Page 58 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 58
Page 4, Scrimshaw Injuries hamper Terrors The starting five lor the Terrors has five freshmen, making for Jeff Trice feature a blend of experience and extremely young team The women's basketball team of youth. Playing at forward is senior tri- The team plays here at Western Maryland is off to a slow captain Jean Elliott. She is also the against Lebanon Valley this start this season, but Head Coach leading scorer for the team. At point at 7:00 pm in Gill Gymnasium Robin Armstrong hopes that the up- guard for the Green Terrors is Mag. Friday, January 23 an Alumni game coming games in January and Febru- gie Mules, who is also a senior tri- planned. UMBC is our opponent on ary will put the team on the winning captain, Freshman Donna Mummert January 24 and this is also a home track. The Green Terrors have always is the center, and freshman Colleen gam to be held here. Head coach traditionally been a slow starting team Gohegan and junior Jayne Kernan Robin Armstrong and Assistant coach due to the girl's volleyball season are the guards, Rounding out the Becky Martin hope that these games spilling into the basketball season. squad are sophomores Patsy Moyles, turn around their team's season and The team has had as little as three Kathie Harrison, and Mandy Roe and that these games show the team at days to play and practice together as freshmen Becky Bankert, Donna Wie- their very best to Western Maryland a team, with three out of the live darter, and Julie Fringer, The squad basketball fans. starters on the volleyball team Major injuries, such as senior foward Home games this week: Mouren Noonan's injured knee, and minor injuries like sprained ankles Women's SS VS. LVC: have rpb the team of depth and Tonight, 6:15, Women's versatility. The team's record of 1-8 BB VS, UMBC: Saturday, does not reflect the talent that is there when everyone is healthy and has 2:00, regular practice not broken up by the school schedule 1-..::.:::::.:::::---------------' Moravian crushed Terry Dom comeback by Lebanon Valley put the Western Maryland's Men's Basket- score 66-65 with a meager eight ball Team deleated Lebanon Valley seconds left on the clock. Jim Daw- College Monday for their eighth win son was then fouled on a Lebanon 01 the season. The final score was Valley ensuiing inbounds play. Jim 68-65; the winning points were excit- made both 01 his Iree throws to points Ing ones finalize the Terror victory Moravtaonever threatened the Terror Scott Peters was high scorer in the advantage, therefore, Coach Ober l.......... _~..L._.,.,.....-I.-:'_l~ b:h::e~~~Sylea~ t:~g~~Yi~~i~~t~~~~: game with 15 points; Lester Wallace substituted freely in the second half. third period, but a startling late followed with 13 big ones. Lester and At the closing of the game, ten of the Doug Pinto both had an outstanding twelve players were in the scorinq second half. These were following column. The final score was 70-53 Terror Fish splash to victory good Scott half playing by Dave Ensor the outstanding which Junior fans under will the witness first basketball Peters Varsity and season now stands direc- wins The The team team, is with eight and four losses tion of John Lathrocm, has already Karen Street The Lebanon Valley win was pre- won more games this season than On Wednesday, January 21, the we should have won because those the same girls to nationals," stated ceded by another Terror victory on total last year. WMC Women's Swim Team defeated people aren't here. 'Every member of Easterday. Denise Frech, an AII- the 17th Moravia r.Y.h.'.iI ...,.,__ ....... · Georgetown, leaving them with a 4 the team is important in their own American breeststroker. has already and 1 record. The Men's team was way" qualified. This will be Frech's second defeated by Georgetown, their record A small team, composed of seven year at nationals, Last year Frech now stands at 1 and 4. members, proposes a vital problem placed 9, II, and 12 in the breast- Kim Easterday, head coach of the lor the 1981 men's team. "With such stroke competitions, The women's women's and men's swim team, feels a small team," explained Easterday, relay team, as well as other individual that Jenny Doremus, Denise Frech, "it's hard to improve last year's swimmers are working towards na- Annie Glaeser, lisa Klevin, Sue Lapi- record of 8/5." Fred Hubach, co- tionals dus, and Missy Sullivan (all returnees) captain, is optimistic about the meets Sonja Narr, a diver, is also preparing add a special strength to the ahead. "It's not like we've given up," for the nationals (to be held in Cedar women's team. "Mike Alien," stated emphasized Hubach. "Everyone just Rapids, lowa.) "Sonja is one of the Easterday, "is the best all-round mare has to work a little harder." In best in the conference," added East- swimmer we have." After naming a agreement, Kurt Hubach, a member erday. Narr and the other diVers are few outstanding members, Easterday specializing in backstroke, feels that coached by Doug Jones, a orotes- emphasized the team's importance "quality, not quantity" is important sional diver. as a whole: "If we don't have a full Winning meets, however, is not the In addition to Jones. the team is also .. team, .....- we'll always lose some- meets team's only goal. "We hope to take trained job, by Pat Eberle. ';Pat is doing past a she but good has no "She Easterday : Carriage House Liquors Ii experience," replied capacity," Eberle, in a learning is now : 113 W. Main Street • a graduate from SUNY-Cortland, be- coach .: "at the forks" :. gins Good her first year as assistant however, alone, leadership : Pabst 24 pack qf 12 oz. bottles ."7" : does one not make and a good three team. On Dec of 26, car loads van, : Heineken 6 pack of 12 oz. bottles ,'4 00 : swim team members for headed days for Fort of ten lauderdale, Fla. • • • intensive training to prepare for the • the : expires 1129181' w/coupon: first few meets. four Although a day, team the practiced only hours ;........••••.•.• ~...........•... ~ "practices were killers ..extremely in- tense," pointed out Annie Glaeser, a Sportswear & Athletic Shoes .: backstroker. While the in Florida vs. the team participated in East West qFLEET FEET4 Meet. lying Free time was various spent night "After spots, the showering, cooking, hitting on and beach. the trip," volunteered Glaeser, "the team FAIRGROUND "1ILLAGE CENTER was a lot closer." Fred Hubach now 330 ONE FORTY VILLM)E ROAD feels "the team is almost like a family." WESTMINSTER, M}\R_Y~ND 21157 The next home meet will be held on , All Brands of Athletic Shoes Jan. 28. against Franklin and Marshall warm-up Suits & Sportswear ~~il~e~:~ ~~~r~i~g b~o a~~~:~:~; ... ...__~_ 10% Di$c~nt with 10 ~Silk Screen Printing for Croup~ one tor the women's team. It really helps to have a good audience"
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