Page 29 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 29
Scrimshaw November 1, 1979 Letters to the Editor Paper rapped bed, my roomate threw a copy of troverslal paper. They sacrificed what Jeff Robinson put out as a has a S250,oooradio statlon. Not In. the 10-18 SCRIMSHAW at me. I the style for the content and came "newspaper" Is what appeals to cludlng performers, D.J.'s etc. Dear Editor: glanced at the front page (HI out ahead of the rest. You have "Ms. Haze," then I strongly sug- they require an administration of You'll have to forgIve the rambl· Herb!), skimming down over the neither this year. gest that the bulk of her reading 20 people for Its operation. TheIr Ing nature of .thts letter, for I have headlines until I got to the bottom Look, this Is my last year at this materIal must be 'Mad' magazine, CarrIer Current station Is.reported a lotto say. right corner. "What!" I screamed, sckool. I'd like to have some good because that Is about the category to be .very statlc:ky, abundant In First of all, I'm wholeheartedly "I've got to see thls!" So, I pulled memorles ..don't ruin them. The In which I would place Jeff Robin· rebroadcasts, and sparse In listen- In favor of the proposal to give on some clothes and tore out the best solution of all would be for you son's year as editor and that Is ing populatIon. $5,000dollars to the radio station. door, ran across campus ready to to take what's left of your budget really givIng him a great deal of True, a radio station would be Instead of funnelling the money In- find the new building which had and give It to the radio station. But, credit. nrce. but we lust don't have the to another country, rock concert replaced Gill Gym overnight! lm- If that's too drastic for you, lust I feel It only fair to tell "Ms manpower or Interest to make It a disaster, we would be working to aglne my disappointment when I shape up. Stop watch-Ing Lou Haze," but believe It or not Lou feasable prolect. We have com- establish a genuine form of media saw the same old sagging edifice Grant and start wrltlr.g. a Grant Is the real thing. That Is the plaints about our social activities on this campus. staring out of the morning mist. So newspaper! way It Isdone. on this campus. Let's not take 113 of Which brings me to my second what's up, Nance? Your headline Sincerely Bonnie Bach the money allotted for Its Improve- point. The SCRIMSHAW has gone, says It was replaced--that's past Dolores Haze Typing Supervisor ment and gIve It to WWMC Simply consistently downhill since Jeff tense. That's careless. That's lazy. so T. Lee Maxwell can hear his Robinson left the staff 2 years ago. Regardless of the rather noble Se:rimshaw will be g'lad to print . Bag station voice on the air. Now, while nothing can quite attitude of Phil La Padula, Steve leHers and withhold the author's Craig Rae match the non-leadership of last Bainbridge must be eliminated. If name. However, In the Interest of Dear Editor year's editor, Meg Hoyle, you are he's not mouthing off or climbing responsible journalism' in the Shortly we will be asked whether Open Gallery beginning to make great Inroads onto his latest soapbox, he's mak- future we will not print anything we want WWMC to be given $5000 toward sweeping that distinction Ing a mockery ot record reviewers unless the editor knows who wrote of our Social Committee's money Big Baker stili Is not runnl away from her. everywhere ('tho, next to this guy it. for the creation of a radio station. wrong again TONII A fIne example Is the bullheaded Kurt Llnkotf, he looks prettygood-. Last year the SGA alloHed this For a good time, CALL MIK and provincial attitude expressed -It's a Long Drone!) I'm probably TYPIST NOTE: committee Slooo with the under- CANTRELL 876-7842. I In your editorial suggesting that the strongest supporter of the first standing that this would be enough Why Is there a fire place In the the commencement speaker be amendment on the campus, but I think It would be nice to generate ample money for the tudentcenter? from within the WMC community. I'm also a very strong supporter of If "Ms. Haze" would do something creeitcnot a station. H.S.