Page 59 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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January 22, 1981 Page 5 Scrimshaw Gargaro contract not renewed from page 1 Studentswho support the administration'shandling of the There is also much speculation among the students "Dr. John told us that his hands were lied. He said that situation say that it was done in an appropriate manner about the fate of the four extracurricular student programs he could not make a reversal of the FAC. recommenda- There were rumors of a student petition supporting the created by Dr. Gargaro and currently under his direction. tion without causing problems within his faculty," said Ms administration's actions concerning Dr. Gargaro, however The four programs are the Performance Group (a dance Zacheis. ~We filed the petition with the acrranetreuco. no persons who had signed such a petition or had first company); the Dramatic Arts Free Film Series: the because it seems that a college of this size would have to hand knowledge of the petition could be located. Yet it is Production Grew (a mass media group): and the American listen to the feelings of the students. If they have a goal for not difficult to find some students who are dissatisfied with MUSical Theatre Festival summer project. There has a first rate Dramatic Arts Department,they are missing the their experiences with Dr. Gargaro. a1readybeef\ doub:~ about the continuance of the A.M.T.F mark." "Dr. Gargaro does not belong at a tiberal arts college summer theatre ororect. but now the three other programs The two women said that there are several students who He seems more suited to a conservatory where students also face the possibility of dissolving are considering leaving the Dramatic Arts Departmentand specialize in specific areas of Dramatic Art," said one General student speculation torsees a possible dissolv- changing their majors, and a handful of persons who are student. ing of these groups, mostly due to the lack of an advisor leaving the college because of Dr. Gargaro's treatment by There is some controversy among faculty and staff and director in the fall '81 semester. Although the college the FAG members about the FAC.'s handling of Dr. Gargaro's administration expressed its hope that the groups will "There are a good number of Drama students who feel reviewas well. However,most of the faculty and staff were continue beyond spring '81, it did not offer any indication that Ken Gargaro is the best instructor in the Drama hesitant to make any formal statement about the subject. that it could insure that a Dramatic Arts faculty member Department. I think he is one of the best instructorson the Whether a student or a faculty member, supporters of Dr. would oversee the continuance of any of the four student campus," said Ms. Claypoole , Gargaro believe the situation was mostly political and had programs However,there are students who view the FAG. action little to do with his academic credibility. Others who Dr. Gargaro said that he plans to keep the programs as justified and necessary. The lines of controversy are support the administration's decision, claim that it was an functioning during the spring '81 semester,and give an all strongly drawn between students who are Dramatic Arts accurate appraisal of Dr. Gargaro's teaching performance out effort to encourage students in the programs to work majors. While some students claim that Dr. Gargaro is an Sourcesclose-to the FAG. also disclosed that one of Dr towards their projected goals for this year efficient instructor and offered fresh insight, other students Gargaro's critics is Mr. Tim Weinfeld, also of the Dramatic "I am really making an effort to tie everything together claim that he stited creativity and failed to teach them Arts Department.The sources said that, two years ago. Mr this spring and get things completed and finished in an anything they had not already learned before taking his Weinleld had recommended that Dr. Gargaro be hired to earnest fashion," said Dr. Gargaro classes. head the Dramatic Arts Department Involuntary re action: subliminal seduction Debbie Wooden Dr. Key- will present a multi-media mittee and the Federal Trade Com- ,-------------------, Thirty-onebillion dollars are spent on presentation, "Subliminal Seduction" mission. A former advertising man advertising in the U.S.each year The at WesternMarylandCollege on Mon- himself,Dr. Key has taught journalism problem. says Dr. Wilson Bryan Key, day, Feb. 9 at 8 p.m. in Alumni Hall and communications at several uni- is that ads incorporate cues and Author of two books on advertising, versities and heads Mediaprobe, a symbolism