Page 57 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 57
lanuary 22, 1981 Scrimshaw Page 3 Violence in Children's Sports ~ebbie Wooden unintentionalculprits in Ihis case by 'Have ~e made our.young athletes being so win-oriented thaI they lose !nto miniature professionals, compel- sight of the real goal--childrenplaying mg not for themselves but for Mom sports. According to the film entitled and Dad or the hometown?Are our "Youth Sports: Is Winning Every- youth coaches caught up in.the 'win- thing?", "parents often live vicariously ~~~~;~~~s~~~~~~oa~:~~a~~I;I~i~~~~~ ~;~~~ ~~e~a~~~~r~~si~~~~i~~~il~~ velopment for that league title?" activity that they aren't even aware of These questions raised by the film the pressuresthey put on their child .. entitled "Youth Sports: Is Winnlng Winning is so emphasized in some Everything?"are some of many topics organized teams that children can explored in depth during January at develop negative self-images if they Western Maryland College. The fail to make a team or are not the course entitled "Kid's Sports: ThE,!champions A child's psyche is not Effect of Games and scotts. on developed sufficiently to handle such Children" investigates the benefits pressures, according to experts in and hazards of organized sports for the field of psychology. In addition youth some parents and coaches utilize Playing on a team helps children to fear and intirpidationas training tac- develop muscles and' coordination. It tics. Dr. Fritz concludes that these teaches them teamworkand the pro- comined pressures on the child can per skills of the game. In addition build up forcing him or her to children need the exercise and recre- experience poblems in later life. Em- aton provided in team sports phasis in children's sports should be Despite these pros, however. there placed on developing each child to are many cons associated with youth his or her potential rather than to- sports that are just now being real- wards one ideal ized. According to Dr. Carol Fritz, At what age can children withstand assistantprofessorof physical ecuca- the stress of highly organized sports? Who should be allowed to coach? lion and associate athletic director. Solar design workshop little league pitchers can be "burned These questions have yet to be out" physically as well as emotionally answered. The course sponsored the Terry Dom ergy mecnarasms as complicated, glass doors. Behind this glass, extra at age 18. Many have passed their showing 01 the film entitled, "Youth peak in pitching ability. She claims Sports: Is Winning Everything?" on The Carroll Gounty Public Library expensive and ugly. The workshop thick masonrywailSor floors act as a these players have used up all of Jan. 20 in Decker Auditorium.Follow- and the Carroll County Energy Office proved that solar concepts are both thermal mass, whicn absorbs the their potential witnin a short period of ing the film, a panel discussion are co-sponsoring r:ponthly.Energy easy 10 understand and apply. It heat and later regenerates it The time including parents and coaches in- Workshops for the public. These applied these to the constructionof a east exposure,which usuallygets the There may also be adverse ertects voiveo in youth sports programexam- meetings, which are held in the new home as well as to retrofit winter windS shoolo have an ever- from participating in youth sports. ined the pros and cons of organized library, cover such topics as: earth projects, where a passive system is green windbreak to protect from heat Parents and coaches can be the sports for children after the film sheltered homes, generating electric- adapted to an existing structure. An loss. The west facade,' quite the ity from the Wind, solar greenhouses :~C:=~~h~~ed;~~~~i:~lt~~:r:~~~:~~ ~~~:s~\:~t:~O~~~reh~~ep~~~~~~o~ .------------------ ...... and landscaping for energy savings January'sworkshop surveyedpassive tics of a solar building neat gain during me summer. And HELP WANTED solar design; professionals were on Solar designs may be active or both the east and west sides of tne hand to present the program and passive. Active solar systems require building should have restricted num- answer questions mechanical devices such as collec- ber of windows because of the same Scrimshaw The solar workshop was worth ail of tors on the root, pumps, etc: passive reasoning for the tree lines. So, the me effort put into it; it was informative do not. Passive systems rely on the same system which makes you com- and easily comprehensible for the natural flow of air from warm places fortable in the winter can do so in tne approximate one hundred people to cool ones. In this systemenure summer also Is searching for qualified (semi-qualified, or not-so qualified) who assembled for the program. buildings are designed to collect heat The main problem with solar sys- Solar energy may be a household during the day and give It ott at night tems right now is control. Also personnel to work on this paper selling ads writing,and word because of all the attention it Aside from the less obvious mea- every house and its location are has received in the last few years. sures such as closing the drapes, unique layout. You can work every now and then, or every week, . but there still"exists a lack of public etc., a house's site orientationcan be The next workshop will be on Fe- you decide. Stop by the office in the basement of Rouzer at understanding concerning what is optionized. To collect the most heat. buary 7, and will deal with earth involved a house must have a southernexpo- sheltered homes. Lectures run from any of our meetings, held every Monday night at 6:30. Most people conceptualize solar en- sure with lots of windows or sliding 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m • I know you're out What? there somewhere Youhavent donated blood yet this year? + American Red Cross Give blood today in the torum
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