Page 68 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 68
Scrimshaw February 19, 1981 page 4 Features------------------------------ Jumping for credit: The Airborne adventure ' . jumps. one of which must be made at dealing with the mental pressures. In Andi Yob RO.T.C" why she would want to take as to why she would want to run night. retrospect, an enthusiastic Sharon One may ask scoeorocre. Pni Alph, on the physical and menIal challenge three to five miles at 4:30 each Sharon, who received one of the said, "It was such an experience, I pom-pom girl, Sharon Bullard, who of attending Fort Benning,Georgia for morning, wrap her hair in masking three available positions to attend would recommend.anvone who was tape, execute hundreds of push-ups airborne:'training One might inquire has achieved status as a Junior in airborne school had to undergo rigor- interested to go. She explained her a day, accept the harsh training tactics of demanding leaders, and ous training under the direction of belief that the trip helped her to grow finally, jump from a speeding plane at- Captain Sherick before she was as a person, she tound conlidence an elevation of 2,ooq feet. AI! a granted the appointment. To prepare. and realized that Ihts undertaking preparatory measures to be faced at Sharon, Scot! Martin and Paul Cale, was not a sport but a job: Sharon the United States Army Infantry the two other cadets who attended stated "I had a chance to learn what I School lor Army personnel and from WMC, had to meet each morn- wanted to be. I learned to get along R.O.T.C.cadets ing at 6:30 lor a challenging workout with people from en over and as an Sharon. with two other cadets from which would. in turn. lead to the up-and-coming second lieutenant I the WMC ROTC. department. at- successful comptetion 01 a qualifying learned how the enlisted man per- tended airborne school this January fitness exam. The three received their ceives his/her commanders" term. The successrut completion of slots as a result of dedicated training By the end of the course Sharon-felt this program, meant the cadets had and a display of mental strength and that she was trained and prepared, to perfect five successful parachute determination. On January 9, they and in reflection, stated, "I would go through it again if I had to." jumps arrived in Georgia to undergo per- In order to prepare for the jumps, haps one of the most challenging but Sharon's class was the first to the cadets underwent three phases 01 rewarding three Weeks of their lives graduate in 1981. Forty-six ROTC training. Each week the training con- Sharon rellected upon her experi- cadets from the U.S, and Puerto Rico completed the course; Sharon was centrated on dilferent preparatory ences, now from an objective view measures, including Ground Week, She was assured 01 "god times and the only female. The transition from the initial enthusi- Tower Week, and Jump Week good training," In addition she found Ground week introduced the cadets a time that was physically and men- asm, 10 the challenge 01 achieve- to simulated parachute conditions tally a challeng~ lor her ment, and finally the pride and sense through a"mock airplane set up and Her expenencealncludeo becoming of accomplishment as a result of the concentrated on individuat skills. The a number instead 01 a name (C 010). training is indicative of the ROTC second week, Tower Week, intro- being awakened to the sound "ot a cadet and what is sought to be duced the "mass exit" concept where whistle at 3:30 a.m. to begin training, achieved through the program individually acquired skills were put being dropped for push-ups lor a Sharon Bullard and Scott Martin had together to make a joint effort and less than perfect performance. and their first brushes with this type 01 familiarize the cadets with the impor- having to continually maintain an growth when they ex-iled the plane. and Ihanks to excellent training and tant of team work. Finally, Jump eager readiness to do her best conditioning yelled "AIRbome l " for Week: Devoted to the successful Sharon commented that she felt the the first time with assurance completion 01 the five qualifying most challenging aspect for most was WMC abroad: travels to the continent Saturday, December 27 was day many well-known sights, including Square wasme fashion 'It seemed hockey were highlights But that was like they all (the native Londoners) only the beginning of Sweden's res- Karen Street one of the Scandinavian adventure Buckingham Palace (and the chang- were from our 60's. You've never pitality. In Narkoping, Sweden, WMC Over Ihe Jan-term period, did your Arriving et Hawthorne international ing of the guard). Westminster students were invited into the homes ever stop and ask yoursell why you Airport in London at 7:46 a.m.. our Abbey, the British Museum. and Ma- seen punkers like these puokers." 