Page 67 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 67
February 19, 1981 Scrimshaw page 3 WMC presents: "La Ronde" Moratori urn on Jeffrey Reichlen will recreatecharacters which run the Dr Gargaro, director of this show The Western Maryland College ora- gamut 01 social class from a prosn- has decided to produce the play in section parties mauc art department will present "La tute to a count. Portrayingthe ladies period style. As a result many 19th Ronde" a play set in the grand time of Vienna are: Amy Barnes, Karen century costumes are being made period of fin de eecie Vienna, "La t.amoer and Staci Pfeifer 01Towson; Setectionsfrom great musical rnaster- Ronde." written by Arthur Schnitzler Janet Collins 01 wanersvue: and pieces of the era are being used as Keith L. Arnold and transtateu.,to English by Eric Jenniler Gill of Baltimore. Portraying well Bentley. will open in the Alumni Hall gentlemen are, Peter Weller 01 Or- "La Ronde" is a waltzing. hilarious "ln short, the parties have become open again," stated Dean of Understage on Friday. March 13 and lando. Pla.. James Ratston01 Ellicott play surrounded by an aura 01 sen Student Affairs C Wray Mowbray, and lor this reason Mowbray has run through Sunday, March 15. All City: Eric Henning of Lanham; Reed sualrty. Tickets will be available on decided rot-to approve any invitationparties in the fraternitysections Mortimer of Morristown, N.J,: and March 6 and may be reserved by for the time beiflg. The Deandid not commenton when such parties pertormances begin at 8:15 p.m, Jeffrey Reichlin of Denton calling 648-7000 ext. 590 The cast of ten, (5 male, 5 female) would be allowed again Campus rumor has suggested that this action was taken in responseto an incident at a Betes party two weeks ago. The Dean Sexual health explored denies this, comm~nting that the reason for' the moratorium on section parties is due to abuses 01 Ihe regulations set lor those Noted medical psychologist and sex became a certified psychologist, many committeesand boards as well parties, regulations that had been agreed to by the fraternities therapist Dr. John Money will speak slate of Maryland, in 1958, ana ~in as on some 25 editorial boards Mowbray observed these abuses two weeks ago, after being on "Development of Sexual Health' 1975 was certified as a sex therapist Listed in. among others, American called to the Betes section The Dean did not comment on the from Infancy to Adulthood" at west- by the American Association of Sex Men and Women or Science, Inter- incident itself, stating that it would be handled through the college's ern Maryland College at 8 p.m. on Educators, Counselors and Thera- national Authors and Writers Who's Disciplinary Hearing Board. Monday, Feb. 23, in Alumni Hall. pists (AASECT) Who and International Directory of The following rules, among others, were cited by Mowbray as A native New Zealander, Money is a Money, prolific writer and editor, is Human Sexuality, Money also holds having been violated: that no beer is to be allowed outside the professor of medical psychology and the author of more than a dozen honorary membership in seven pro- clubroom, that invitationsare to be restricted t6 a set number that director of the Psychohormonal ge- books including Man and Woman, fessional societies and aboard can lit comfortably in the clubroom and that the party is to end at search Unit at The Johns Hopkins Boy and Girl: Differentiation and The Monday, Feb, 23 lecture will be one p.m. The Dean stated that the fraternitieshave agreed to these University School of Medicirie and Dimorphism of Gender Identity explicit in nature and parental discre rules, and had made "no attempt to enforce them.' Hospital. He completed his under- from Conception to Maturity (1973), lion is advised. The lecture is open to Mowbray plans to continue to "monitor the use 01alcohol" on this graduateeducation at Victoria Univer- and Love and Love Sickness, the pubtic and admission is $2, For campus, saying that he will not tolerate "the misuse and abuse of sity College, New Zealand, and {1980). He has held memberships in tickets or further information contact alcoholic beverages, period" earned his certificate of residency in approximately30 professionalorgani- College Activities. 848·7000 ext 265 He went on to comment that this is not an effort to destroy the psychology at the University in 1952, zations and has served on nearly as or (fromBaltimore)876·2055 ext 265. Iraternity system, "I still support the fraternity system, a fraternity system that supports the college" WMC Theater: reflections on war Mowbray indicated his support of the 18 year old drink.ingage in Maryland. A bill which would raise tne age to 19 had passed the from page 2 state of anarchy exist {The United search for some reasonable attema- Senateand is presently beforethe Judiciary committeeof the House and practical alternative to a military Nations has repeatedly proven itself tives to war and its desolate alter- The Dean hopes it will die there, and has written the corrvruttee resotvernentof internationalproblems weak.and incapable of guiding con- math. However, the search cannot members In support of this position ISnecessaryfor life to continue as we flicting a peaceful resoru- become fruitful until the people of the Nevertheless,Mowbray insists that the rules and regulationsmust know it Only on the internationallevel ton 01 their ouereoces.) On every Earth abandon their nationalistic atti- be obeyed, and that alcohol is "not a right, but a.onvuecqe." of human interaction does a virtual other levll of human society there tudes and begin to view themselves exists binding laws and codes of as "WORLDCITIZENS" It is not an easy concept to ponder Black history at WMC conduct by which men must abide or but it is a thought thai should be on lace the consequence01punishment the minds at each individual while There is no easy resolution to this leaders and will alsocelebrate blacks thy has been a major problem for the paradox of modern man, Yet, that considering the lilms presented by from page 1 In musicand dramabeforethe end of BSU, which includes in its memtier- does not meanthat the leaders 01the the Dramatic Arts Department during rights activist and the regiOn?!1orrec FeQ.