Page 30 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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Nov~mber1, 1979 Scrimshaw Sixties seen on stage Isend best wishes Poem and fred with satin bows SusanClaypol. lyriCS. HiS wife Is "bananas" and llcits humorous responses trcrn the wrapped In silver paper of or call to hear tragicomedy reviving the day of blow up the Pope. Artie's spends audience," and for audience and plans to "The House of Blue Leaves" Is a his son Is AW.O.L down· ask themselves, "What is It I am of diamonds, china patterns mistress, stairs laughing at and then why was I the Pope's first visit to New York Bunny, and living room sofas. much of her time convincing ArtIe in 1965. DIrected by Tim WeInfeld, play he thinks of the acting fIrst, the play opens at Western Mary.' that his wIfe should be in Bellevue. laughing?" When Tim chooses a then the audience, then the tecbnr- the when they look at me; land College on FrIday, November Bunny also Insists on seeing love cal aspects and places his own set- sometimes, I see the Pope while an 'I thinly veiled pity wearing 16,atB:ISp.m. in Alumni Hall. J n ~~a~~:a~~~= :~~~e:~c~~sL:~~~~~~ ~~~~ti~~a;:~~'/ ::~:;e ~~:t~~left over from the ba : Week me, moving In perpetual bizarre characters and the events about the '60's that demonstrates a It." 'Blue Leaves' Is the second Tim says 'Blue Leaves' is a play pilgrimage production of the 1979·80 season . leading to the Pope's appearance. to an undetermined destlna- tlon Artie Shaughnessy Is a toolteeper· ts very special world; an exciting "The Sixties; The Spirit and the who's composer song best cha[lenge for students of actIng. "I Madness." with my tentative present "White cbrtetmes" with his ~n llke doing the kind of play that [I· 'Blue Leaves' Is free quite often now packed in crumpled paper T MOVIES ~ :ostudents'Ffaculty,andstaff,$2.99 my one-time friends bags - WO jor the price of one c:,~~:~r:he ~o:~~:e~~lf:.~:t~ =::i~~t;;~':,';:~7etypages look carefully, Two MOVIESjor the price oj one ;''::::';;:;'';::i:T,''''', their futures draped - I want to say; Keith L.Arnold Red Buttons, the recent film Is well I B.-OOP.I.!- -lI:OOP._M. I with Ivory taffeta notice that I, too On November 2, the film "Movie worth seeing. I FREE' and edged in Belgian lace. am smiling. Movie" wll[ be shown .:.In the Actually two films In one, I . I -Ann Hackman Forum. Starring George C. Scott, "Movie MovIe" Is a loving tribute I Hamburger I L... ...:;;====U._TrlshVan Devere, EI[ Wallach~md to the films of the past. The first I;~~: I ' reviewed Section 504 ... I ~~':e I:n~ ~:~~~ ;:~ When you purchase I I With this coupon cond is a typical chorus-te-stardom I , mcstcet. In between, is a dellght- . Y from page1 been evaluated twIce by the Office needsof handIcapped students on a fully funny and authentic coming I -an sandwich I I currently under consideration In ~:s;~~~R;~:~~II~:\~~~Ur~~~~ ca;:c~io~as~SI~as forced the a~~~t~~i!:~SW:;:eII~!~;e~s each IN~bodycandoit like' the Congress. Many colleges are dealing with the new regulations as nation's colleges and universities star appears as a different , waiting for this funding because end Hollywood where characters were I PA total compliance with section S04 ~~~~~aec:~[~.~:~~:~~~b~:rc;yt~~ , :~a~;:a~~ua::n!:~ I~~::~~~~;:~I~:~~~;s l;c:a~:Cks~":e~;~~~~ I McDonald'scanTM guidelines without some form of making structural changes as that steps be taken to Federal assistance would push them tothe point of bankruptcy. :~~d~~~u::u~oa~e~h~~~~:b[~~nun:! :;:~~I':~~t~oOn'ln Ht~:IY f:~ov~~~~:~~~:ral~C::s C;;;st~'~M::~et~eov~:~ I Id< Western Mary[and College's completed, the ccuece w[11 con, handicapped students with equal contains the trite plot structure I .. ccmpllence with section Sa4 has tlnue to work to accommodate the opportunities cannot be deter. and cuche lines offhe old flicks. I a. ~O:il;~~? t~!b~~~~~t~:: I Making a joyful sign their own, and how effectively the and [dlosyncracies of the classic '1 Pelster ;!own only :11~:es a:r~h~iII~~~efO H~:vefa:~ A~:;I~~~ Westminsterand governmenf"ls able to .en{orce the films have been carefully and I SundayNov.4 through In 1975 and since then nave per- regulations .it has enacted are ~o humo~~usIY recreated. "Movie I ThursdayNov.8 Jane BI.I.fleld formed In churches, colleges, cof- On Sunday, November 11, The feehouses and conferences In :~~:~:t~h;~~I:!~O~~~ngIY m· ~~~~a~~o~o;[~:e f1[m bU~~ I!r~!!.o!::.u.:~~c~t=~ .. Joyful Sign will be appearing In Washington, Maryland, Virginia Baker Memorial Chapel from 7:30· and Pennsylvania. 9:30 P.M. The Joyful Sign Is a slgn- There will be no charge for ttck- singing group, composed of stu- ets. however, a tree-will offering dents from Gallaudet College In will be taken and donations grate· ~~:f:~~~:tw~~~~.~o~~e:~o~~u:~: r----~---__. Washington, D.C. Gallaudet Is the fully accepted. A[I are welcome. NOW YOU CAN contemporary Insplrat[ona[ music and sign language to encourage EARN OVER $6,500 their audiences In faith as well as to share with them a better under· standing of deafness. They began WITHARMYROIC. Help! Wanted! part-time hostess, part-time waitress - flexible schedule, Before you graduate from college! Because now, you can com· pleasant working conditions. bine service in the Army Reserve or National Guard with Army Apply in person--Maggie's, ROTC. It's called the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP). Washington Road at Green Street in Westminster. And. depending on your academic year when you enter, SMP can help you earn over $6,500. Here s how it works. Ifyou qualify and a vacancy is available, you become a member of an Army Reserve or National Guard unit as an officer trainee and, at the same time, enroll in the Army ROTC advanced course at your college. Your Reserve or Guard membership will pay you at the minimum level of Sergeant E·5, and you'll receive $100 a month during the regular school year as an Army ROTC advanced course cadet. At the end of your second year of advanced ROTC. you'll be Carroll Plaza Shoppin~ Center commissioned a second lieutenant and, assuming there's a vacancy, Call Ahead for Takeout Orders serve with a Guard or Reserve unit while you complete the require· ments for your college degree. Upon graduation, you may con· International Foreign tinue service with a Guard or Reserve unit while pursuing your civilian career, or you can, if you prefer, compete for active duty as an Army officer. I.~ICar Service So if__you'dlike to earn over $6,500 while you're still in college, _~ Specializing in all types get into SMP Because SMP can help you do it You can bank on it! .","" ot fQ{~ign cars .' For fllrthe"inf9rl!latiop, contact the Prqfessor of Military . 10% Discount' .• ': ' Scie!l.ce·at'i'6tirSth~1 ..,·«:t."? 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