Page 62 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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Scrimshaw .....inqinq sweetheart Valentines Singing from The Falwell Majority Maryland to College will Monday, western from 9 be on sale 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Feb through Friday, Feb. 13 For a nominal fee, members of the "Moral Majority is a political organization. not a explains, "I must do more I must go into the halls of college choir will personally sing a religious organization. we are urging morally con- Congress and light for taws that will protect the grand love song and deliver a flower to your cerned Arnencans to unite their potitical 'clout" to old flag ., sweetheart Deliveries will be made defend the traditionat family and the conservative It is tough to criticize many of the M.M·s goals. As from 9 a.m. to 9 p rn., Thursday, Feb political principles that have made this a great nation one of their mass mailing appeals asked, "Do you 12 through Valentine's Day, Saturday, we are attempling to create an awareness of the beueve that smut peddlers should be protected by the Feb, 14 moral perversion thaI is about to destroy the American Courts and the Congress. so they can openly sell Singing Valentines are available to dream ,. Westminster residents for $5.25, m- pornographic materials to your children?" And what Dr. Jerry Falwell, President about the fact that "Known practicing homosexuals cluding flower. The charge is $750- Moral Majonty teachers have invaded the classrooms, and the pulpits $10 tor deliveries in areas surround. of our churches" ing Westminster, and $25 for Balti- Is the M,M just another special interest group These are the kinds of questions Falwell asks in his more, Hanover and Frederick encouraging our nation's lawmakers to pass legislation search for the 'Moral Majority.' Is it any wonder that he deliveries. Cost for students. on cam- in keeping with their ideals? If so. why has its believes a majority of the American people support his pus, $1.50. controversial leader been branded as one 01 the new positions? Is this a clear, objective evaluation of the Money raised through the effort will champions of the so called 'Radical RighP' problems which face American society? Why doesn't he go toward the choir's spring singing Their positions seem clear enough An August 18 just ask if we would like to have our taxes increased? tour according to choir director Brent tii issue of the M.M. Report explained that "Moral Majority There is no reason to criticize a lobbying group for Hylton. 'ii is an organization dedicated to the promotion of Biblical dealing with issues like abortion. pornography. gay To order a Singing Valentine, can= and traditional moral values to a pro-life. oro- riqhts. school prayer or military strength. But the M,M.·s Western Maryland College at traditional family. pro-moral and pro-American position" modus operandus leaves a strongly unpleasant after- 7000 ext 631, or (from One might not agree with the M M. 's position on many taste. -Easv answers glowing with a religious aura just of these issues, and few people would argue that they don't sit right. Some people may find it reassuring to Should not be allowed to present their views in know that God was upset when we "gave away the liThe rape Washington. But it isn't the views they are pushing for Panama Canal to prevent 'oflending' a leftist govern- that has generated such a controversy. Rather, it is how ment." bul that's their problem. And having one man jet they go about the business of keeping "Our grand old set 10 and fro between pulpits and congressional from going down the dram," that raises eyebrows committees doesn't lessen these reservations, (Is Jerry of McDaniel answers to complex problems, emphasized Falwell God's answer to Henry Kissinger?) II by emotional appeals with religious overtones, will not According to Jerry Falwell, "Our grand old flag is Jeff Trice ovation," This title Conjures up im- save America, And having one man lead simultaneously going down the drain. Don't kid yourself. You may wake As many of you know by virtue of a multimillion dollar evangelical and a major up one morning and discover that Old Glory is no your meetings being cancelled or ages and illusions of granduer (or campus lobbying organization won't help longer waving freely" Bul there exists the possiblity of a rescheduled, McDaniel Lounge Reno- drudgery). as if the a shining was monu- to into be transformed Hard work and dedication have enabled Dr. Falwell 10 different nightmare. The thought of waking up one vation and Construction is still under ment to the year 2000. II's like the build an impressive folowing. In addition to a hometown morning with a government dedicated to legislating way, The Lounge, first reported to be Conservative Era that is with us now church with 17,000 members. Falwell reaches an morality, To wake up with a government dominated by completed by Second Semester. (it's It's a label, just a label for which to esurretec 21 million more people each week through religious zealotsjot any faith) who. besides having been already here guys), is supposedly to his "Old Time Gospel Hour" which is broadcasted by blessed with the knowledge of God's will on such be completed by March t. Sure, rally people behind and also try to over 681 TV and radio stations. The yield from this and sensative issues as gay rights. abortion or school make that middle of March or first of convince them thai the old won't be other fundraising operations amounts 10 about one prayer, afso inform us of His opinion concerning crime. April, maybe later quite as good as the new. But (as in pontics). million dollars per week. according to Newsweek inflation, and the strategic arms balance All of this Renovation Business sometimes labels are 01 Magazine. tt is thoughts like these that should encourage us to brings to mind several amusing just the substitution 01 one piece another. for liberals But is that enough for Jerry Falwell? No wayl As he say our prayers things. Like the term "Operation Ren- nonsense out. the conservatives The move in. move Letters to the Editor yet we're not any closer 10 