Page 56 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 56
~~~J\\\~~w Draft dodging Opening the back door Nolo Press On January 5, 1981 another 2,000," another is not the most effective way to relate various fields of study. 000 young men were faced with "The philosophy and goals of Western Maryland College." Now registering for the draft. Few of them there IS a time honored topic for discussion. Underclassmen have Any such program that allows lor a minimum of student choice can realize they have any alternatives - __ been known to debate its true meaning for hours on the night before be criticised as promoting evasion. As one student oeserveo.vrnere other Ihan to register or not to a big test or during the trying days before finals. Seniors also reflect is too much leeway because I have managed to avoid a lot of register. The old network of draft u~on its sign!fica.nce as they siruggle to transform four years of courses that I should have had." It is nol so much that an optimal counseting offices is gearing up higher education into a paying job. "A sense of the interdisciplinary balance between required and elective courses in unobtainable, but again, but most of these young men nature of all knowledge, an insight into the past and present of we must remember that this approach to a liberal arts education can have to make an extremely important diverse cultures, and an understanding of the physical and biological only take us so far. We must explore new ideas if we are to progress decision without any information sciences .... That's what a liberal arts education is all about. right? Special courses could be designed to emphasize these inter- about what it might mean for the next It IS obviously unrealistic to assume that every class illustrates or relationships. Even in the more specific, intensive courses, profes- eight years of their lives that every student will graduate with a firm understanding of these sors can encourage students to take note of how the educational It is URGENT that they know what admirable (if not idealistic) goals. The WMC Policy and Standards experience can be seen as a whole. These are lough objectives to their decisions will do to. their futures
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