relating to sex and death "Subliminal Seduction" and "Media public interest research company to manipulateand seduce consumers Sexploitation," Dr. Key has testified Subliminal seduction is a phrase into spending their money on this subject to a Senate subcorn- coined by Key to describe the manip- ulativetechniques used in advertising Live in' Alumni: which lure one to buy a particular product. "Sex and death are the big subliminal selling points of ads be- Trial by Jury cause they elicit. such strong emo- tional response in humans," suggests Key. "When you feel strongly about a product you will buy it" Debbie Wooden anos. Carl Dietrich, associate profes- Dr. Key's main objection is to what Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera sor of music, is supervisor and co- he views as an invasion of privacy "Trial By Jury," will be presented on conductor of Ihe production "Nothing can hurt you as long as you Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8 Carla Boynton is directing the per- can decide whether to look at it or p.m. in Alumni Hall formance as well as managing the not. But this material goes into your The production is the culmination of technical aspects of the production brain at the speed of lighLand some the January Term course entitled as her senior honors project in dra- is remembered for life. "What hap- "'Gilbert and Sullivan: The Men and matic art. pens to someonewho's been sublimi- the Music." The course has explored She claims this is her first mainstage nally indoctrinated with this material?" this duo's musical styles as well as production and that it "is a thrill to asks Key who is concerned with the creative methods take words written on a page and kind of value system perpetrated by In addition to handling the technical bring them to life." The actual talent these ads aspects of the production, each comes from the actors. according to Key will discuss these and react to member of the class will sing in the Boynt~, but it takes the director to questions raised by the audience at opera. The SO-membercast will also bring cut the mood and direction of the Monday evening lecture. Admis- include other campus members. as the performance. sion is $2. For more information cail well as several local residents The comic opera originated in the the College Activities Office at 848- The opera is a satirical look at Victorian era when the newly-formed 7000 Victorian English people and their middle class demanded entertain- customs The story deals with a ment, explains to Dietrich.Music halls Bob Hope young man who asks a woman for were begun that featured a continu- says: rTreat Sfiop - her hand in marriage, then changes ous group of unrelated songs. Later, his mind. The "love-em-and-leave- a story line bound these songs "Red Cross 6 cw. _){um Sf., 'lfblmmsler 'em" man, played by freshman Rob together to form the musical comedy can teach you McQuay, is not off the hook; his Meanwhile, Dietrich claims. Jacques ex-fiance,portrayed by senior Cindy Offenbach had invented the comic fust ald, Featuring: Ice Cream Sundaes Aoey, drags him into court on a opera in Europe. Gilbert, a satirical And first aid charge of breach of promise playwright and Sullivan,a well-known canbea Deli Sandwiches Beforethe trial even begins. the man composer. merged these two styles is presumed to be guilty. He pleads together into the "most supremeform lifesaver." 1\ This ad copy worth SO¢ on any Sundae his case cejcre the biased julY. of comic ocere.ecccrooc to Dietrich stating that he is able to love two The. popularity 01 Gilbert and Sulli- women at the same time van's operas has no! diminishedover The plaintiff comes into the court- the years Their satirical look at HOUSE OF LIQUOR room in full wedding attire with ac- Englishnobility was so well done that companying bridesmaids. The it was not seen as oflensive beautiful bride-to-be is so intriguing 'Trial By Jury" is set entirely to that the lecherous judge decides to music and isremwnedamong operas dismiss the case and marry the in that it is simple and easy for the young woman himself uninitiated opera listener to under- Any six pack of Molson ...$2 69 Other leading members of the cast stand. Written in English, the melo- include junior Jim ueca as the old, dies seem to match the character 01 learned counsel. and both senior the crowds, claims Dietrich present coupon Doug Otte and Mary Lee Schmall, Tickets for the Jan. 23,24 and 25 848-1314 adjunct laboratory instructor, who will performances are $1.00 and can be expires 1/29/81 accompany the' singers on two pi- purchased at the InformationDesk ~ ~
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