(.uary ship about a half of the WMC black. World population should not begin 10 this semester tor 01the NAACP, WM~ In Ihe words 01 Carmen Ball. a student population and no whites Attendance at the two previously on Friday, February 20 at 8 p m In sophomore at WesternMaryland and shownfilm productions, "A History of Eat your veggies! Alumni Hall. The lecture is sponsored a memberoflhe BSU,"Our goal is to by the Black Student Union and is let people be awareof black nistory" American Negroes," and "Bill Cosby Terry Dom also free ,to both students and the "In addition," commented Martin on Prejudice" was disappointing, de- Vegetables. As a rule, we've pushed them off our plates since the general public .. . Pitts, a WMC senior and co-cbarrcer- spite abundant advertisement. BSU day we first recognized them. Today, however,our meat and potato The Black Student Union, In oarucu- son 01 the BSU, "our goal IS to members hope that more people will culture is being reviewed by many people, and some are pushing tar. Jarcelyn Smith, a junior at WMC, project lighl on the Black Student attend the remaining events of this meat aside and ask.inglor more vegelables is also responsible for decorating the Union to integrate it with other monthin order that the WMCcomma- Why would anyone give up the steaks. the barbecued sparenbs. showcase in front of the Decker cam~us acnvities so that we're not nity might expand its understanding and the Thanksgiving turkey to become a vegetarian?Practitioners Caretena this month The current Identified separately tram the cam- of black culture as presented in this include people who do so because: 1) 01the economyof it. it is a lot i!!""----~'Martin special program less expensive,2) eennc meat is contrary to their religious edicts, 3) they are pacifists: they teetmar k.illinganimals is against their ethical or social consciences,4) some believe that veqetable-basedfarming Art exhibit is a wiser use of exhaustible land and resources, 5) they leel healthier. Is it healthier?Eliminationof meat from the diet cuts down on the Egyptian figurines, American Indian intakeof cholesteroland saturated rats. Withoutconsumption01egg pottery, an original Indian chiel's yolk, sausage, bacon etc, the risk of heart attack is much lower ceremonial dress and more can be Also, the ealing of more vegetables and grains puts morefib,erInthe lound on exhibit at Western Maryland diet and, therelore, lowers the chance of acquiring one 01 the College diverticular diseases such as cancer of the colon This permanent collection of Egyp· But is it really healthier? If practiced sensibly, which means tian and American Indian art will be guarding against nutrition loss, it can be healthier. We are on display from Feb. 10 to Feb. 27 m accustomed to classifying meats as ".lirst·class" proteins and Gallery One of the Fine Arts Building vegetables as "second·class," yet nonanimalsources of protein are from 10 a.m, to 5 p.m. The formal not inferior in quality. A sound, vegetarian diet just opening of the exhibit will be held on k.nowledgableplanning Feb. 10 tram 7 p,m-9 p,m., also in Protein is essentialto lile. It is the substance that the body utilizes Gallery One. At 7:30 p.m. Dr. Julie to build and repair itself, Our bodies use proteins composed of 22 Badlee, assistant professor 01 art amino acids: eight of these can not be produced in our bodies, history, will present a short gallery hence their name-- the essential aminoacids, and must be supplied talk. discussing various objects and by ingestion, To synthesize the body proteins, the amino acids are their background put in a fixed order. All 22 complementarytypes must be present Egyptian objects include small lu- and in proportionateamounts. If one or more of the acids is low or neral figurines 01wood, ceramic and missing, the protein is considered incomplete and not as valuable bronze. According to WasylPalljczuk., Incomplete proteins do not build muscle or tissue but are often professor 01art, these figurines were stored as fat presented in honor of Ihe dead in This is whele vegetarians must be careful. Meat cootains all eight place 01flowers. Hand"made pottery, of the essential amino acids; no vegetable contains them all moccasins, wall hangings and other - Vegetarians must solve this defficiency by supplementing dairy objects can be found among the products or egg in their diet or by combining the right plant proteins American Indian collection, In addi- to mak.ea better grade of protein. The sale dieter k.nowswhich tion, there are several Greek objects amino acids, which minerals, and which vitamins are supplied by from the Helenistic period. which vegetables. The exhibit, sponsored by the art There is nothing mysterious in the elimination01animal flei>hfrom ... department, is flee and oeen to the the diet, except how 10. develop. a taste for all those "yuck.y" ',.<.IOlic veg~tables
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