Page 64 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 64
page 4 Scrimshaw February 12, 1981 From Classical to Punk .... IILeGrande Illusion" A faithful Tolkien presentation leads series Calamatous music sounded in the dropped altogether.) But all the major throughout the production. The dia- reduced from 13 to 5 and Beorn was logue was witty and able to hold the darkened auditorium:a prelude to the events: the spiders in ot Mirkwood, attention of old and young viewers fantastical odyssey 01 Bilbo Baggins, the wood-elves and the men 01 alike 'La Grande Illusion" is war itself. a self-made hero from the chaos of Laketownwere included with surpris- Leslie Mosberg "Night and Fog" is a powerful movie Middle Earth. Brought to life by the ing detail given the limitations of a At the shows conclusion, the audi- The WMC Theatre Department will about World War II. By including Hutsah Puppet theatreon February5, puppet show format ence was invited to view the produc- present Jean Renoir's "La Grande actual footage of Auschwitz. Resnais in Alumni Hall were all 01 the charac- The Hutsah group presented all tion's foam rubber puppets up close Illusion" and Alain Resnais' "Night gives the audience a thought-provok- ters trom J. R. R. Torklen's contempo- facets of the Middle Earth experi- and question the technicians who and Fog" on February 16 at 7:30 p.m ing and emotiooal look at one 01 the rary classic, THE HOBBIT ence. From light hearted poetry, to brought them to life. With experience on the Mainstage of Alumni Hall. The most terrifying elements01 war aero- Baggins was a reserved hobbit as pupeteers ranging tram a few films will be the first in their Spring cide. For those of us old enough to whose life was catapulted into disar- good old goblin cteaving, the pup- months to almost four years. the series enlilled "WAR: A Reminder" remember, Resnais scratches a ray when he was pressed into serving pets performed in true Tolkein form. members 01 the Hutsah theatre reo Renoir, an admitted pacifist, and the memory that ;s better forgotten: lor as a 'burglar' on a dangerous adven- The magical lile-likenessof Gandalf's veeieo a new view of their medium to son of the painter Auguste Renoir, those of us too young to understand, ture to slay a treasure hoarding first visit with Bilobo was maintained a responsive audience at all ages gained international recognition for he reminds us of what could be dragon. Talkein fans as a rule are a Pianist featured "La Grande Illusion" (1937). The film Spanning both the tragic and comic tempermental group, but even the derives its strength from the close aspects of war the series includes most discriminaing eU-triend would examination of personal relationships "Paths 01 Glory" (3/2), "King 01 have to give this presentation high Publicity Piano Concerto NO.3. In addition to between conflicting nationalities and Hearts" (3/16), "Patton" (4/6), "Dirty marks. The story line followed its Award winning pianist Thomas these awards, Lorango received rust social classes as they struggle to Dozen/Kelley's Heroes" (4120), and model closely, the performance was Lorango will perform a concert at prize in the Young Artists Competition survive in World War I. Renoir had "Go Tell the Spartans" (5111). All polished, and the puppets and spe- Western Maryland College on awarded by the Niagara Falls Philhar- , I trouble finding a producer lor the film movies are free to the college com- cial effects were astounding Wednesday, Feb. lB at B p.m. in monic and has received numerous because they said it had no villain munity and the public. For more Time and space constraints limited Alumni Hall gold medals from the Kiwanis Music they missed the signifi- In 1978 at age 18 Lorango won two Untcmmately, the number of characterswhich could cance of the movie lor the villain in information please call 848-7000,Ext be included (the traveling party was important competitions: first prize in Festival in Ontario 599. His Wednesday evening program the American Music Scholarship As- will include "Toccata in F sharp Ready Frisco Family sociation International Competition minor. BWV910" by Bach, "Sonata in A minor, K. 310" by Mozart, "Sonata and the Senior Division prize in the Philadelphia Orchestra Student Com- toteach Pub petition. A long association with the in A major, Op. 101" by Beethoven, "Novelette in F sharp minor. Op. 21. PhiladelphiaOrchestra began lor Lor- No. B" by Schumann and "Sonata. home ango at age sixteen when he cap- Op. 26" by Barber tured the Junior Division prize and Admission to the concert is $2.50 nursing, Carroll Shopping made his oebut with the Rachmani- 'and tickets are available at the noff Piano Concerto No. College Activities office located in the Last t. January he was the soloist in Bartok's Decker College Center first aid, Plaza 876-3530 ................................... parenting, : : Carriage House Liquors 113 W. 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