Page 65 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 65
Scrimshaw Thursday, February 19, 1981 Volume XIIJ Number 2 Western Maryland College Budget axe hits _students WASHINGTON, D.C. (CPS) - Making grants, Among the prqgrams are $3 students when the students' schools good on promises to try to re- billion in Title I aid, $1 billion in agree to put up 10 percent of the structure and CUi back on federal handicapped student aid (which money needed. The government education programs, the Reagan ad- helps pay for making campuses ar- would then put up the remaining 90 ministration wants to reduce its sup- chitecturally accessible to disabled percent at favorable interest rates port for education by 20 percent by Students), and money to help deseg- But Stockman wants the federal 1982, and In the process sharply regation bilingual education and government to phase out its supports decrease financial aid to disadvan- school libraries programs of NDSLs in 25 percent increments taged, minority. and middle-income Millions of other students will be over the next lour years. students touched by Stockman's recom- Finally, Stockman wants 286,000 stu- Those are the highlights 01 budget mended cuts in Guaranteed Student dents cut from the Pefl Grant program recommendations made by Office of Loan (GSL), National District Student in both 1981 and 1982 Management and Budget chief David teen (NOSL) and Pell Grant (formerly The Carter administration's Middle Stockman in a confidential I preview Basic Educational Opportunity Income Student Assistance Act made obtained by the Washington Post. Grants) financial aid funding students from families that earn more The preview, distributed 10 members Under the Stockman plan. in which than $15,000 eligible for Pell Grants of congressional budget and appro- the government underwrites loans to for the first time Just recently, in the priations committees. advocates un- students and parents at low interest 1979-80 academic year doing much 01 the Middle Income rates, money would be provided only Stockman. however, would make Student Assistence Act -- a measure after remainmg sources of aid were many 01 those students ineligible that took the Carter administration two accounted for in determining a stu- again by restricting Pel! Grants to years to navigate through Congress -- dent's need students from tamilies making less and replacing most college programs The government would also drop than $25.000 a year, which is now the with two huge block grants 'in-school interest subsidies." Under national median family income One legislator, Rep. Carl Perkins (0- the current system. students repay All three of the student aid programs Ky), chairman of .the House Educa- back loans for tuition at nine percent Stockman wants cut are already the tion-Labor committee, vowed to "use interest rates, while the government subject 01 legislation proposed by the his last breath," to defeat the budget pays the dillerence between nine Carter administration. Carter's final cuts, says one of the congressman's percent and the regular interest rates education budget, released just days aides banks charge other customers before the Reagan inauguration. Specifically, Stockman wants to con- II the Stockman plan is approvcc. asked for a $600 million cut in solidate some 57 school aid pro- students and parents will have to pay GSL program. for a $100 million grams into two "block grants" which the regular market interest rates on in NOSLs, and for a would be given to state and local the loans, which at this writing is at maximam Pel! Grant for authorities with few strings attached about 20 percent $12£0 per student per The local politicians could spend the Stockman, whose suggestions re- year education grants largely as they saw portedly will be incorporated in Presi- These relatively-modest fit dent Reagan's budget proposal to moved lobbisy Steve Leifman Virtually all the special aid programs ~:~~~s:~p~: :~n~D~LScu~:! the ~~~:~~~yO~::~:~I:n~e~tr~~~~~~at" College students compete for summer jobs with theme for low-income and minority students to page ",_pa_,k_th_e._te_r_p_'_od_"_ct_io_"_s._s_ee_p._g_e_f_ive_. .J four percent loans are awarded to continued would be included in the block Sex in ads: the promoters edge the mat when they went out to eat. beings, and these ads \lIgger a Chris Soto spending their money" uncovered to the public, Even though and he stated that four 01 the six in deep, emotional response in the Have you been exposed to sublimi- In his introduction, Key explained the idea is centuries old. Key ex- the group ordered the clam dish. "I mind, "This material goes into the nal seduction? If you are the average the term "subliminal" as meaning pected that ii'would be embarrassing don't even like clams," admitted Key mind at the speed of light .arc some person who has watched TV or read "under the threshold 01 conscious- and very troubling to people to show This incident led Key and his stu- is remembered for life" a magazine at one time or another. ness," No one knows how the sub- them the kinds 01 things that trig- dents to study the place mat Once After the macabre material, Key ger their subconscious mind then according to Dr. Wilson Bryan conscious mind