Page 66 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 66
Scrimshaw A new look In recent weeks, the appearance of SCRIMSHAW has been modified. The most obvious modification has been the cosmetic change 10 the masthead. This new appearance is not a symptom of vast upheaval in the SCRIMSHAW ranks. It is only an indication of a progressive altitude towards perfecting the presentation of the news and Ihe efforts of OUI staff and contributors -rne new format of the" SCRiMSHAW has been instituted 10 provide a simple and versatile presentation of a variety in journalistic style and structure. It is our intent to be flexible in the news and entertainment presented to the readership, yet maintain distinct journalistic character A character thai provides an emphasis on even and objective reportage of current events Though SCRIMSHAW has improved within the last semester, we have not become complacent with the results of our efforts. We intend to keep an open perspective towards constant refinement of SCRIMSHAW's content and methods of reporting < The rights of the new right Above all. it is important to realize that SCRIMSHAWis published by and for the student body of Western Maryland College. It is a may be a matter of right. but when reflection of the students who contribute to SCRIMSHAW and also of Keith l. Arnold concerned with thai subject. but that its readership. SCRIMSHAW welcomes all persons intersted in In last week's Scrimshaw, Bill Byrne is their right, a righl which Mr. Byrn..!!._ srete-nnoec abortions are used as a making any kind ot contribution or suggestion. The SCRIMSHAW described his fear of "waking up one admits they have, but clearly feels method of birth-control by teenagers staff meets every Monday night. and all persons are invited to attend morning to a government dedicated they do not deserve. Can it be it become unquestionably a moral and participate to legislating morality," In his effort to possible that crushing a group of issue which is having its effect on SCRIMSHAW is proud of its recent improvements in presentation people who believe in the family, in behavior. When the taw states that and hopes that its readers will also share .in this pride of condemn the Moral MaJority. Mr. Christian principles, and in this coun- the 18 year old is responsible for his achievement Byrne neglects one tact . our present try, is more important than such actions, but the 17 year old is not, government already does legislate their are numerous repercussions morality trivialities as the Constitution and the Agreed. the Moral Majority'is overly Bill of Rights? Law is often used in this country to It is not difficult, in fact it is easy to force acceptance 01what the qovern- is correct ment has decided Letter to the Editor over-react against new forces on the whether it be our attitudes towards political scene, just as people over- minorities or cigarettes, "Falwell's Ma- estimate the power of such groups as the Black Panthers and the Ku Klux is not attempting anything new Censorship! Committee, including Bart Stocksdale someone else (and a committee of Klan. The same righls that protect aspect of religious leadership is and myself others, for God's sake) to decide them, protect you from them little different than the leadership of Dear Editor. Martha Wright-and company may what is good and wholesome for Even if the Moral Majority did gain southern ministers in the Civil Rights Try to imagine, if. you can, the think they have a duty to protect the them and what is not? I certainly power. the seperation of church and movement. I doubt Falwell would following excerpt (ficticious) trom the malliable minds of Maryland residents don't. and I don't think anyone at- state would prevent much of their mind being compared to Martin Lu- minutes of a Maryland Censor Board because pornography supposedly tending this college needs that either program to be enacted. As for their ther King. A religious interest group meeting: "On Mary, were you able to "incites violent crimes and pollutes The first amendment assumes that "simplistic answers to complex prob- speaking out on foreign policy makes get the popcorn?" "Yes, Mar\tm, right the minds of younger generations" people have the ability to decide for lems" they are no more simplistic than as much sense as black leaders here. All right, roll the movie!" "Which (though I have heard of no sociologi- themselves how to communicate the logĀ·rolling,want mxe- need more- traveling to Palestine to talk to Arafat one on the list is it, anyway?" "Fritz cal proof 10 substantiate either of which is' a two-way process. Thus, it tax more . spend more mentality that Falwell and his supporters have the the Nazi Cat .. 'a cartoon for all ages those claims). but their efforts only allows them to decide what is accept. has bankrupted this country same right to fight for what they that pokes fun at America's two pet serve to threaten the first-amendment able for they, themselves, to see in Answers based totally on morality believe in as any other group phobias. violence and sex'," (Long rights of all Maryland residents. They, the movie theatres, and to decide are probably wrong and are bound This country operates on majority Pause) "Oh Martha, I'm not sure themselves, can do nothing effective only for themselves. To put it more to offend someone. But government rule . but not at the expense of the minorities and special unerests. The about this one..already, that word" about protecting public morals by bluntly, if they don't like it, they can can not help but legislate morality majority rules, but all good ideas start "Let's give it a chance ...on look at censoring films, because of the multi- stay home ' and it does. Taxes have nothing to do with one person - and, to quote Fritz bite the ear off of that poor dog. tude of other