the utopia for that they both Enough are striving But is point Windmill As residents of this earth, it is our recent problems found in the girts' about the grandiose labels made. The old confront alternatives duty to use what resources are dorms. Well. steps are being taken in teacher Well. did the not way physically it. if thmgs McDaniel some Lounge things was about nice, it Sure maybe were I see her. available 10 us to the fullest extent. But I To the Editor that direction. but what about security went the way the teacher had wanted falling apart and needed repair. As an addition to the many ecology The wind and water are the most against the female students who are them to go I probably wouldn't have invite you to take a look now at good articles in the 4 December issue of available of these natural resources. sexually, in a verbal way, confronted written this and the student would old homey McDaniel Lounge. Pay the ScrImshaw, I would like to point Since water power has not yet been by their male teachers. have received a "8" (even more likely especially close attention to the doors out another way the Western Mary- turned into electric power on a large I became aware with a situation of an "A") and windows. Remember the big old land College community can be ecol- scale, and because larger bodies of this sort which began first semester, I just want it known that it's not just wooden doors? Remember the ornate ogically, as well as energy. moving water can not be found near and ended with final grades. All the girls' dorms that have to be windows? You better remember. be- resourceful. We are all aware of the this campus, such power would not semester the female student had in bolted down and checked regularly cause they aren't there anymore. The recent harsh winds that have blown be feasible. But wind power has been mind at least a "B" in her course but also these types 01 teachers on replacements consist mostly of metal- used before (we all know of !he across the hill these past few weeks. This was seen through her work and campus, Talking with others, this one lic content, keeping with it the spirit of windmills in Holland). and it should and we know from past experience the teacher's comments concerning particular gin is not the only one drab gray found in many instutitions be put to use on this campus that it will continue to carry our hats her work, Her moment finally arrived confronted in this way. The question (Rouzer is one of many) Tuition goes up every year, I think and loose papers away with it in the All alone with her teacher. he non- to be raised now is - "Do we girls just Whatever you were in McDaniel these costs can be held constant by chalantly made his move. and I must months to rouow. The wind is a great initiating an energy program involving sit and let this teacher and maybe Lounge for, class meetings, SGA, I·V. source of power: it is economical and windmills, We must look for energy say it was a move! There is only one even others, whoever they may be, or just anything. you found it to be a environmentally prosperous to use problem. his request was verbal not harass us and possibly even cheat us homey place in which to gather. Here saving methods wherever we can. so this power With the cost of energy as physical. As it turned out she did not out of our fair grade if this be the with the modernization of the lounge. why no! start right here on the hill concede to him. Grades came high as rl has been in recent years, case?" I believe this certain student there is the debatabe tearing down of and the natural gas and oil supplies Betina Youssef "C's" should at least have a chance to the old and the construction of Ihe dwindling as they have been, il could Sexual Her next step was to .approacf Dean have her story be heard by Ihe Grade new, And I think that the old was be nothing but beneficial 10 incorpo- McCormick and inquired about hav- Review Board and possibly gel her much nicer rate a windmill system on the hill. I harassment ing her "C" reviewed by the new grade changed before the answer is don't know why there isn't anything Grade Review Board. She was told "No." Thank you for your attention Senior being done to get such a program lately the issue of security has been tnat nothing could be done since the Amy Jones started here on campus of interest on this campus after the Scrimshaw Censor controversy Publicity Recital from page 1 anything obscene, we would require the college to let us see if lirst .. Deanna Taylor will present her sen- Editor Bill Byrne Severe penalties exist lor violating the procedure. Anyone showing ior piano recital at Western Maryland Managing Editor ..... Sue Frost a film that has not been licensed is guilty of a misdemeanor and will College at 3 om. Sunday. Feb. 15 in Business Manager Russell Johnson be sentenced to pay a fine between $100 and $250 or imprisonment levine Recital Hall Photography Editor Adam Wright up to 30 days or both. The Board also reserves the right to Ms. Taylor. who delivered her senior News Editor Keith L Arnold confiscate unlicensed films voice recital ,3St November . .will per- Artist .. . Lynda Boyer The Maryland State Board of Censors was founded in 1916 and is form "Concerto in 0 major," by Feature Editor Robert Holt now in danger of facing an automatic death sentence in July of 1981 Haydin: "Minstrels," by Debussy; Science Editor TerryDom because of its controverstar nature. Members of the community have "Nocturne, F minor," by Chopin: and Advisor Dave Cleveland questioned the Board's ability and qualifications to truly assess and . Bear Dance," by Bartok Ad layout .... ... .JanetTrainor Layout Pete Roof, Cris Soto, Mimi Griffin, Karen Street apply community standards in a diverse, modern-day society Ms. Taylor is the daughter of Mr Typist Mimi Griffin, Pam Owen According to Wright, "the majority ot people have been misled. We and Mrs. Donald T Taylor of Middle· Detnounon Manager lesMartin do not censor-we can only suggest eliminations. We view to town license" The Feb. 15 recital is free and open Avara added. "tell your mencs-uove's beautiful. but there's limits." to the public
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