works. Key argued again, Key traced out the word "sex" presented other information to lighten The first slide that Key presented Key. chances are yes, you have been thai many advertising agencies know in the twists 01 the parsley Next the mood. One of the slides that was of a harmless looking picture of exposed to subliminal seduction how to reach the subconscious mind came the two pairs of pants formed followed was an ad for Herbal Ess- some interwoven flowers. drawn by a Dr. Key gave a powerful. informative and elicit strong emotional feelings in former student who knew about sub- by some trench fries, and then the ence Shampoo; the one with the girl lecture on subliminal seduction to a a person to manipulate him or her clams themselves, Key: clearly but in the tropical pond with her long crowded Alumni Hall. including a film into buying a product. What they put liminal seduction. Using a light orgy hair floating around taking crew Irom Washington'S P.M, Maga- in ads and how they put it there is pointer, Key pointed out two flowers tactfully, by described human the shaped clams, blonde the one that says that her shoul- hair your oers: place the zre TV show, on Monday, February known. but exactly how it works on on the lelt which looked as though first revealing a donkey licking a will become very excited Key implied 9. With the use of slides for visual' the subsconscious mind remains un- they were embracing, and sure man's stomach, then moving on to that you too would become excited if enough. one flower appeared to be aides and a witty, intelligent commen- clear the other interwoven shapes you were about to gmb what the girl's terv. Key unravelled his theory of how Key explained that when he and male and the other female. Key also Key explained to an amazed audi- outstretched hands were about to many advertising agences, "incorpo- some of his students first stumbled showed us that the two flowers on the ence that this was no photography at grab One plant 00 each side of her rate in their ads, cues and symbolism on what he later called subliminal right did not seem to be having such all. II was a painting, very carefully, handS closely resembled the male relating to sex and death to manipu- seduction, he knew that it was some- a good time as those on Ihe left expertly done. Key derived his third genitalia. The audience was ner- letter to trace Key late and seduce consumers into thing that had never before been Then, formed began leaves and the stems book's title from this discovery; The vously laughing once again 's" by Black history Suddenty, next. an Laughter, and accompanied ap- Clam Plate Orgy. age it is understand- seemed central theme of Key's lecture The "x" an "e" to be "inform." In this day and He explained peared at WMC by cons and ahs followed at the discov- only able how sex way have in advertising their sells, more but that one way that to deal with be and manipula- advertising would live liquor to ads a different. warn there been that Key slated it had ery. disturbing of selling it exists prod- consumers to help all the time, but first had registered in the subconscious mind ucts. Key presented slides of liquor them to guard against it. Key stated glasses, bottles, Nelson Thacker History Month of February concerning This slide, compared to the ones that ads including cubes. Were these and of that this is a media dominated society tries that the first thing the media and ice course. ads Western Maryland College's Black the black issue "The Fabulous Glob- followed, was the most obvious case photographs? No, they were paint- to do is convince people that it does Student Union. led by Lester Wallace etrotters." a short film about the 01 subliminal seduction ings, Within the ice cubes were tiny, not affect them. Unwary consumers, and co-chaired by Gary Colbert and basketball wizards from Harlem, will The next slide was to be a lesson to twisted faces, skulls, and other grue- in Key's analysis, are the victims of many people: don't believe that what Martin Pitts. is currently sponsoring be shown on Wednesday, February some images. Key exptamed that subliminal seduction, Key believes activities on campus lor the celebre- 18, at 2:00 p.m. in the Forum. you think you see is what you are these images were what many alco- that there should be some way to lion of Black History Month. This followed by the movie "Right On/Be really seeing It was a place mat which used to sit on tables at many holies experience while going through teach people to deal critically with the year's theme delineating the negro Free." Both are free to students and withdrawal media. In the meantime; the disturb- Howard Johnson's restaurants It pic- issue is "Black History: Lost. Stolen, public A common theme of the liquor ads ing fact remains that subliminal se- or Strayed?" In addition to this cinematic celebre- tured a dish of clams with side orders of coe slaw, parsley, and french was castration, Key stated that a cucnon- continues to sell and sell, There are two films remaining to be tioo, Dr Emmett C Burne, a civil death wish is innate in all human and resented in the designated Black continued to page 3 fries Key and some menus first saw
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