01 Swedish families for two days. dame Tussaud's Wax Museum Morris insisted never saw Jane Carstensen, Mike travelers were taken to the West "Some of the unique events in Lon- New Year's Eve was truly a memora- Keith Stagg and Mike Creamer, both Creamer. Craig Freeman, Susan London Institute of Higher Education. wrestlers, stayed at the home of Olle Hobbs, Lee Meyers, Julie Morris. a teacher's Iraining college, It was a don include making brass rubbings ble night for Morris and friends, "We Andersburq. who has earned one left Trafalgar Square a little before at Westminster Abbey, and an eve- Mary-Schiller. Keith Stagg, Bob first hand opportunity 10 experience ning wrestling match against the 12:00 arn. and went to a small silver medal and two gOld medals in Wassmann, Karen Yochim, or Glen dorm life in another country. Accord- British Police lor Dr Case's five country pub on the outskirts 01 Lon- Olympic wrestling events. rurcisin in the cafeteria? No. these ing to Julie Morris, the dormitory wrestlers on the trip, Alter the match, don. At the pub we were treated to Dr. Case was especially pleased WMC students have not been on a rooms were "very similarto a room in (which the terrors won!) the British wine and ccoversaton. I really felt with the hospitalitythat met the group starvation diet. No. you didn't miss a Whiteford or Rouzer; however, all the in Sweden: "They just did everything demonstration revolting against insti- rooms were singles," With dorm liv- Police hald a party for the WMC like a part of Londor-vsaid Morris for us" tuuonal meals. These eleven students ing, universally,there is bound to be travelers After London. it was on to Holland Trips abroad leave diflerent 'mores- Despite popular beliel. "wrestling took advantage of Dr. Samuel Case's one poblem or another; 'We knew was not the main purpose of the trip." .anc the Rijts Museum, Ihe Royat sions on different people. This variety .Study iour 01 Scandinavia," a tour of we'd have 10 rougi;lit sometimes,but Palace, the Anne Frank House, and is reflected, to a degree, by the stated Dr. Samuel Case, coach 01the major points 01 interest in Great the cold showers were painful," re- wrestling team. "Incorporating wres- the Staats Museum (home of "The treasurers which travelers purchase Night Watch," Rembandt's master- Bntain. Holland. Denmark. and Swe- plied Morris to keep as remembrances,Julie Mor- den While in London, the group visited tling into the trip provides many piece) social benefits." explained Dr. Case Copenhagen. Oenmark brought ris, for example. brought back two HOUSE OF LIQUOR In agreement, Lee Meyers. a fresh- pizza, discotheques, a Folk Museum, 100% wool sweaters. Bob Wass· mann, on !)Ie other hand. brought and Kronenborg castle (the traditional man wrestler, feels that "it wouldn't be worth the money to go over there and legendary castle where the back 40 beer cans. a mug, coasters, and just wrestle" events described in Shakespeare's a straw goat and a Manchester scarf, On New Year's Day, additional cele- Hamlet. reputedly took place). "Kon- to remember his experience in Scan- brating was done in London's Trafal- diteries," pastry shops, were a spe- dinavia Schlitz Lite Case 12 oz. Cans $7.99 gar Square, a place very similar to cial attraction; "If ever lost, Karen stated "We had a real cornpatable Summing up the trip. Or. Case Schlitz Quarts 79¢ each or 3 for $2.28 New York's Time Square. One diHer- (Yochim) and Dr. Case could always group which did a lot of fun thi.1gs be found in. a Konditeri." joked Mor- ence between Tralalgar and Time ris together. I loved every minute 01 it" In eotetc-c. Sweden the group expires 2126/81 Present Coupon 848-1314 TRAVEL. .. EARN MONEY were guests at a wrestling club where When asked about future trips, Case like to take a trip to replied, "ro . EARN A FREE TRIP. shopping, sledding, saunas, and ice Iceland someday" Sportswear &-Athletic Shoes': • Daytona. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :, Carriage House Liquors : . Pf FLEET FEET-:~ Beach : 113 W. Main Street :' this Spring Packages are S129 complete. 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