for raising money for the college. and United States Federalty and They do this through alumni, other Guaranty of Baltimore friends of the college and corpora- The college received an unusualgift tions. The Development Office em- last Decemberfrom J. J. Haines.His ploys the people that, financially, company gave the school a .eorpjus keep the college going computer. and as of now. no use has One of the big projects that was been found for the computer. The recently completed was Operation option is there to sell the computerto renovation,which included the reno- generate more funds for the college vauon of Atumni Hall and Winslow There reportedly is an interested Center, improvementsto the library, buyer lor the computer. The market and the constructionof a better track value for the computer is unknown and playing field. Operationgeneva- Another original way to help the tion was officially over in July, but college and yourself during tax time contributions are still coming in. The is to give stock as a gift. Stocksare a Project has generated more than 1.4 good investment for the college as million dollars. which is way over the they will increase in value usually, original goal and the contributor can claim the Alumni and Friends are another market value and not the purchase piece of the financial pie. Last year, price of the stock, although the the Office received 109.000 dollars original price might be much lower from alumniand friends and this year Presentlybefore the Maryland State 133,000dollars has been received, Legislatureis a bond bill which would left to Right: Greg Peterson, Steve Ports, Pete Weller, Rick Koplowitz, Larry Klass :i~:y i~a;2::Cp~~~~:~~e~:~0~~~~ ~~ri~~!n!~u~~ t~~ere~~~e~~h~~I~ Keith L. Arnold Welleron drums; StevePortson bass and a compromisearrangementhas received facility will cost three million dollars On the afternoon of Tuesday. guitar and vocals; Greg Petersonon been made that has thus far avoided A large numberof endowmentshave and Western Maryland is looking Jan 27 the students of this college guitar and vocals; Rick Koplowitz on any scheduling conflicts. been given lately, and somestudents towards the state to provide half of will have a unique opportunity to guitar and vocals; and Larry Klass(a Visiting student Klass was unable to may have received notice of their those funds observe five aspiring WMCmusicians student at Loyola College) on key- swing credit for his efforts with the selection as recepients of these But the biggest single source 01 complete their January Term final boards. synthesizers, and vocals band, despitethe fact that Loyolahas awards, endowmentsare at leastone revenue for the college is - you Not from over their shoulders, but Helping with the sound system and a January Term program similar to thousand dollars and usually have guessed it . studenttuition and lees Irom the seats before the stage of performing with the saxophone is our own. As a result.his hourson the some stipulationsas to who receives The college survives with the com- Alumni Hall. The final for these stu- alumni Dave Emmert hill will be just lor fun. them, such as a major field of study, bined help moneyand moneygive to dents is to present a performanceof The _idea01 jamming for credit was Fun might be one way of putting it, background or county residence. the college by many friends, individ- original music. which they have writ- first discussed last year, but accord- 40 - 50 hours of hard work a week Large corporations find it profitable ual and corporate. ten during this month. ing to Weller. support was hard to might be another.On top of this the '::::::::===========::::;~===::::_!!F':!"~",~'di..!i"~'"::'i'...!b;:""~d,-!!";" ..:p~etelind. The group had trouble legilimiz- students are not only paying to be r ing rock and roll as art - as some- here on campus. but are spending thing worth doing and as something their own money O'nequipment and worthy of college credit. Weller felt materials that the concept reflected the ess- The "course" is credit no credit with, ence of Jan-Term: creativity. This as Wellerputs il," a public Final,The year. with the help of Ports,the group group is planningto performeighteen won an O.K. rating from Music De- originalsongsand about a half dozen partment Head Professor Carl Die- others. A variety 01 music will be trich. presented- rock,jazz. blues, contem- But a few minor details remainedto porary and even a little funk. Every- be tuned before everythingwas final- one has written something for the ized. In order to save time breaking performance. Steve Ports com- down and setting up equipment,the rnented, "It may be one person's band hoped to find a safe place to song, but everyonecontributesto it" practice which they could use for the "It evolves," added Larry Klass .. entire month.The college band room The concert will be given on the seemed to be the optimal choice, 27th, at 2:00 p.m. in Alumni Hall. , UNIV. OF MARVLAND Student Union; Rm. 2111 Wed.. Jan. 28; 2-5.PI\I1 TOWSON STATEUNIV. WITH A HAIRCUT...WITH THIS AD WHilE SUPPLY lAST! Concerf Hall THE FINEST IN PKECISION HAIRCUTTING CAll TODAY Fri.. Feb. 6; 2-5 PM FOR YOUR APPOINIMENl HEHairport t b UNISEX HAIR SALON • 18 JOHN STREET PHONE: 848-5969
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