Page 34 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 34
~~~~~w Worth the risk? In this issue, and in next week's issue, Scrimshaw Is Jan. Term less than just tisement that encourages the ad. We feel that it would be censorship an adver- is printing students to join ROTC. We would like to explain to refuse why we are printing it disagrees a short semester course? to print the ad simply because so that students with what we believe. We do we seek to not want to try to make up student's minds for them, rather can make their own choices enough information provide Thus we have printed the ad- However, Scrimshaw would like to state that we feel ROTC and its (ours, practicums, and other courses that involve values are diametrically opposed to the values of a liberal arts campus, "1 think it changed my life," This statement was lenthy off-campus excursions, we found that most of especially one which has been traditionally (if not legally) alhgned with made by a student about a Jan Term course, them could be taught in a regular semester without Christian values. Phallacy 101. Scrimshaw feels that the inherent losing anything terribly Significant. One could We feel that students often make the choice to join ROTC without think- potential to truly change a human being is what argue that there is a time-factor involved in courses ing what it is they are joining. When a student joins ROTC he is becoming makes Jan Term such a valuable, powerful part of a like "From Tree to Furniture" and this is an impor- a part of the United States Army. The army protects the country, yes, but Liberal Arts education. tant argument, but we tend to forget how much is it teached people to kill in the process. This is the same U.S. Army that Ideally, both students and faculty are provided accomplished in a studio art course. fought in both Korea and Vietnam and practiced techniques like defolia- with the chance to have, "an unusual educational Not counting study tours, at least one-fifth of the tion and the dropping of Napalm. experience." The student and professor are courses have been offered before. The campus Students are making a commitment to the Army that extends beyond examine the material and themselves without hav- grapevine defines and sets forth a reaction to these their four years here. We ask, have students considered the very real ing to split the focus of their attention between four courses. They become -vknown" rather than possibility that when they graduate the US may be involved in a war? We and five courses. They are free to reach beyond the "unknown" educational possibilities, thus losing hope that students realize that ROTC is far far more than an advanced requirements of their particular discipline and en- some of their excitement. We are not saying that an version of the boyscouts. It is more than fun w_eekends and "adventure." counter new methods of thinking/feeling. We feel exciting successful Jan Term should not be offered We ask each individual ROTC student to think through their commit- that Jan Term should be a course that you live-a twice, but we are saying that professors should be ment to the US Army. Are you simply buying a College Education? If so, course With enough intensity to make you question aware that come of the Intellectual sense oLadven- what exactly are you paying with? What system are you supporting? How the limits of your intellectual, social and spiritual ture is lost, especially when the same courses are do you feel about pacifism, and the taking of the life of another human be- horizons. offered two or three years in a row. ing? How do you feel about the possibility of going to war. especially a With these goals in mind, Scrimshaw examined Several of the courses are really in-depth studies foreign war? the 1980 Jan term course offerings. We asked of of hobbies. With all due respect to the talent, skill Scrimshaw feels that the two most ~aluable resources we have are each course: "Could this course be taught in a and history or needlework, Scrimshaw feels that we human life and time. Ask yourself, is this what you are bartering for a col- regular semester?" With the exception of study must ask, is this whatJan Term was meant to be? lege education? Letters to the Editor has been accused, he "will bring a because you don't like Its content I find out when and where the next it went along with the eel. We care! check for the amount to Mitchell change But is Ralph really an art or style- YOU write It!) I'm not go· meeting is, I'm going to be there. tenet. this Friday." So for the sake of major? If he Is, why hasn't he ing to talk about apathy on cern- So, all you little people out there, Dear Editor Robinson I would like to set the learned to draw? P!JS. I've had enough of my own. hiding behind your books, beer I am deeply disturbed by a facts straight. Second, every once in a while it I'm no longer all bark and no bite cans, and trlends . forget about the posfe r supporting WWMC -e-Last years Suitcase Party In- seems some fool has to come out I've heard and seen the results of people who just want to get drunk currently on display in the Rouzer volved the Soc. cern. buying two and muck up an issue with attacks the Spring Concerts on campus and Fri. and Sat. night (and any other lobby which tells freshman and tickets to Florida for the winners of on personalities, and like the since we haven't come up with any night of the week.