-I wouldn't even want you Didn't you get enough while you journalistic Integrety. A little blue constructive. Anyone cen criticize, Why did they fall last year? T. o vote for me let alone run my were here? Nancy, the world is pencil goesa long way and In Baln- It takes someonewho really cares Lee Maxwell, the driving force campaign. I really quite different from the bridges case, I'd suggest you stock to help and Improve something behind the station answers this I'm watching you-Elton I playground here..why prolong the up on a few boxes of said pencils. they find fault with. question with "Nobody knew what La Padula-Pistols at len paces? fanfasy any longer. True, the Then, you'll beon the right track. I have been typing copy for theyweredolng." BaInbridge choice of speakers hasn't been Back to Robinson. When Jeff Scrimshaw for four years and If Franklin + Marshall currently I very Inspired of late (l.e. Harry Robinson edited the Scrimshaw, It Hughes speaking on his energy was far from perfect. Mistakes ran plan-what bullshlt!), but that's rampant and every week there our fault. There are plenty of great were more In-jokes filling the Student loans speakersto be had, we lust have to pages. But, Jeff and his staff never get them. And, If Hugh Dawkins made any great pretense like the wants to say a few words atter- papers from this and last year. are now available wards, let him. Then, they were content with a Last Thursday, when I got out of good, Interesting, somewhat con- at Carroll County Bank. Sticks and pens Turner. Turner has scored six goals this year and five of those Ifyou are an undergraduate When Ann Dryden, a senIor art were assisted by Dryden. The goal student in an accredited college malor at Western Maryland that wasn't came on a rebound off College, sets aside her brushes and the goalie's pads. The origInal shot or university and have been a ~~~~r~~'ball up- i pens ~o:..aa:!~~~ryh~:e: ~11~:r::~ h~?I~~~~: Maryland resident for at least one for the Green Terrors ~:!~;~'c:;,nos::I:!~~'d~~~h~~: year, you are eligible to apply for portfolio Includes a tget In posItIon I'm ready to pass, a loan for tuition expenses at drawings now on display BesIdes," she loked, "I get ner- Carroll County Bank. lacrosse hall of fame at vccs ene mIss If I go In fora shot:" HopkIns UnIversity, an art "Ann Is something else," said Loans of up to $2,500 in any of her works at the City Hall Turner. "She doesa lot of work for single year, for an overall total of museum In her hometown of this team. Her stick handling Is Salisbury, Md., and a logo design incredible." up to $7,500, are now available. I 'for an Eastern Shore real estate Stick work Is the secret to firm. Several of her drawings and Dryden's success. Field hockey Is Repayment is computed at an photographs have seen print In a contact sport and at her size, 5'1" Annual Percentage Rate of 7% on newspapers that cover Western and 115pounds, there's no sense In I Maryland Collegeevents. playing a physical game. a monthly schedule which begins On the hockey field, the Dryden "At camp we worked on com- ten months after graduation. show produced two goals and five blning speed and stick work," , assists for WMC eight games Into Dryden commented. "Strength YOU-CllIl obtain a student loan the 1979season. She serves as the was also Important and I do think Terrors co-captain, along with link I'm a little stronger than I used to application at any of the six Barb Brens, and was a starter for be." Dryden was at the U.S. Carroll County Bank offices. last year's Baltimore area college Olympic Development Camp at all-star array. James Madison University this Applications should be sub- Ann's Interest In field hockey • past summer. mitted to Mrs. Rainey at the nurtued by her older sister A low key Individual, Dryden ChrIs, who played at Western leads. the Green Terrors by CCB Student Loan Center, Maryland from 1974to 19n. After example. "I always attend I Carroll County Bank and Trust learning the game at James M. practice and I'm conscientious Bennett" High School, where she about what I do In practice," she Company, 45 West Main Street, I played defense, Ann reported to said. WMC as an offensive line can- Barb Bra:r:ls, who shares cap. Westminster. Loans for graduate didate. talncy and leadershIp respon- programs are also available. For "I wanted a chance to score slb1l1tieswith Dryden, Is aqualnted goals," said Dryden, "so when we with Ann from high school days. details, contact Mrs. Rainey. C~Ch (Joan) Wy:~~ ~~~,~ =: Brazlsled North Harford High to a I cards for f1l1ed out Information ~~d~~:e w~~v~~ J~~I~:'~lett offenslveexperlet\Ce. 191~ '"•. -.'.'.' ., .• ,.. " prior college was only from "I'd like to get.a lOb in an art. summer camp; and that the studio when .1' 'graduate," ' sard : Terror.J/!=oach 'prObably--doesn't.· '.D..yde,-whO will get her diploma, care;cOnslderlngtheresults. : ...·JJ;tls May. "I like the Baltimore, The main beneficiary of area so I might stay around here. I . Dryden's sophomore athletic Muriel skills "Mo" Is club team." ...1 may even play field hockey for a '- Inner
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