ways of obtaining The Maryland Censor Boa'rd is a with morality, but when couples a...oid Ibsen. "The majority is never right, my my" (Long Pause) "Aah. Marthal sexually graphic materials, Try held- silly, contemptible, political anacnron- marriage for tax purposes, even taxa- Look! On that canary there, exposed ing back a tidal wave with one ism that wastes state tax money and tion become a moral issue. Abortion until it does right" human breasts! Ob, and look at her bucket. no matter how large it is other resourses that could be better Leaks put that (censored) in her (censored) Cable TV is now spreading out into spent in other areas of state control, Watertower My heavens. we can't let this be suburban Maryland, and state-wide like roads or assistance to low in- shown in Maryland" "Mary, control coverage can't be far behind. Many come families. It should be abolished; Reflections on war yourself, take your hand off my thigh movies can now be bought or but knowing a little about how Mary- Stop the filrm" recorded on video tape cassettes or land state government works, it will Now, the above may be somewhat video disks. Mary1andis thus w,asting continue to exist intothe forseeable Robert Holt more countries, but because several hyperbolic, but it effectively gets the precious (for any government) money future. However, your SGA does not Beginning with this past Monday countries have the capability to point across..a point your article on on -a nuisance board that only imĀ· plan to take this lying down. Dean night, the Dramatic Arts Department launch a multt-naticnal military con- the front page last week did not poses its tastes on others (give me a Mowbray has told me that he is has commenced its "free film series' trontauon with fingertip ease, Add. to present. As balanced and as well generally accepted definition of 'co- working to obtain exemption from the for the spring semester. The theme this. the anarchy that dominates in nancnec as it was by itself, the article scene') Board's Authority. We will work with for this 'semester's film presentations international affairs. and life on the came out biased because your re- The board itself may be conternpu- Dean Mowbray as much as we can to is "WAR: A REMINDER." It is appro- Earth is threatened with the reality of porter did not bother to seek out the ble but amusing, but the philosopical rebuff their attempts to deny us the priate that tms theme has been perishing opinion of the peopte who select and justification behind it is chilling. Am I. right to show certain films. If they brought forth for consideration by the Withoul any form of restraint on a show the SGA movies: the past and or is anyone reading this paper, so should attempt to, censor a film. we college community country to avoid military force other present members of the SGA Film stupid or so weaK that they need can neatly sidestep their authority by With the United States in a relative than the balance of powers, and charging no admission for that movie period of peace time activity since voluntary diplomatic exchange. the world is extremely vulnerable to de- Scrimshaw Our goal already is to offer different 1972, the country has fallen into a struction as the result of warfare films that will appeal to the diverse false sense of security and well between its inhabitants parts of the campus community, We being. However, the United Stales, will not allow abunch of old prudes to and the World, are closer to the brink Now, more than ever before, the Editor Bill Byrne decide what we can or can't show of war and destruction than ever nations of the planet Earth must Managing Editor Sue Frost before in history. This is not because convince their leaders that a viable Business Manager Russell Johnson Sincerely, Lee Maxwell, SGA Film of political aggreSSion between two or continued to page 3 Photography Editor ..... AdamWritJht committee chairman News Editor Keith L Arnold Liz Siegenthaler from page 1 Budget cuts hit students 'Lynda Boyer Feature Editor Robert Holt "the Reagan program looks liKe reo Budget chief Stockman anticipated SCienceEditor Terry Dom 10\of students could be wiped out" if verse Robin Hooding: taking from the opposition, and attached to each of Advisor Dave Cleveland the proposals passed poor, disadvantaged and handi- his proposals a speculation on "prob- Ad Layout Janet Trainor Now educators are additionally wor- capped students and giving chiefly to ably Reaction," He expected that civil Layout 'Pete Roof. Cris Soto, Mimi Griffin, Karen Street ried that the virtually-certain passage the well-to-do through tuition tax rig.hts ,groups would be especially Typist Mimi Griffin, Pam Owen of Reagan's favored tuition tee credits credits." "disquietec' by his plan Distribution Manager Les Martin financial aid approach will put impos- Other Washington college lobbyists However. he expected support trom Published by and for the students 01Western maryland College. The sible strains on the federal education are concerned that the block grant .school boards and others now labor- opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect budget that Stockman wants to cut approached advocated in the Stock- ing under the burden of detailed those of the staff or administration. further man plan would weaken political regulation" and "those who believe We welcome comments andlor suggestions. Please address all mail Complains William Wilkens. execu- support for specific programs, and the federal role is to supply reo to SCRIMSHAW. Box t. Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md tive director of the National Associa- make them vulnerable to gradually sources. and not to specify what 21157 tion of State Boards of Education. beinq withdrawn must be done with those resources."
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