} who WOUldn't sophomores that seniors do not the party raffle. Jeff purchased the above, It does nothing to cheapen a other thoughtful ideas (sorry, none even care If we had more movies, care what happens -,.jo them tickets in advance with Soc. Com. personal viewpoint (sorry, Ralph). today, I'm fresh out,) I am going to dances, a Spring Concert. or even a because seniors are not going to be money. Because reserve tickets Craig Rae seems dying to take vote for WWMC. It's a change of Radio Station. Raise your hands, here next year anyway. need names on them, Jeff had his the role this time; his inaccuracies pace (Just likeweneed),a new ex. voice your opinions, and stand I will ignore the fact, over-looked name and the name of another Soc. make his letter quite ludricrous. perience. and if it doesn't work out, atcne . and if you can't do thatJ~1 by the poster maker, that the head Com. member put on the tickets, I do not and never have wanted It's not like we didn't -try. (We can stand with ME! But be concerned! of WWMC and a prime-mover In with the Intention of exchanging to start a radio station just so I say the same for Spring Concerts. I know we're all very busy but I the station's establishmenf Is Dave them for the winner's tickets once could hear my voice on the air; I Obviously, their time is cver.j care enough to stop my own to help Denton who happens to be a chosen. This was to ensure space support the idea of a radio station And, lastly, as a member of the wllhothers member of the class of 1980. I took on the flight. and our continuing efforts towards student body, I have no idea what Yours truly, the poster personally especially After the party Jeff and the win- It because Its an Idea who's time is the SGA Isup to this year, so, when Jeni Woodward since L as elections committee ners went to the airport to ex- long overdue. This is not an eso- chairperson had already (as of change the tickets, but they were trip for me; though I may become IHI S .JAN~s .I:< :'1~1~~4(i}! 1:00 Tuesday) put in no less than 7 told that a direct exchange could a DJ, I have more than ulterior hours on the referendum and not be made. The Soc. Com. would motives. I think this school could 1SA.:5\::.E."t"c:....P.~s preparations for it. have to wait a few weeks for Its re- benefit a lot more from a radio ste. Further, In this, my senior year, fund. This meant that they had to tion than any big one-shot concert. instead of "taking it easy," I am on buy new tickets. Theonly available Craig managed to even further the Honor Board, co-edltlnq means at that time was Jeff's slander me by quoting me out of .. Contrast, and heading the elections credit card, which he used. Jeff context, saying I said that ali last committee. And if I were in it for had the airlines send the refund spring "We didn't know what we prestige an9 glory, I would be check, which was made out to the were doing." In Its original con severely disappointed. Aside from Soc. Com., to him. He then payed text, the statement means that what I'm doing at the moment, in himself back for the tickets which when the committee approached the Spring I will run elections for he payed for. the problem of fund-raising, we next year's SGA and class officers, What the airline said would be a went into it blindly because of our help_with selection for next year's few weeks turned out to be a few lack of experience In that area. editors of campus publications, months. The check did not reach This does not mean or Imply that . and stay around after I've finished Jeff until after he had graduated. our competence in researching my finals to sit on Honor Board The worst that Jeff can be accused technical feasibility and cost cases. of is taking his time getting the feasibility was inadequate; I know I've spent 3112 years here, and Soc. Com. check to the new Soc. we handled that area well. WMC with ali It's faults is lm- Com. and even that would be cues- It's too bad Craig wrote the let- portant to me. When I'm nOlonger tlonable because he no longer goes ter; 1 hope he isn't as shallow as giving support as a student I will here. his letter implies. And I hope I'm give It as an alumnus. Up until last week i was very In short--qulte separate and pleased to be associated with the a:a~~al~~w s~~~~:~ r--,-S=~C=':R=':I:'M=-':"S=':H:-::'A'7-::W=::---' apart from the radio station, I care Scrimshaw, but your flagrent ex- ~~~~~:r:ngt~lf: bothers me and I feel I must exer- very much about what happens ample of Irrisponslble tcurneusm cise my right to reply. Thank you here, both now and after i leave. makes me question my loyalty. for allowing metodoso. And I think that there are other .John Hines Sincerely yours, members of the Senior Class who Lee Maxwell share my sentiments. -Right to reply Thank You Ann Hackman A call to action Class of 1980 To Ms. Editor, I will restrain myself concerning Y'Know, Bad news - what I consider to be a dlsappoln- I never thought I'd see the day ting editorial stant In last week's when I'd be writIng for the Scrim- Scrimshaw concerning WWMC. I shaw, especially to the Editor Dear Editor, will simply say that your editorial (when in reality I'm not writing to I am disapolnted In the way you made some valid points, which I the Editor, I'm writing to the au- mislead your readers in "Spirit think we answered well in our flyer dience of Scrimshaw.) Folks out Lingers", the article linking Jeff last Tuesday. there complain about the im- Robinson to $25.01of Social Commtt- I will comment on two things, poverished Scrimshaw but I've ScrimsMw welcomes and encourages diverse opinions, and prOVides tee money. Your article makes it however, first, the editorial car- decided to spruce it up by writing room for--opposing viewpoints. If you desire to be published, or wish sound as if Robinson stole the toon. I thougFit it was a good one; it this letter. {You're not going to communicate in any other fashion, please address material to Scrim- money last year and now that he lampooned us pretty well, and for a help the Scrimshaw by ignoring It L':::h':.:W::.'':Bo::;'.::',:;w::;,::,,,::.,::." Ma::::,.::y,::.";::d.::Co:::,,:::,g=:;,:,:, W::,:::":::m:::'":::,':::".:.,M",O""",21.::"::.:'._--,
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